(Japanese: 春日神社。泊まった旅館の近くにありました。ビルとビルの間にあるとこが面白い。東京の発展と日本の文化の共存なるか・・・。)
Thursday, 12/21
This morning, I had an interview with the U.S. embassy in Tokyo. I had to apply for a new student visa (F1 visa) since my old one expired.
It was a lot of work to prepare all the required forms.
The interview itself was a lot easier and faster than I expected.
After everything was done, I was very hungry.
As soon as I stepped out of the U.S. embassy, I found a cute store called, "Organic House." It was a small place but had many customers. I went in, and I was happy because there were healthy, yummy foods that I like!
I ordered a cup of Miso soup as well.
The moment I sipped Miso soup, I felt like I was home. "I am in Japan..." That's what I thought. Miso soup is one of my "soul" foods that heal me from inside. I think that it is very important to educate children with food that reflect their culture because their food is where they can come back. Children who have a place to "go back" can keep going.
全てが終わり、アメリカ大使館を後にした頃には私はおなかペコペコでした。建物から出るなり、見つけたのがこの「Organic House(オルガニックハウス)」というかわいいお店でした。小さなお店でしたが、沢山のお客さんが来ていました。中に入った私はすぐにニヤーとしました。なぜなら私の好きそうなヘルシーでおいしいご飯が沢山あったから!
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