
Friends 友達

Thursday, 12/21

After I had a heartwarming lunch, I went to see my friend, Barbara and her beautiful sons. Barbara and I met on Maui about four or five years ago through my dance teacher, Suga. Since then, we have been keeping in touch with each other. Her name does not sound like Japanese, but she is from Uwajima, Ehime which is close to where I am from. She has taught English at university in Japan and has married to a Japanese man who was born and raised in Oregon, U.S. The last time I saw them was probably about two years ago. I was wondering how their sons would look like by now. The oldest son is now a 3rd grader, the second one is almost a 1st grader, and the third one was just born two months ago. It was very nice to see them again, and the boys were a lot bigger than I expected. I was surprised by their rapid growth. The two big boys loved the new-born brother so dearly.

After that, I took another train to go to Ikebukuro. I saw my best friends from high school. When I was a high school student, I was a member of a rhythmic gymnastic club. It was a strict club. We had to practice everyday, even on weekends. The friends I saw in Ikebukuro were also the members of the club. We spent three years together. We probably saw each other more than we saw our families. We went through everything together; we cried and laughed together. When I saw them, I did not feel any strangeness or shyness. We were back to the days in high school right away. We walk on different paths now, but we have this part of our lives that we supported each other so intensely; therefore, we know for sure that the friendship we have will last lifelong and will support us all the way.

After that, I moved to Nerima where I used to live. Before I left Maui, I told my friends in Tokyo that I was going to visit Tokyo, and they suggested having a small reunion. I went to an elementary and junior high school in Tokyo. Junior high school years were the most enjoyable years. Studying was not that hard yet, and my friends made me laugh a lot. I think that I laughed the most during the years. I had a lot of nice friends, and fortunately, I remained contacts with them. One of my guy friends works at "Kushiyaki Gocchi" which is like a Japanese restaurant. He offered us to have the reunion there.

There were about 13 friends. It was so nice to see them again. All of the memories were brought up. Everyone was going their own path as a young adult. Most of them are working. Some are still college students (including myself). Some became parents. I was encouraged by knowing how everyone was creating their own lives. We were small kids, learning how to add and subtract. Now, we drive, go out by ourselves, work and earn money, make decisions on our own, and more...

I was appreciative because I was reminded that I have friends, and they are not just friends but great friends. Thank you, everyone for making it happen while everyone had a busy schedule.

(Miyuki Inn in Kamishakuji, Tokyo. About $40 per night w/o meals)
(Japanese: 東京の上石神井にあるみゆき旅館。一晩お一人で素泊まりで3500円でした。)

An old samurai armor that was displayed in the small Japanese inn I stayed.
(Japanese: 侍の鎧かな。みゆき旅館の玄関に飾られていました。)








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