
Japanese Elementary School 日本の小学校

("Randoseru" which is typical Japanese backpack for elementary school students. Girls usually get red or pink ones, and boys get black ones. In Japan, we use this Randoseru for 6 years until we graduate from elementary school.)
(Japanese: ランドセルの写真。アメリカにはランドセルはありません。子どもたちは自分のリュックサックにノートなどを入れて学校に来ます。)

Friday, 12/22

This morning, I visited Minamigaoka Elementary School in Nerima, Tokyo. That is the elementary school I went. I called the principal about two weeks ago from Maui to ask for an approval to visit the school and observe children in classrooms. The principal and the vice-principal both looked young, and they seemed to sincerely care about students. Since I started to work in a public elementary school on Maui, I have been curious to remember how Japanese public education looks like compared to one in America.

It was very nice of the school to have me again. The principal introduced me to the teachers during the teacher meeting in the morning, and he suggested me to visit four different classrooms in the morning with different grade levels.

I am going to make a PowerPoint presentation later and will share it with my classmate in Hawaii. There are a lot of differences and similarities between how Japanese and American public education are operated. I am fortunate to be able to compare two different countries. I would love to learn how other countries are educating our youngsters.

(The teacher is writing words on the blackboard, and students are learning how to write beautiful letters.)
(Japanese: ある教室の授業風景。)






(First graders' time table.)

Friends 友達

Thursday, 12/21

After I had a heartwarming lunch, I went to see my friend, Barbara and her beautiful sons. Barbara and I met on Maui about four or five years ago through my dance teacher, Suga. Since then, we have been keeping in touch with each other. Her name does not sound like Japanese, but she is from Uwajima, Ehime which is close to where I am from. She has taught English at university in Japan and has married to a Japanese man who was born and raised in Oregon, U.S. The last time I saw them was probably about two years ago. I was wondering how their sons would look like by now. The oldest son is now a 3rd grader, the second one is almost a 1st grader, and the third one was just born two months ago. It was very nice to see them again, and the boys were a lot bigger than I expected. I was surprised by their rapid growth. The two big boys loved the new-born brother so dearly.

After that, I took another train to go to Ikebukuro. I saw my best friends from high school. When I was a high school student, I was a member of a rhythmic gymnastic club. It was a strict club. We had to practice everyday, even on weekends. The friends I saw in Ikebukuro were also the members of the club. We spent three years together. We probably saw each other more than we saw our families. We went through everything together; we cried and laughed together. When I saw them, I did not feel any strangeness or shyness. We were back to the days in high school right away. We walk on different paths now, but we have this part of our lives that we supported each other so intensely; therefore, we know for sure that the friendship we have will last lifelong and will support us all the way.

After that, I moved to Nerima where I used to live. Before I left Maui, I told my friends in Tokyo that I was going to visit Tokyo, and they suggested having a small reunion. I went to an elementary and junior high school in Tokyo. Junior high school years were the most enjoyable years. Studying was not that hard yet, and my friends made me laugh a lot. I think that I laughed the most during the years. I had a lot of nice friends, and fortunately, I remained contacts with them. One of my guy friends works at "Kushiyaki Gocchi" which is like a Japanese restaurant. He offered us to have the reunion there.

There were about 13 friends. It was so nice to see them again. All of the memories were brought up. Everyone was going their own path as a young adult. Most of them are working. Some are still college students (including myself). Some became parents. I was encouraged by knowing how everyone was creating their own lives. We were small kids, learning how to add and subtract. Now, we drive, go out by ourselves, work and earn money, make decisions on our own, and more...

I was appreciative because I was reminded that I have friends, and they are not just friends but great friends. Thank you, everyone for making it happen while everyone had a busy schedule.

(Miyuki Inn in Kamishakuji, Tokyo. About $40 per night w/o meals)
(Japanese: 東京の上石神井にあるみゆき旅館。一晩お一人で素泊まりで3500円でした。)

An old samurai armor that was displayed in the small Japanese inn I stayed.
(Japanese: 侍の鎧かな。みゆき旅館の玄関に飾られていました。)









Soul Food ソウルフード

(Kasuga Shrine, close to the Japanese inn I stayed. It's interesting that it is sandwiched by two buildings on both sides. The development of Tokyo and Japanese culture could co-exist...?)
(Japanese: 春日神社。泊まった旅館の近くにありました。ビルとビルの間にあるとこが面白い。東京の発展と日本の文化の共存なるか・・・。)

Thursday, 12/21

This morning, I had an interview with the U.S. embassy in Tokyo. I had to apply for a new student visa (F1 visa) since my old one expired.

It was a lot of work to prepare all the required forms.

The interview itself was a lot easier and faster than I expected.
After everything was done, I was very hungry.

As soon as I stepped out of the U.S. embassy, I found a cute store called, "Organic House." It was a small place but had many customers. I went in, and I was happy because there were healthy, yummy foods that I like!

I ordered a cup of Miso soup as well.
The moment I sipped Miso soup, I felt like I was home. "I am in Japan..." That's what I thought. Miso soup is one of my "soul" foods that heal me from inside. I think that it is very important to educate children with food that reflect their culture because their food is where they can come back. Children who have a place to "go back" can keep going.




全てが終わり、アメリカ大使館を後にした頃には私はおなかペコペコでした。建物から出るなり、見つけたのがこの「Organic House(オルガニックハウス)」というかわいいお店でした。小さなお店でしたが、沢山のお客さんが来ていました。中に入った私はすぐにニヤーとしました。なぜなら私の好きそうなヘルシーでおいしいご飯が沢山あったから!



I am in Japan 日本に帰ってきた

I am in Japan now.

I left Maui on Tuesday, 12/19/06, and I arrived at Narita International Airport (Tokyo) at 5 pm on Wednesday, 12/20/06. I lost one day.

I stayed at a small Japanese inn in Akasaka on that night.

I took a subway to go to Akasaka from the airport.

The view I saw as soon as I came up to the ground level was this, the Tokyo tower.

My father used to work in the Tokyo tower as an engineer from NHK (Japanese National Broadcasting Company) when we lived in Tokyo. This unexpected view all of sudden brought up all the memories when I was young.

I was very tired from the long flight. I fell in asleep easily.










The Last Day 最後の日

(One mother and her child gave me this such a beautiful lei that is worn on the head.)
(Japanese: ある親子から頂いた頭に飾る大変美しいレイ)

On my last day at the field experience classroom, children gave me a surprise party as well as handful flowers, leis and gifts.

They made me cry.

They made my desire to be a teacher even stronger.

I cannot help to pray hard that each and every one of them will have a bright future.

(Letters and flowers given by the children)
(Japanese: みんながくれたお花と手紙)


(Thank you card. Inside of it, there were...)





(Children drew their faces.)
(Japanese: 子どもたちがそれぞれに自分の顔を描いてくれていました。)


UH F2F Weekend ハワイ大学な週末

I have not updated my blog since 11/22. It's been busy and hectic as the end of semester approaches. I had a lot of assignments to turn in, and I tried to not procrastinate. A good time management skill is something that I really need to work on.
This weekend, I had University of Hawaii (UH)'s Face to Face (F2F) weekend course. It is so nice to see my classmates because we only get to see each other once or twice per month. What nice about seeing them is to understand and being understood what we are all going through: family, school, work, responsibilities, relationships, and so on.

It is Sunday afternoon now. The class ended at 1 pm. I am thinking to get a birthday gift for my friend, going to Office Max and get a stationary I need, and going to BORDERS to relax... I like to order a cup of tea and just read magazines with no purpose.

Another week will begin tomorrow. I better rejuvenate myself.

[Photo: The colorful wooden bars were introduced to us during the weekend course. Teachers can use them to teach students many mathematical concepts.]




今は日曜日の午後です。1時に授業が終わりました。これから友達の誕生日プレゼントを買って、Office Maxという大きな文房具屋さんに行ってある必要な文房具を買って、BORDERSという大きな本屋さんに行こうかと考えています。BORDERSでお茶を飲みながら、理由無く雑誌を読んでリラックスrするのが好き。(BORDERSはアメリカの大手の本やCDを売る店で、全国規模です。中にはカフェもあり、立ち読みも大歓迎って感じの本好きにはたまらないお店です。)




iPod Nano アイポッド ナノ

I did not think that I would have an iPod just because 1) I did not have money to buy one and 2) I could not think of time to use it. (Only time I listen to music is usually when I am driving my car, with the car audio system.)

BUT, I got one!!!
Loren gave it to me. When he signed up for a new bank, the bank gave one iPod to each new customer. He already had an iPod, so he asked me if I would want one. I said, "If there is nobody else you know who would be benefited by this more than I will, I will take it for sure!!" I was thinking of a couple of boys who used to be in his program. Loren said that they already have one.

Wow, I finally have an iPod! Although I was very happy when Loren gave it to me, I could not open it for awhile (like a month!) First reason was due to my personality. I am kind of a person who is really careful to open a gift and want to think how and when to use it before I open it. Second reason was due to my schedule. Simply, I did not have time to download the software to my computer and transfer music to the iPod.

I finally did it last week. iPod Nano is so tiny and skinny. I hope I won't loose it :) It is so nice to have music in life! Music can color the ordinary view more vividly.





イエーイ!私もiPodだよーん。しかしですね、こんなに嬉しかったにも関わらず、ローレンにもらってからしばらく開けてませんでした。(一ヶ月くらい!)理由は・・・。その一. 私はプレゼントをもらうとまずどんな風にいつ使うか考えて、それから時間をかけて開けてるという性質(たち)のため。その二. iPodに曲を入れるためには私のコンピューターにソフトウェアをダウンロードして、それから曲をiPodに移さなくちゃいけないんですけど、それをする時間が無かった。

先週、やっと出来ました。iPodにも色々種類があるそうなのですが、私のはiPod Nanoといいます。とても小さくて薄いです。無くさないように気をつけようっと。生活に音楽があるっていいですよね。普段の何気ない眺めも、音楽によって色づけられます。


Cramps 激痛

Today, I had the worst cramps. It started around noon and escarlated gradually. I was supposed to be at the elementary school for my student teaching until 2:30 pm, but my mentor teacher saw me struggling to deal with the pain and suggested me to ho home at 2 pm. (Students were already gone.) My mentor teacher gave me a pain killer. I took it. I walked to the parking lot, and I could not drive. That's how intense the pain was. I lay down on the back seat of my car. I didn't know how long I had to lie down there. After I drowsed out for awhile, the pill seemed to have kicked in. I started to feel better. I looked at my cell phone to see what time it was. It was already 4:00 pm!! I was there for two hours. There were no car left but mine at the parking lot. I slowely drove home.

I had no problem with cramps until I became 22 years old. I do not know what would work for me. I do not like to take unnatural pills. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks.

[Photo: My car's sunroof. I like to open it, recline my car seat, and watch the sky.]






Field Trip 遠足

Copyright © Jocelyn Carlin 2003

Friday, we had a field trip to Maui Art Cultraul Center (MACC) to see a show from Solomon Islands. I did not know where Solomon Islands were. According to Wikipedia, "The Solomon Islands is a nation in Melanesia east of Papua New Guinea, consisting of nearly one thousand islands."

I very much enjoyed their music and dance!! All the dancers looked young, about 15 to 18 years old. There were more boys than girls. They danced as they played interesting instrument which looked like a flute made out of bamboo. They had anklets made out of shells, so they made joyous sounds each time they stepped on the floor. Their music was soft yet fluidity and gave me a feeling of festivity.

I hope that the kids we took enjoyed seeing different cultures. I hope to encourage children to learn to appreciate different cultures and values because there are a lot to learn from each other.

After the show, we had a lunch at a park. After the lunch, children played at the play ground as you can see in the picture above.


金曜日は遠足の日でした。Maui Art Cultraul Center(MACC)にソロモン諸島から来たショーを観に行きました。私は遠足の日までソロモン諸島が何処にあるのか知りませんでした。Wikipediaによりますと、「ソロモン諸島(ソロモンしょとう)は、南太平洋のメラネシアにある島々(島嶼群)であり、また、その島々を国土とする島国である。オーストラリアの北東、パプアニューギニアの東に位置する。」




Wrapping Up Year 2006 2006年を締めくくる

The year 2006 is almost over. 2007 is coming.

I need to wrap "2006" up in the next month.

Today, I mainly stayed home. Only time I went out was when I went to a grocery shopping, a bank, and a post office. Today was the first day for a new caregiver, so I gave her an orientation. I hope that it will work out for her and us.

I did a lot of homework, and I researched about an air ticket to go back to Japan. It is expensive! It's almost $940.00!! Ahhh... I also have been researching how to "re-apply" for a student visa. It requires a lot of paper work... There are many things to do.

Well, I better go to bed, so this is it for tonight... One step at a time.

Good night, everyone.

[Photo: There was an Ikebana (flower arrangement) class when I was going to the massage school. I think that seeing beauty in nature and bringing it out is the same as seeing beauty in people and bring it out as a massage therapist. It will be great to be such a massage therapist. I arranged this one. I really liked the balance of it. I hope to maintain this balance in my life.]










Lessons 学び

[A child painting hearts in an activity.]
[(In Japanese) あるアクティビティでハートを描き並べている子]

Today was my day to go to the elementary school. I packed up the left over from last night as my lunch for today. (Loren cooked last night. Thank you, Loren.)

Mondays seem to be a little harder for children to focus because they need time to recover from weekends. Their teacher tells them to go to bed by 8 pm. I wonder what time I went to bed when I was a first grader. I think it was between 8 and 9 pm. Some students look tired after lunch. (So was I.) I admire my mentor teacher's skill to keep their attention on her throughout a day.

After the school, I went to Ho'okipa Beach to surf. I had not surfed for a long time, and my body and spirit wanted to be in the ocean! As soon as I paddled out, I caught two waves, but soon after that, a big set came in. I was paddling out, and I saw a lady in front of me with her long board. I tried to not go behind her, but there was not enough time to go around. I duck dived. Then, her board hit my right lower back (around the kidney area). It hurt so much! I could not breath for a second, but another set was coming in, so I put myself on my board and paddled out. It was a good lesson to remind myself to not go behind anyone and also to remind myself to not let my board go!

Tonight, I took a hut bath with Epson Salt to relax my muscles. I am in pain right now. I hope that it will get better soon because I cannot lift my leg up right now... :(

Any sport has its own risk, and I take the risk to enjoy it. Of course, I will be always do my best to keep myself safe, though.


[Ho'okipa Beach; this photo was taken in April, 2006]
[(In JApanese) 今年の4月に撮ったホオキパビーチ]







Teacher Candidate 先生の卵

(Students are singing an oli and a school song first thing in the morning. An oli is a chant; students ask for permission to come in to school and learn. Teachers oli back to the students, giving them permission to come in. I think that it's beautiful.

Japanese - 生徒と先生はオリと校歌を朝一番に歌います。オリはチャントで、チャントとは詠唱のことです。生徒は学校に来て学ぶことを許可(承認)してもらうよう謡います。先生は生徒のオリに応えるべく、教室へ入ることを認可するために謡います。とても美しい朝の行事だと思います。)

I have been doing student teaching at a public school on Maui since September. This is required by University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Education to be a certified teacher.

All students are placed in a classroom at a public school and observe, learn, and practice to be a teacher. For this semester, the next semester and one after the next semester, we go to the classroom only twice per week from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. For the last semester, we are going to be in a classroom five days a week from 7:20 am to 4:30 pm!! (It's like a full-time job but not being paid.)

The grade I was placed in is first. They are about 5 and 6 years old. (Most of them are 6 years old.) They are very cute and sweet. I go there Mondays and Thursdays.

I enjoy working with them and my mentor teacher. She used to teach a Hawaiian Immersion program, so she can speak both Hawaiian and English! The school I am placed in has the Hawaiian Immersion program, so half of the classes are taught only in Hawaiian language. In the program, everything (such as math, science, social studies) are taught in Hawaiian language. I personally think that it is very cool because those young generations are inheriting the old, beautiful culture. However, I heard that it is hard for the children because most of their families cannot help their homework because they do not speak Hawaiian. The students start to learn the formal English grammar in the fifth grade, and they have to quickly catch up with others who have been studying in English environment since the first grade.

By the way, the classroom I was placed in is called a regular classroom, meaning that instruction is in English. I would not be able to learn Hawaiian while I am learning English and about elementary education :)





その子たちの担任の先生が、私のメンター(先輩とか助言者っていう意味)で私の指導をしてくれます。子どもたちとメンター先生と一緒に働くのは良い経験になっています。彼女は以前、ハワイアン イマージョン プログラムで働いていたのでハワイ語と英語が話せます。私が配置された小学校はマウイの中でハワイアン イマージョン プログラムが導入されている小学校で、それぞれの学年の半分がハワイ語で勉強をしています。イマージョンの意味は学習中の言語を使って生活しながらその言語を習得する教育方法です。そのプログラムに入っている子どもたちは、算数も社会も、理科も全てハワイ語で勉強するわけです。家や学校の外では英語を話しています。中には両親がハワイ語を話す家庭もあるそうですが、多くはありません。私個人的には、ハワイアンという古き美しい文化がちゃんと若い世代たちに伝わっていっているのを見て素晴らしいと思います。(子どもたちは大変そうですが。家族がハワイ語を読み書き出来ないので宿題を手伝えない場合が多いらしいです。小学5年生になったときに英語でも授業を取り始めます。そのときに英語の文法とかを習います。普段英語を話していても、書くとなると別の話らしく、そこで一年生から英語を勉強してきている子との差を埋めるのが大変らしいです。)


Hats by Emi 帽子byエミ

I have been helping a lady who is an wonderful artist, and she is a milliner (one that makes, trims, designs, or sells hats). Her name is Emi.

Now, what I am doing for her is basically helping her to market her hats.

First, I was introduced to her through my friend. She needed some hands to pack her belongings as she was going to move. It was going to be a temporal thing. However, things happened, and the packing process was canceled. Then, she asked me if I would help her to make a web-site in order to sell her hats on-line. She had two spine surgeries and is still recovering from them; therefore, she cannot work a lot. Being able to sell her hats on-line was a good idea and was important, so that she can work from home while she is healing her severe back pain.

It's been a great honor for me to work with her and see her developing her business again while she is going through so many challenges in her life at this moment. She is strong, and her will to make her life beautiful just like her hats inspires me. She still follows her passion, and she shows me how we can be okay no matter what happen in our lives.

We have sent out postcards and e-mails to her customers (more than 400!!) in Honolulu and in the mainland. We also put her hat on e-bay. We received several responses. One lady ordered a hat for her tea party!

Please visit her web-site. It is http://www.hatsbyemionmaui.com/. (It was made with help from a company called Homestead.) I think that we did a good job of making it looks neat and professional. When you visit the web-site, you might notice that the hat models are my friend Sarala and me... Sarala was supposed to be the model, but there was some difficulty with her baby while we were taking photos, so I became a model as a pinch hitter although I said "no, noway." Well, we are going to take better shots soon... :)

Her hats were also taken up on the magazine, "Maui No Ka Oi" on the Holiday Wrap-Up section.

I hope that Emi will receive many requests from customers all over the world. Please help us to spread the word out! Mahalo! (Thank you).





今までに400通以上のポストカードをエミの昔のお客様に送りました。それからE-mailも。何人かの方からは返事も来て、ある人はエミの帽子を注文してくれました。お茶会(Tea Party)に被っていくそうです。e-bayにも彼女の帽子がオークションに出ています。


最近では"Maui No Ka Oi" という雑誌のクリスマスギフトの特集で Holiday Wrap-Up sectionエミの帽子が取り上げられました!



Happy Birthday! お誕生日おめでとう!

Happy Birthday to Akari-san!

Today is my 24th birthday.
Actually my birthday was yesterday in Japan, but today is my birthday here on Maui, so I can have my birthday twice :)

Today, many friends called me and celebrated my birthday. I am speechlessly grateful. Loren secretly called my friends and reminded them that it was my birthday. It was a sweet, surprise-phone-call-party.

I think that a birthday is a day when I appreciate my life and the fact that I was born to this world. (I do everyday, but what I mean is that I especially appreciate on my birthday.) Also, it is a day to appreciate my parents and ancestors for giving me this life and people all around me who have supported, have been supporting, and will be supporting my growth.

I was born in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan at 3:12 pm on October 27, 1982. My mother had a difficult labor for 28 hours because the umbilical cord was around my neck. (I think I played too much inside her tummy.) When I came out, I did not cry, so the doctor slapped my back, and I cried!! I thank my mom for going through such a hard labor.

Last night, at 8:12 pm (Maui time), I asked Loren to sing a couple of Native American prayer songs with me, and we prayed together. It was a beautiful way to open up my 24th year of life.

I was looking back my life last night. Of course, there were times when I cried, felt depressed, and struggled just like everyone does, but I am so in love with my life! It is great, and I know that it will be even greater.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank each and every one of you in my life (whoever reading this blog now, too) for being there for me. I love youuuuu!


(Picture: from this web-site. An artist, Matt Getz draw it.The world peace is the theme of my life. I wanted to remind that to myself on my birthday.)











(上の絵はこのウェブサイトで見つけ、使わせてもらっています。MATT GETZ というアーティストの方が描かれたようです。世界平和は私の人生の大きなテーマです。誕生日にそれを自分で認識したかったので。)


Rainbow Shower レインボーシャワー(虹の雨)


I have not been maintaining my blog as a periodic one. Well, I have been busy with school and everything (yes, everything...)

Today, I want to put up this picture for my dear friend, Carlen.

This rainbow shower is her favorite tree. This one was taken about a month ago, so the flowers are gone now. The tree was standing by the Baldwin Avenue. If you want to know more about the tree, here is some information.

I miss you, Carlen. I hope to see you soon.





このレインボーシャワーは彼女の大好きな木です。素敵な名前だと思いません?虹の雨ですよ。この写真は一ヶ月ほど前に撮ったので、今ではお花は散りました。木はボルドイン アベニューの傍に立っていました。もう少し木について知りたいわという方はここにもう少し情報があります。



The Exam マッサージセラピスト資格取得試験

What have happened after I came back to Maui from Washington?

Well, a lot of things. One of them is that I took the massage therapist examination. The test was held the day after we came back. I was studying for it in the air planes.

I was not 100 % confident to pass the test, but I was pretty comfortable because I had done my best to prepare myself. Even if I failed, I could take it again in December. That's what I told myself, but of course, I did want to pass it this time, so that I won't need to feel the pressure again.

After about 15 days passed, I received a letter. I was not nervous to open it as much as I was when I opened one for the University of Hawaii (UH) enrollment. According to the letter, I passed it!!!

Yes, I am now a licensed massage therapist technically. However, I cannot be actually licensed until I become a U.S. resident. Well, it does not matter because I do not have time to start a massage business because I am too busy with UH program anyway. I will keep practising on my friends and Loren, so that I won't forget what I learned.







Last Stop 2 ラストストップ2

Photo by Rudy Arias (found at DMB Warehouse)
撮影:ルディー アリアス(DMBのWarehouseページから抜粋)

I had another opportunity to think about what the "Last Stop" could mean after someone posted a comment. Today, I would like to share what I thought further after reading the comment. In Japanese, the last stop is "Syuchaku-eki." translated as the last train (or bus) station. This word was on the tip of my tongue, but I could not remember it. This happens a lot because I usually do not speak, listen, and write Japanese in my everyday life. Yet, my English is not getting better much, so I am stuck in between the two. For some reasons, the synapses in my brain do not get connected with one another.

I think that "the last stop" can be understood in different ways.

One is like I wrote on the blog yesterday, it might mean that now is the last chance to do something before everything becomes too late. Other one is that we arrived at the last bus (or train) station, so we have to walk on our own from here (meaning that we have to find the answer within ourselves). Lastly, what I can think of is that let's say we are traveling in a ship called, "human consciousness." Now is the last time when the ship "stops" and let us get on it, so don't miss it. One song could have so many meanings. That's the beauty about it, I think.

What do you think?


「Last Stop」は色々な解釈が取れるかと思います。




The Last Stop ラストストップ

"The Last Stop" was one of the songs played on the third night. I have introduced a couple of Dave Matthews Band songs here on my blog with actual movies. (Without YouTube, I could not have done this. I really appreciate that technology is improving everyday. I just hope that we can always use it in a healthy way.)

All the songs I have introduced here so far are: "#41," "Crash into Me," "Everyday," and "One Sweet World." All of them are pretty mellow, sweet, lovely songs. But, my favorite songs are not all like that. This "The Last Stop" is also in the top ten of my favorite songs although it is not so "mellow." I like its intensity. It's powerful. I also like its lyric. I think that we can think that this lyric was written for politicians. Yet, we also can think that it was written to each one of us. Is every thing we do in our daily lives really “right”? Aren’t there actually many things that we just ignore or even do not bother to think because “There is not time for me to think about it so seriously (denial) and “What can we do? The world does not change anyway (resignation).” What if now is the real last chance to make things better before it gets too late?

Now, we are at the last stop.

This year, at the Gorge, I especially liked what they projected on the screens. When the music was intense, the picture of fire was on the screen. When the music became peaceful, the picture of water was on the screen. I felt like I saw the hope of our human kind when it happened. I hope you can see that on YouTube. (FYI: This one was taped on 9/3/06 at Gorge, so I saw and heard this with my eyes and earrs!! I was at the far left facing to the stage.)

「ラスト ストップ」は三夜目に演奏された曲の一つでした。(日本語訳すると最終停留所って感じですが、「最終停留所」だと難い(かたい)感じがするのでそのまま「ラスト ストップ」にしておきます。)

今まで、このブログ上にてDave Matthews Bandの曲をそれらが実際に演奏されている様子が見れるムービーと一緒にいくつか紹介させて頂きました。(YouTube無しには出来ませんでした。日々、テクノロジーが進歩していることに感謝。でも、私たち人類がそれをいつも正しく使えるように祈りつつ。)

これまで紹介してきた曲たち「41番」「クラッシュ イントゥ ミー」「エブリデイ」「ワン スウィート ワールド」は全てが、割とゆっくりとした、優しい感じの曲ばかりだったと思います。今日紹介する「ラスト ストップ」は私のDMBソングの中でトップ10に入るくらい大好きなんですけど、ほんわかした曲ではありません。私は音楽的この曲の激しさが好きです。とてもパワフルなのです。そして歌詞も好きなのです。この歌は政治家に書かれたようにも読み取れるし、私たち一人一人に向けて書かれたメッセージでもあると思うのです。私たちが毎日していることの一つ一つは、本当に「正しい」のでしょうか。「仕方がないさ。」「毎日に忙しくて、そんなことを深刻に考えてる時間なんて無いよ。」って割り切っていることは実は沢山あるのでは無いでしょうか。全てが手遅れになる前に、もし今が本当に最後のチャンスとしたら。今が私たちの最後のストップです。

今年、ゴージで私が特に楽しんだのは、ステージの上にあったスクリーンに映し出される映像でした。この「ラスト ストップ」の歌の激しいところでは炎が映し出されていて、途中平和的な音楽に変わったところでは水の映像に変わりました。私はそこに私たち人類の希望を見たような気がするのです。YouTubeで見れるので、見てみてください。 (ちなみにこの映像は2006年9月3日にゴージにて撮影されたものです。つまり、私は本当にこのショーをこの眼で見てきました!!私はステージぬ向かって一番左側の席にいました。)



The Last Stop
By: Dave Matthews Band

Silence is poetry

The sun is well asleep
Moon is high above
Fire grows from the east
How is this
Hate so deep
Lead us all so blindly killing killing
Fools we are
If hate's the gate to peace
This is the last stop
For raining tears

The only way to Peace
I don't fall for that
Raining tears

You're righteous, so righteous, so righteous
You're always so right
Go ahead and dream
Go ahead believe that you are the chosen one
Raining tears
Oh no

Gracious even God
Bloodied on the cross
Your sins are washed enough
Mother's cry
"Is hate so deep
Must a baby's bones
This hungry fire feed?"
As smoke clouds roll in
The symphony of death
This is the last stop

Right is wrong now
Shut up you big lie
This black and white lie
You comb your hair to hide
Your lying eyes

You're righteous, so righteous, so righteous
You're always so right
But why your lie
Go ahead and dream
Go ahead believe that you are the chosen one

This is the last stop
Here there's more than is showing up
Hope that we can break it down
So it's not so black and white

This is the last stop
Here there's more than is showing up
Hope that we can break it down
So it's not so black and white

You're righteous
You're righteous
You're righteous
You're always so right
But there you are nailing a good tree
Then say forgive me, forgive me

Go ahead and dream
Go ahead believe that you are the chosen one

Raining tears
This is the last stop
Here there is more than is showing up
But I hope that we can break it down
It's not so black and white

(Translated to Japanese 日本語の歌詞 by Akari Ueoka)











Washington Trip (13) ワシントントリップ (13) 9/3

Sunday, 9/3

Today was the last day in Washington. We drove to Spokane, one of the biggest cities in the state of Washington. There was no specific reason why we went there. We just wanted to do something, and also Loren wanted to see what Spokane look like. When we drove in the center of Spokane, we found a summer fair. It was fun to visit the fair for about an hour. We came back to Gorge around 4 pm and got ready to go to the last show of DMB in Gorge 2006. We saw two men from Minnesota at the same spot where we met them last year! Loren and I have been calling them, "Cousins" because they are cousin to each other. They are such nice people, and we had a great time with them last year. We met them on the third night last year, and we saw them again on the third night this year. According to them, they were at the spot for the last two nights, and so were we, but Loren and I did not see them for some reason. We were just wondering if we could see them again. And we did!! They also remembered us very well. They were also hoping to see us again. They call us, "the couple from Hawaii" because they had not met anyone from Hawaii to come all the way to Washington for DMB. It was such a nice reunion.
But, I did not ask for their contact information, and I did not think about it even for a moment, so I regretted about it. But, for some reason, I feel like it's meant to be. Because they appeared unexpectedly, they danced with us and shared all good energy with us, they delivered words to us that we wanted to hear or needed to hear, and then they left. I can believe if they were spirits that only exist at DMB show at the Gorge Amphitheater in order to help people have a great time. This year, whey they left, they said, “We’ll see you guys next year!” “I wanna see your dance again!” Loren and I were not planning to come back again next year, so we are now like, “…. we might?" Maybe not. Well, we don’t know.


9月3日 日曜日






The set list of the 3rd night:

Granny *
Typical Situation *
Grey Street *
Where Are You Going
The Idea Of You *
Lie In Our Graves *
Crush *
Dreaming Tree *
Last Stop *
Digging a Ditch *
Cant Stop
Jimi Thing *
Tripping Billies *

Loving Wings *
All Along The Watchtower *

Special Guests:* Rashawn Ross on Trumpet


One Sweet World ワン スウィート ワールド

This is a movie clip of "One Sweet World" played by Dave Matthews Band. I liked to dance with this song.

(Japanese) これは2005年の6月に撮影された「ワン スウィート ワールド」。画像をクリックすると自動的に始まります。この曲に合わせて踊るのが好き。


One sweet world
By: Dave Matthews Band

Nine planets round the sun
Only one does the sun embrace
Upon this watered one
So much we take for granted

So let us sleep outside tonight
Lay down in our mother's arms
For here we can rest safely

If green should slip to gray
But our hearts still bloody be
And if mountains crumble away
And the river dry
Would it stop the stepping feet

Take all that we can get
When it's done
Nobody left to bury here
Nobody left to dig the holes
And here we can rest safely

One sweet world
Around a star is spinning
One sweet world
And in her breath I'm swimming
And here we will rest in peace


ワン スウィート ワールド(すてきな一つの世界)

(アメリカでは、スウィート、「甘い」を味覚的な表現で使うことは勿論ですが、人の性格や行動に対して使うことも頻繁です。例えば誰かにプレゼントしたときなど、プレゼントを受け取った人は「Oh, you are so sweet. まぁ、なんてあなたはスウィートなの(思いやりがあるの)。」って言ったりします。それから「いい部屋を手頃な値段で見つけたんだ!」なんて話してるときに、聞いている側が「That's sweet. それはよかったね。」なんて具合に。なので、スウィートは「甘い、すてきな、気持ちのいい」という色々な意味が含まれてます。この曲の題名もそういう意味で、すてきな一つの世界と訳されるかと思います。)






Washington Trip (12) ワシントントリップ (12) 9/2 DMB

Photo by Rudy Arias (found at DMB Warehouse)
撮影:ルディー アリアス (DMBのWarehouseページから抜粋)

Saturday, 9/2

Tonight was the second night of DMB at Gorge 2006!!

After kayaking down the Yakima River all day, we rushed back to Gorge Amphitheater. We really liked the band that played before DMB came out on the stage. I forgot their name, though. I wish I remembered, so that I can get their songs...

Tonight's opening was "One Sweet World." This is also one of my favorite songs. Yes, I have a lot of 'favorite' songs. It's so hard to pick only one as my favorite.

(Photo above: Drummer Carter Beauford. He is always smiling.)




今晩のオープニングの曲は「One Sweet World」(ワン スウィート ワールド)でした。これも私の大好きな曲の一つです。はい、沢山「大好き」な曲があって、とても一つだけ選ぶことは出来ません。

(写真上:ドラマー カーター ビューフォード いつも笑顔で演奏。)

This was the set list for tonight.

One Sweet World *
Crash Into Me
Seek Up *
Grace Is Gone
When The World Ends *
Shotgun *
Don’t Drink the Water *
If I Had It All *
Dancing Nancies *
So Much To Say *
Too Much *
Break Free *
Pig *
Ants Marching *

American Baby Intro *
Pantala Naga Pampa *
Rapunzel *

Special Guests:
* Rashawn Ross on Trumpet

indicates a fade into the next song


Washington Trip (11) ワシントントリップ (11) 9/2 Yakima

(A monument by the Rill's Raft Take Out spot. Artist: Unknown)

Saturday, 9/2

This morning, we went to Yakima River to do kayaking. Last year, we also went to the same river with the same company. The company's name is Rill Adventures. A mother owns and runs it with her children. She remembered us!

(Before we went off, we listened to the directions carefully.)

We were actually going to do rafting at a different river, but the company we made a reservation canceled our trip due to the conditon of the river. We were really looking forward to do rafting, so it was a bit of dissapointment, but we did not mind to go back to Yakima and float down the beautiful, peaceful river. It felt really nice to go down the river quietly.

(Our lunch!)

9月2日 土曜日

今朝は、ヤキマリバーへカヤックをしに行きました。昨年も、同じ会社のボートを借りて、同じ川カヤックをしました。会社の名前は「リル アドベンチャーズ」。あるお母さんのビジネスで、彼女が子どもたちと一緒に営業をしています。彼女は私たちのことを覚えていました。

(This is where we had our lunch break.)


(Along the river, a stem train passed us.)

(A picture from the last year: Loren and Akari paddling hard.)