
Biodiesel Car バイオディーゼルカー

Dreams do come true!

For the past two year, getting a bio-diesel car was one of my dreams.

The reasons were:

  1. Gentle for the ecological environment (do not produce carbon dioxide which is one the main reasons of global warming)
  2. Wanted to support scientists and companies that were working on exploitation of other motive power of automobile besides fossil fuel
  3. Did not want to take part in supporting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq if it was ever true that the president of the United States started them in order to keep the fossil fuel for his country

There are a lot of web-sites about bio-diesel car:

The first person who led me to think about the relationship between what we drive around and the environmental issue was my friend whom I met during my Maui Community College years. He was studying about cars that run with straight vegetable oil. At his house, he had a machine to produce the automobile fuel made out of used cooking oil which he collected from restaurants on Maui. He was also educated in political issue related to alternate energy sources; he attended meetings of politicians and urged them to create a better system that supports alternate energy resources. He passionately told me that he wanted to contribute to the world peace by making vegetable-oil cars. I was inspired by this young man’s strong will and aspiration.

Because of him, I began to research about bio-diesel cars, and eventually, I began to seriously think about getting one for myself. However, I first had to get a diesel car in order to drive it with bio-diesel, and car companies that were making diesel passenger cars were usually European companies, such as Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen. I could not afford to buy these cars. There were old Mercedes available on Maui (alias: Maui Cruisers) that I could buy if I stretch myself a little bit, but I was not comfortable taking a risk of buying such an old car and ending up paying a lot of money to fix problems.

One day, Loren and my new friend bought a new diesel car. He told me that he was going to sell his old diesel car. He kindly told us that he would give us discount. It was a beautiful golden Mercedes 300SD made in 1984 (it’s only two years younger than me). Still, I could not afford it. I thought to myself, “Well, I am going to save money and someday, I will buy one!”

One morning, I saw the golden Mercedes parked outside of our house. That day was my birthday (last October). Loren had a smile on his face like a small rascal boy would have when he is trying to pull a stunt. He asked me, “Do you wanna test drive?”

When I told him that I was thinking to get a bio-diesel car, he was not into it. He was concerned about paying a lot of money to maintain an old car. So, it was surprising to me when he gave the golden Mercedes to me on that morning.

He gave me a key and letter. On the letter, he wrote, “There is something very special about you, my dear Akari. There is golden light that surrounds you that many people can see. Please take this Golden, Mercedes Benz Peacemobile as a vehicle that will protect you and carry you towards your dreams. Imagine the golden light that surrounds it everywhere you go as you sing songs and vision what the future might be like. Know that everywhere that car goes, that it brings the light of peace when you are driving it.” (Please excuse me if I sound like I am talking proudly about it, but I meant to share the beauty of this letter with you, not to brag.)

Now, the Peacemobile is running great with a hallmark given by a mechanic. As you can see in the photo, it is big and long. (The car beyond my car is a small car. Though, perspective makes it look even longer.) For the first time, I felt awkward to drive it, but soon I got used to it. It got a lot of room inside, and it is heavy which makes me feel like protected. It got leather seats, power window, and air conditioner and even got a sunroof. Wow, it is indeed a world-known luxury car. Power windows are normal nowadays, but I believe that it was such lavish 22 years ago. When I was small, I never thought that I would drive Mercedes Benz, but it is strange that I am driving one now (although it is old). I rarely use air conditioner (my previous car even did not have one), so I usually open the window. The golden Mercedes smells like popcorn or French fried potatoes which makes me surfer even more when I am hungry :)

I sold my previous car, Nissan Sentra. I would keep the money for the future expenses to maintain the Mercedes.

I am going to take good care of the car and want to have a long relationship with it. I heard that Mercedes made back then (1980s) are made really sturdy and able-bodied, so if I give it a periodical maintenance, it would keep running. I hope so. It was one of the ideas to drive a bio-diesel car in order to support the future generations. Someday, we will be transporting with something else. Thank you, Loren, for making one of my dreams come true!





  1. エコロジー(自然環境)に優しいから (地球温暖化の原因の一つである二酸化炭素の排出が無いため)

  2. いずれ石油は無くなるので、それにとって変わる車を走らせる原動力の開発に貢献したかった

  3. 何人もの人が評論をしているように、もしアメリカ国大統領が石油を確保したいがためにアフガニスンタンとイラクへの戦争に乗り出したという説が本当だとしたら、それに加担したくなかったため





彼が車の鍵と手紙をくれました。それに書かれていたことは「何かあかりには特別なものがあるね。沢山の人が言うように金色の光があかりの周りを取り巻いているんだ。どうかこのメルセデスベンツ ピースカーを、あかりを守りながら夢へと向かって運んでくれる車としてもらってください。あかりが将来を思い描きながらどこへ行くにも、金色の光がこの車を囲んでいるのを想像してごらんよ。この車が行くところ行くところ、平和の光をもたらすことを。」(はい、すみません。のろけ話みたいですみません。自慢話ではなく、上手に書いているなぁと思って感動したのでその感動を皆様とシェアしたく・・・。)






Sweat Lodge スウェットロッジ

Last night and today, I went to a sweat lodge.

Last night, one was held at our friend's place. (They are our good neighbors as well.) Today, it was held in 'Ulupalakua, up country of Maui.

Loren and I started to go to a sweat last year (around September). Loren has known about it for many years and has been actually conducting it himself for the kids he works with (Maui Hero Project).

I had heard about it for a long time, but I did not know what it was about, and I finally had an opportunity to attend one last September. Since then, I attend one almost every weekend.

I do not know enough to explain what a sweat lodge is about on my blog, but I will try to give you some idea in case you don't know. To put it in a simple way, it is a ceremony developed and practiced by Native American people. There are various forms of sweat lodge from region to region, and what I am finding out is that different cultures around the world also seem to have had similar ceremony. According to Loren, every indigenous culture has one.

To have a sweat lodge, I think that the first thing we need is an intention to pray. Then, we need a lodge like a picture above. The one in the picture was made by Loren and one of our elder members of the community. They did a beautiful work. Then, we need a fire to heat up stones (the fire is made outside of the lodge) which will be placed in the pit inside of the lodge later. Then, water will be poured over them which will make steam. We cover the lodge with large fabrics (we used tarp today) to make the inside completely dark.

As the ceremony begins, people go inside and sit. The leader who runs the sweat leads the whole ceremony. Again, there are various styles of sweat, and the one that we have been going is a Navajo style. First, five rocks are placed in the pit; four of them represent the four directions (east, south, west, and north), and one represents present. There are four rounds. We have water drums and songs to play and sing during each round. The first round is to pray for gratitude, the second round is women's prayer, and the third round is men's prayer, and the last one is an elder's prayer. People are encouraged to express their prayers when it is their turn, and we pray for each other as we sweat. I love listening to the drum and songs in the dark. For some reason, it makes me feel safe and makes me feel as if I am back to my home.

I have been enjoying experiences I have with a sweat lodge. It is physically helping me by detoxifying my body, and it has been tremendous support for my spiritual practice as well. What I love about Native American way is that it directly connects me to the mother earth. It reminds me of how beautiful and mighty nature is. It reminds me of our ancestors who passed their lives on to us. It reminds me of how sacred each and every one of our soul is.





ローレンと私は昨年の九月頃にスウェットロッジに行き始めました。ローレンはスウェットについては長年知っていて、彼のプログラム(Maui Hero Project)でも子どもたちのために何度も催したことがありました。でも、私はと言いますとスウェットロッジについて聞いてはいたものの、昨年の九月までは実際に行く機会がありませんでした。しかしそれからというもの、毎週末のように私達は参加しています。








Making a Home 家づくり

What I did today... (bedies working, doing homework, and going to Sarala's class)

1. Filled the nail holes with latex sealant.
                      Before 前

                      After 後

2. I bought a propane gas and connected it to my gas stove.

I was not sure how to connect and use them. After reading the manual book and thinking logically, I figured it out. I'm not used to using a lighter, so I was a bit afraid of using it over invisible gas. When the fire was lighted for the first time, I was excited. I was probably as happy as primitive people when they first discovered fire. (I was hungry, so I was desperate to figure it out. I cooked Udon (Japanese noodle), and it tasted even better than usual.)


3. I bought a light switch cover and put it on.

4. I put shelf liner in the cabinet.

5. I placed a dish (natural) dryer. (I put a Japanese kitchen towel underneath.)

6. I switched the cabinet door because it was opening to the left against a wall on the right side. It was a bit hard to reach inside because the space was limited.

I have to buy some items after I moved. Money has been spent. I want to use it wisely. Today, I did a couple of things that were my first time. I like to observe, think, explore, and discover the system, so I had fun today. I felt as if I discovered something great when I found holes for hinge on both sides of the cabinet door. It was a simple thing, but I was proud of myself for doing it on my own :)

A little by little, it's getting like my "home."




What I was doing recently この頃していたこと

Things I was doing for the past two weeks:
(Japanese) 過去二週間にしていたこと:

1. Moving (Loren and Grandma's move and my move overlapped, so it was hectic.)
(Japanese) 引越し(ローレンとおばあちゃんと私の引越しが同じ時期に重なったので余計にいそがしかった)

2. Cleaning (cleaning the new place and the old place)
(Japanese) 掃除(新しい家と前の家の掃除)

3. Student Teaching (as usual; two days per week)(Photo: students researching on the Internet)
(Japanese) 教育実習(いつも通り週に二日、計14時間。写真は生徒たちがコンピューターを使って調べものをしているところ)

4. Work (as usual; 14 hours per week)
(Japanese) 仕事(いつも通り週に14時間)

5. Dealing with the Mid-term week of college (a lot of reports & one presentation were due)
(Japanese) 大学の中間試験(沢山のレポートと1つのプレゼンテーションが先週締め切りでした)

6. Weekend college classes (I had a class on Fri, Sat, and Sun.)
(Japanese) 月に一度の週末授業が重なりました(金、土、日と授業)

7. Learning a new Izanai Yosakoi dance in four days (my dance teachers were visiting Maui from Japan, and I learned a new choreography in order to perform at Honolulu Festival and the Uanoa Festival on Maui.)
(Japanese) 新しいいざないよさこいの振り付けを習ってました(日本から先生が来ていて教えてくれました。4日しかなかったので一生懸命覚えました)

8. Flying over to Honolulu to perform the Izanai Yosakoi dance at Honolulu Festival
(Japanese) 日曜日の授業が終わってからホノルルに飛んでホノルルフェスティバルで踊ってきました(今回初めてgo!という新しい航空会社を使いました。アロハ航空やハワイアン航空より機体が小さいけど、全然揺れませんでした。天候が良かったのかな。値段も他の航空会社より安いです。

9. Danced at two shopping malls on Maui
(Japanese) マウイの二つのショッピングモールでも踊りました

10. Performing at the Uanoa Festival on Maui this past Sunday
(Japanese) この前の日曜日にはマウイで行われたUanoaフェスティバルで踊りました

Additionally, my car was not doing well, so I had no transportation for three days. I had a mechanic come over and fix it yesterday, so it runs now! But it cost me $300. My new place's toilet is not working promptly, and the water heater is not working at all, so I have been taking a shower at Loren's house which I do not mind at all. (My funny father said, "It must be nice to take a cold shower in Hawaii. You don't need hot shower, do you?" Well, dad, it is chilly to take a cold shower even on Maui, especially this rainy season.)
I have not set up a gas stove to cook warm meal yet, either. I have to get on it as soon as I find time.

(Japanese) それに付け加え、私の車の調子が悪くなって運転できない状態でした。昨日メカニックの人が来てくれて直してくれたので今はもう運転できるようになりましたが、$300かかりました・・・。新しい家のトイレが正常に動いていなかったり、シャワーの水を温めるヒーターが壊れていたり。(シャワーはローレンの家で使わせてもらっているので問題なしですが。)私の父は「ハワイだから水でもいいんじゃなあい?」ですって。いえ、お父さん、ハワイでも水のシャワーは寒いです。特に今の雨のよく降る季節は。台所にまだコンロもないので料理も出来ない状態です。今週中にセットアップしますが。

Loren has been having such a challenging time right now, so things have been dramatically intense. Yet, he has been putting his chin up and forging his way.


It was hard at one time, living in a chaotic place with boxes unpacked, cannot find certain things and going through this storm of happenings.


But, this past couple of weeks has been giving me a good opportunity to learn how to be strong and hold inner peace even when there is a storm outside. I was telling myself, “Akari, you got be stronger. What would you do if you ever go to a war-torn country in the future? You might not have anything that would comfort you, you might not settle down for months, in fact, you may travel and sleep on a different bed every night. You may never eat Japanese food there, and you may not able to take a hot shower for several days. Look at you. How blessed you are with warm cloths, nice bed, strong roof over your head, clean water to drink.” When I thought like this, I felt motivated. I felt my strength was awakening once again.


In the end, the world is a reflection of us.

This week is a spring break! I am going to settle down.


Busy but Fine いそがしいけど元気だよ

I have not updated my blog since 3/4. I am sorry if you have been checking here for the past several days. Please do not worry. I am alive! and I am doing fine. It's just have been intensely busy. Soon, I will let you know what I have been doing.

I hope you are doing well.

With Love,

(The photo was taken about a month ago; the Maui sky with a half-moon and pinkish cotton cloud.)









Moving 引越し

The plan to move back to Haiku from Pukalani was finally carried out today.

The house in Haiku is where Loren and I lived for the first year of our relationship. The house used to be Uncle Frankie's house who was Loren's uncle. So, Loren has known the house for a long time. About six years ago, he moved back to Maui and lived on the property. Three years later, Loren's grandma moved here on Maui from the mainland. They lived together for about a year, and then I joined them. The Pukalani house was a temporal place to live. This time, as we move back to Haiku, my room is going to be a different one from where I used to be. I was living at downstairs of the main house before, but this time, I am moving into an ohana (cottage) next to the main house.

This cottage was a good project for Loren and I to work together. We built it together! (Well, I did at the beginning of the work.) About a year and half ago, one of his neighbors asked him, "I have an old shack. It's wasteful to just break it down. Do you want it?" Loren looked at it, thought about it, and took it upon him. However, as you can tell from the photo, the shack was not in a good shape to live in!

First, a crane transferred it to the current site. Then, all the work began. Loren did not hire carpenters and did most of the work by himself. I helped, too by holding a heavy piece of wood up while he was nailing it.

When the outside was done, the inside needed lots of work as well. Put floors, tiles, closet, sink, mirror, kitchen, windows... There must have been steps that I cannot recall or even don't know. I think the hardest thing was to dig the sewage. Loren was working on it. Two events I felt so sorry for him was that a bee bit him, and a nail stuck in his wrist. Oh Loren, you did such a fantastic job!

We call the cottage, "Green Shack (because it is green)" or "Gardener's Shack (because gardeners used to live there)."

Okay, now, I have to unpack and settle down here. I enjoy doing it, though.







その小屋を私達は「Green Shack(緑の小屋)」、もしくは「Gardener's Shack(庭師の小屋)」と呼んでいます。(庭を手入れする人が続けて住んでいたので。)



Move Your Body 体を動かして

I have been quite busy with schooling, working, student teaching, applying for scholarships, and of course doing homework! But I managed to go to Sarala's Oddisi class this past Wednesday.

One of my resolutions for this year is to exercise at least once per week. I like to move my bodies, so it is supposed to be not a hard one for me, but what it makes it difficult is that I have to make commitment to make it happen by creating time.

It always feels so good after I exercise. I think that it helps me to let go of my emotional as well as physical stress.

I want to keep up with this resolution.




