("Randoseru" which is typical Japanese backpack for elementary school students. Girls usually get red or pink ones, and boys get black ones. In Japan, we use this Randoseru for 6 years until we graduate from elementary school.)
(Japanese: ランドセルの写真。アメリカにはランドセルはありません。子どもたちは自分のリュックサックにノートなどを入れて学校に来ます。)
Friday, 12/22
This morning, I visited Minamigaoka Elementary School in Nerima, Tokyo. That is the elementary school I went. I called the principal about two weeks ago from Maui to ask for an approval to visit the school and observe children in classrooms. The principal and the vice-principal both looked young, and they seemed to sincerely care about students. Since I started to work in a public elementary school on Maui, I have been curious to remember how Japanese public education looks like compared to one in America.
It was very nice of the school to have me again. The principal introduced me to the teachers during the teacher meeting in the morning, and he suggested me to visit four different classrooms in the morning with different grade levels.
I am going to make a PowerPoint presentation later and will share it with my classmate in Hawaii. There are a lot of differences and similarities between how Japanese and American public education are operated. I am fortunate to be able to compare two different countries. I would love to learn how other countries are educating our youngsters.
(The teacher is writing words on the blackboard, and students are learning how to write beautiful letters.)
(Japanese: ある教室の授業風景。)
(First graders' time table.)
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