
Thank You Very Much ありがとうございました

Today is December 30th, 2007 on Maui.
Today is December 31st, 2007 in Japan.

The year of 2007 is about to end.
I won’t have an access to the Internet for the next couple of days (I am going to camping), so before the year changes, I would like to thank everyone whom I encountered through various ways this year. All my relations have founded who I am today. So thank you very much for being who you are.

I pray that each and every one of your new year will be filled with full of laughs, smiles, giggles, and good tears. Even when you go through rough times, I pray that something will always remind you how beautiful you are and how delicious our lives can be.

Please remember that I am here for you always.

With much love and respect,

Akari Ueoka








上岡 安佳里


New Printer 新しいプリンター

I bought a new printer. Yay!

For the past five years of my college life, I always had a printer at home, but I had never bought one for myself. Fortunately, there were always friends who passed down their printers to me. When I was just realizing that a printer could be a very useful tool to have at home in order to expedite my studying, my Japanese friend, K (I saw her in Kyoto last summer) gave me her printer because she was moving away. When the printer started to act strangely, my friend, Carlen (she is in Oahu now) gave me hers because she was also moving away. When I started to feel the need for scanner and copy functions, I found my third printer, Lexmark X83, from a pile of junk :) (I gave Carlen's printer to a friend of mine.) Interestingly, there has been always someone who gave me what I needed.

Finally, the life of Lexmark X83 seemed to come to its end about a month ago. It started to act strangely, and I tried numerous things to fix the problems. I corresponded with Lexmark Customer Service Center for about three weeks, going back and forth, trying different things out. It was frustrating, but the bright side of that was that I learned a lot about computer through this process. I was also hoping that while I was trying to fix the problem, someone with a printer might show up and give it to me (hehehe ;D )

However, no one did, and the Lexmark Service Center stopped responding back to me, so I came to a conclusion to buy a new one. I wanted a multiple functions in a printer, such as scanning and copying, so after I compared some products and researched on the Internet, I chose Canon Pixma MP470. It was about $100 including one black and one color ink cartridge and shipping. I hope to use this printer for a long time.

I think I was the person who gave myself what I needed this time :)

Lately, I have been thinking that I can be the person who provides what I need. Or almost I should be the one. (Of course, it's important to evaluate whether what I need is really needed or not, though.) Not only for material wise, but more so for emotional and spiritual aspects of my life, I think it's important that I provide what I need. I think I can live more freely and with less stress if I can self sufficient my needs. Certainly, I don't mean that it is a bad thing to help each other. We need help from others, so I think what I mean is that it's faster to get what I need if I seek it inside of me rather than outside of me (because it's right there with me right now). And often, what I am looking for is inside of me rather than outside of me, especially for emotional and spiritual needs. For instance, I can be freed from the dilemma between wanting to be appreciated and not being appreciated if I appreciated myself. Well, it's easy to say but not so easy to do :) In the past, there was an important occasion where I wanted a certain person to attend. However, the person could not make it, and I felt sad. My friend then asked me, "What could you get out of it if the person attended?" I answered, "I would have been recognized for my achievement." She responded, "I see, I hear you. Well, maybe the person will be able to attend the next occasion. By the way, did you recognize yourself for your achievement?" This was a big eye-opening question. I even did not recognize myself and was expecting the person to do it for me. I told her, "I did not even think to do it for myself." She said, "Well, you can still do it now." So I did. I told myself, "I am proud of you for what you have done." I felt so freed after that. My heart was lifted up as if some weight that was holding the heart down on the ground disappeared. Since then, whenever I feel, "I want to be treated this way," or "I need someone to do this for me," I ask myself, "Have I done that for myself?" It is surprising to find out that I have not done most of the times. I got to do it for myself first, huh? It's not too late to seek outside of me after I seek it inside of me... And most of the times, I find "it" inside of me anyway.

I was writing about my printer. How did I get here??? Oh well.

For Maui Residents:
You can bring your old computer, printer, and cell phone devices to Container in Pu'unene. People there recycle them. Their phone number is 877-2524. They are open from 9 to 4 pm from Monday to Friday. Let's minimize dumping trash in the landfill!

Yay, it arrived!
(Japanese: やったー。届いたよ!)


My old printer: Lexmark X83. It worked hard for me. Thank you.)
(Japanese: 私の古いプリンター。レックスマーク社のX83というタイプ。頑張って働いてくれました。)


過去5年間の学生生活の中で、最低一つのプリンターが家に常にありましたが、自分で買ったことはありませんでした。有難いことに、いつも誰かしらからプリンターを譲り受けていたのです。丁度学生になったばかりで、「あぁ、学校生活をもっと効率よく過ごすためにはプリンターが家にあったらどんなにいいだろう」と思い始めていた頃、友達のK(この前の夏に日本で会ったK)が引っ越すということで彼女のプリンターをくれました。そのプリンターが残念なことに壊れてしまったときに、今度はカーレンという友達が引っ越すので彼女のプリンターをくれました。それから暫くして、「スキャナーやコピー機能のついたプリンターがあったら仕事が捗る(はかどる)のになぁ・・・(家で仕事をしていたので)」と思い出した頃、あるゴミの山からLexmark X83というスキャナーとコピー機能の付いたプリントを見つけました。(カーレンにもらったプリンターは友達にあげました。)面白いことに、いつも誰かしらが私が必要としているものをくれました。

一ヶ月ほど前に、Lexmark X83がプリントアウトをしなくなり、もしや彼の運命もここまでかと思われました。色々とやってみたのですが、うんともすんとも言わなくなりました。レックスマーク社のお客様サービスセンターともメール上で連絡を取り合い、三週間ほどああでもない、こうでもないとお互いに色々とやったのですが直りませんでした。こうやって直している間に、また誰かプリンターをくれる人が現れたらいいなぁなんて望んでもおりました(ウシシシ。)







Cry, so You can Laugh Again 泣けたからまた笑えるよ

On 12/17, a man whom I have known for the past 8 years passed away.

He was my friend and a big brother. Although we did not see each other often, maybe once a year, he always cared for me, and I liked his big smiles and sense of humor. I could tell if he was in the same room because he was always making people laugh.

It was a sudden notice. He had a liver cancer, and as a liver is called "a silent organ," he did not have any symptom until recently. By the time he had some symptoms and saw a doctor, the cancer was spread.

He was visiting Maui with his partner this month to heal his cancer. One night, he started to have an excruciating pain, and he was admitted to an emergency room. The next morning, he left this world.

Everything happened so quickly, so keeping my head and heart up with them was a challenge. I could manage to act with my head, but my heart had not comprehended what happened. I easily could see him appearing again and saying, "It was a bad joke!"

On the night of the day he passed away, we had a ceremony at his partner's house (they were renting a house on Maui). People who have known him gathered. We talked about memories with him, chanted, prayed, and sang sings for him. I felt his spirit around us as if to say, "Everything is all right. I am okay. I am at a very good place now."

The moment when my heart finally comprehended his death was when I participated a cremation ceremony. He looked clean and calm. We decorated his coffin with flowers. It was a sincere, hand-made, beautiful ceremony. When the top of the coffin was closed and was about to put in fire, his partner started to wail. Seeing her crying bitterly with grief helped me to finally accept his death. I was able to let myself cry from the bottom of my heart. I cried quietly as I was looking up the ceiling of the mortuary. I knew that our souls live forever, and we all can be connected with him forever, but it was still sad that I could not joke around and laugh with him and hug him as a human anymore. I tasted the sadness firmly because I thought it was one of the pleasures of living as a human. After I let myself cry, I felt refreshed. I felt that I could move on after I surely accepted what have happened. I appreciated that his partner showed her emotions so openly. I was appreciative that we held the space for her to feel safe enough to cry. I appreciated each and every person who was there to support her. After awhile, she stopped crying, stood up strongly with a big smile on her face, and held a baby of her friend. The baby's smiles and giggles reminded all of us the beauty of life. Life goes on, and life goes around. Even this baby will leave this world someday. We all do. Until then, I want to live my life to its fullest by embodying who I really am and enjoy its process.

I would like to take over his wish, "live in harmony with everyone," and walk on with a sense of humor and courage in my heart. Thank you.











Patica パティッツァ

(Grandma's cute, antique grinder. We used this to grind walnuts.)
(Japanese: おばあちゃんの かわいい これまたアンティークな、くるみを挽く道具。)

I had a wonderful Christmas.

We woke up early (6:15 am) on Christmas to do a web-cam chat with Loren's sister and her family in Wisconsin (5 hours ahead of Hawaii). Grandma Elsie, Loren, and I enjoyed watching Loren's niece and nephew opening their gifts. The nephew is 4 and half years old, and the niece just turned two years old. They are so cute! I appreciate that technology has developed, so that Grandma Elsie could see kids opening the gifts as a live show despite of the distance.

After that, Grandma Elsie, Loren, and I started to make Patica. It's a Slovenian bakery. (Grandma Elise is 100% Slovenian. Her parents came to the U.S. when they were young, and Grandma Elsie was born in Ohio. She can speak Slovenian and English. It's interesting that I went to the Balkan right before I met her (and Loren), so I knew some words to say in her language. She teaches me some more words. I enjoy listening to her stories. She is a good story teller.) Grandma Elsie learned how to make Patica from her mother. This year, Loren decided to learn it from her.

(Japanese) 素敵なクリスマスを過ごすことが出来ました。



(Grinned walnuts. They are so fine like shredded pencils.)
(Japanese: 挽かれたくるみ。鉛筆を削ったみたいに細かくなりました。)

Let's melt butter first.
(Japanese: まずはバターをとかしましょう。)

Then, we scale everything accurately...
(Japanese: それから色々なものをちゃんと計って・・・)

Mix, kneed, squeeze, and work on it! (Loren and Grandma working collaboratively here.)
(Japanese: 混ぜて、捏ねて、絞って、さぁ混ぜますわよ!(おばあちゃん、ボールを支えて、孫とのチームプレーが見事です。)

After yeast is mixed in, the dough became like this.
(Japanese: 酵母を混ぜた後しばらくおいておいたら、こんな感じになりました。)

When we were letting the yeast to work, we took a short nap :)

Let's roll it. We used a dining table.
(Japanese: さぁ、伸ばしましょう。ダイニングテーブルを使いました。)

After we put honey paste and spread soaked golden raisins all over, Loren rolled it.
(Japanese: ハチミツで作ったペーストを全体に塗って、ラム酒に漬けておいたゴールデンレーズンを全体にばらしてから、ローレンが巻き巻きし始めました。)

They are now in the oven. I hope they will be baked nicely...
(Japanese: 巻き巻きされたものを切って、耐熱皿に入れて、いざオーブンに。さぁ、おいしく焼けてくれるといいな。)

This is our first trial of Patica. Loren said that it did not turn out as nice as he expected. Later, one of Grandma's relatives called her and told her that she also made Patica. But she said she could not make one like Grandma Elsie's mom. Taste can be remembered over generations but can be hard to be passed down.
(Japanese: さぁ、これがローレンと私の最初のパティッツァ。ローレン曰く、おばあちゃんが昔作ってくれていたパティッツァとは比べ物にならないらしい。まぁ最初だからね。いきなり上手に出来ちゃう方が稀よね。後でおばあちゃんの親戚の方がおばあちゃんにクリスマスのお祝いの電話をくれたのだけど、その方もお家でパテッツァを作ったそう。でも「やっぱり、おばあちゃんの味にはならないわ。」と言っていました。家庭の味は世代を超えて思い出になっていくけれど、その味を再現するのはなかなか難しいことのようです。)

This is a "fake" turkey although it has a wing. It is called Tofurkey made out of soy and seitan (wheat protein). I was curious to taste it, so I bought it. I marinated it in soy sauce with brown sugar, onion and garlic for about two hours and baked it in an oven for 15 minutes. It tasted yummy, and Loren said it has the similar texture to real turkey.
(Japanese: これは七面鳥の形をしている大豆から作られた七面鳥もどき。つまり鳥じゃない。でも鳥みたいな味と口当たりがしました。クリスマスだしちょっとどんな味がするのかしらと興味心から買ってみたのです。醤油に黒砂糖とみじん切りにしたにんにくと玉葱を入れ少し煮て、それにこのトーファーキー(豆腐とターキー(七面鳥のこと)を混ぜてこのような名前になったらしい)を二時間ほど漬けて下味をつけました。それをオーブンで15分ほど焼いて食べました。この写真はオーブンに入れる前のもの。)

A simple Christmas dinner on Grandma's favorite plate (given to her from her father).
(Japanese: クリスマスの夕飯です。簡単に済ませましたが。サフランライス(黄色いご飯)、グリーンビーンズ、トーファーキーとスタッフィングです。)おばあちゃんのお気に入りのお皿に盛り付けられました。おばあちゃんのお父さんからもらったお皿らしい。)

Grandma Elsie was all excited about making Patica with us. She seemed to be happy and very alive. She was teaching and supervising us (at one point, I was sitting down to grind walnuts, and she told me, "Stand up!" :D ) Usually, we take care of her, but today, I felt like she was taking care of us by teaching us something we did not know at all. Seeing her so strong and dependable made me almost cry. I think that it was a beautiful and valuable experience for me and Loren that we could become grand"children" again in front of her. Grandma, I hope you will stay healthy and live happily.



Tangerines タンジュリン(みかん)

I love tangerines.
I found this cute tangerine stand. I had to stop and get them!

(Japanese) 私はタンジュリン(みかんのこと)が大好き。

This is the "Money Pipe" where you put your money to pay. I put coins instead of paper money because I was not sure if paper money would go all the way down.

(Japanese) これ、「マネー・パイプ」(私が勝ってに名づけたのだけど)。ここにお金を入れてくださいだって。面白いね。紙幣の代わりにコインで払いました。だって紙幣だとちゃんと下までいくのかしらって思ったから。(10メートル以上はあって、この無人販売をしてくれているお家の庭の中へと続いていました。)

They look delicious, don't they?

(Japanese) おいしそうでしょ?


Sunset 夕暮れ時

I think my favorite time of a day is during the sunset because everything looks beautiful in the golden sun light. The sun brings the most beautiful color out of each leaf on trees and grass on the ground. I wonder what I would see if I could see me soaking myself in the sunset.

Colors change every second, and the world tells me, “Just be here now."

There is nothing else I could do even if I try. I am captured. Just be here, witnessing the sunset magic....

(As I guessed (or I could say as I crystallized my belief) I caught a cold, had a slight fever, coughs, runny nose, and everything for a week. It's not fun! but I assume that my body is doing what it needs to do to get healed, so I guess I should not be so frustrated with myself and be gentle to myself. I also heard that catching a cold once awhile is a healthy thing; that's how our bodies do a cleaning inside... I guess that could be true.)





(案の定(と言うか、自分の心配していたことを現実にしてしまって)風邪をひいております。微熱も出まして、鼻水、咳、悪寒、風邪の症状全てを一応マスターしまして、ここ一週間ほどしんどーい状態であります。せっかく冬休みになったのに、全然楽しくないわ!でもそうは言っても仕方ないですし、体さんは体さんで一生懸命良くなろうとしてくれていますから、ここは自分に腹を立てずによしよしとしてあげようと思います。あと、風邪は時々ひくのは実は健康にいいのだと聞いたことがあります。風邪をひくことによって体が調整を取っているのだとか・・・。そんな気もする。以下を参照:「整体法―風邪をひけ!熱をだせ!」by 井本 邦昭)


Umaji Village 馬路村

I mentioned about Umaji Village in the previous post. Today, I would like to add some more to it.

Although I am from the same prefecture (like state in the U.S.) of Kochi where Umaji Village is located, I have been to Umaji only once. It takes solid two hours to Umaji Village from Kochi city by a car. (I was raised in Kochi-city in the
Kochi castle town. When I was a high school student, I danced with Suga Yosakoi Ren (Group), and Umaji Village invited several of us to dance for their summer or fall festival (I cannot remember which it was, but it was not winter). I napped on the way to Umaji in the car while my dance instructor was driving. When we were about to enter Umaji Village, I woke up, and I still clearly remember how a river and mountains looked almost visionary (dreamy). It was right after the typical summer shower. Everything was still wet, and I saw some mist rising between mountains. I thought to myself, “Wow, such a beautiful place! It would be wonderful if I could live somewhere like this!”

I could dance at their festival with such joy, and everybody in the village seemed nice and cheerful. They kept saying, “Oh, please eat this, and eat that one, too!” Their hospitality showed me their kindness, and I felt that there was a great esprit de corps (It means “morale when discussing the morale of a group: is an intangible term used for the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others” according to Wikipedia).

The population of the village is only 1200 or so; it was getting depopulated. However, since 1981, the village has become a charisma of “mura-okoshi” meaning re-vitalizing the village by appealing people with unique characteristic of their village: in Umaji Village's case, they used the country life style and selling their peculiarity which was Yuzu (citrus fruit which is about the size of a tangerine and is quite sour). At the beginning, they struggled to get it going, but at one point, their sales boosted up and grossed $29 billion in the year of 2003. According to a Japanese Wikipedia, “Among 35 cities/towns/villages of Kochi Prefecture, Umaji Village is the second to the least populated village. The village has been challenged with numerous attempts of merging with other cities/towns/villages, but the villagers’ opposition has not allowed that to happen. The consciousness of independency among villagers is one the characteristics of the village (translated by me).” When I was in Umaji Village, I felt that everybody seemed to be proud of being a part of Umaji, instead of being ashamed to live in such a small village. That’s why, the festival was so warm and joyful.

One of Umaji Village’s famous products is named “A Village of Yuzu” which is Yuzu Ponzu (Yuzu vinegar). It was developed in 1986 and received a grand prize at “101 Village Expo” in 1988. It’s been a long seller! At my home in Japan, it is always in our refrigerator. I cannot describe my surprise and happiness to encounter with it in Hawai`i. Like I wrote it in the previous post, I felt as if I met someone from the same hometown whom I could share our tender place in our hearts with. I said to the Yuzu Vinegar in my heart, “Oh, you also came all the way here from Kochi and working hard in a foreign country… If you can, I should be able to... Thank you for your encouragement.”

After I researched about Umaji Village on the Internet, I came across with an official Umaji Village site. I contacted them and asked them if I could write about Umaji Village on my blog, and they said sure. I love my hometown (I think everyone does), so I wanted to use this opportunity to brag about it, especially Umaji Village! I hope you will know a bit more about Umaji Village by visiting the following sites (even Japanese ones), and someday, I hope you will be able to go there!

About Umaji Village written in English

About Yuzu products written in English

Umaji Vilage's another abundant product: cedar trees. Do you want to build a house with cedar? Check it out.

Umaji Village has a blog, too! It's written in Japanese, but you can see beautiful photos of the village.


(Yuzu Vinegar "Village of Yuzu" found at Don Quijote Honolulu Store.










馬路村農業協同組合 代表理事専務(高知県馬路村)
東谷 望史(とうたに もちふみ) さんについて

馬路村応援団長 大歳昌彦さんについて
http://www.yuzu.or.jp/history/friends/ootoshi.html「四国の高知県、中芸地区と呼ばれる山の中に、その村がある。馬でしか進めない山奥だから、馬の路と書いて「うまじ」という説がある。いまだそれは定かでない。その馬路村までは、高知市から車でたっぷり二時間かかる。高知市から国道五十五号線を海沿いに車を走らせると安芸市に入る。その安芸市から安田町を経て、安田川沿いを、まるで鮎のように登っていく。「まだですか?本当にこの道で合ってますか?」何度もタクシーの運転手さんに聞きたくなるが、それを五回くらい我慢したら、やっと馬路村に着く。」(「ごっくん馬路村の村おこし」のまえがきより )





Natto 納豆

Sometimes, I miss Japanese food very badly :)
I am grateful that there is a lot of access to Japanese food supplies in Hawai`i, though. I can buy tofu, soy sauce, umeboshi (pickled plum), nori and wakame (seaweed), wasabi (Japanese green mustard), katakuriko (starch), miso (thick soy paste), and so on. In Honolulu, there is a supermarket store called Don Quijote (used to be Daiei). There, you can buy almost any Japanese food. I went there once, and I was surprised at their varieties of stock. Even Gokkun Umajimura (This is a famous soy sauce with citrus fruit. It is originated in
Umaji Village in Kochi where I am from) was being sold there although it was priced much higher than the price sold in Japan. I think that could not be helped since it came all the way from a small village in Japan.

Today, I had a craving for natto (fermented soybeans), so I bought it at Pukalani Superette. It’s called Aloha natto. Cute name, ya? One pack serves two meals (I think), and the price was $1.89. It’s a bit priced higher than natto sold in Japan, but it’s not too expensive, so I buy it once awhile. The most important thing, its taste, is good, too. Today, I ate natto with brown rice and cucumber kimchi.

My tummy is satisfied. It’s nice to eat food that I was raised with.

Despite of its nutritional value, due to its stickiness and smell, some people cannot take natto. I understand that. Fortunately, I like the smell and taste, and stickiness do not bother me, so I can eat it. Loren tried it in Japan, and he liked it enough to finish. I appreciate him at least giving it a try whenever he encounters a new thing. He loves Japanese food, so it makes easier for me to cook for him since I cannot really cook non-Japanese food. I would love to learn other cuisines, though.

Oh, I like to put natto in Okonomiyaki (Japanese pizza). Would you like to try natto?



今日は納豆が食べたくなりました。そこで長年地元で栄えているプカラニスーパーレットというスパーに行って納豆を買いました。その名もアロハ納豆。かわいい名前でしょ!? 1パックが$1.89でしたので日本円にして217円くらいでしょうか。(1ドル115円として)一パックに二食分入っているので、まぁ一食108円くらいですね。日本より高いですけど、まぁ滅茶苦茶高いというわけではないので、時々買っています。肝心の味ですけど、いいですよ。今日は玄米を炊いて、きゅうりのキムチ漬けと一緒に食べました。(口臭が気になる献立ですが。いいんです。食べたかったのでいいんです。)





Taking a Breath 一息いれて

The fall semester officially ended!
I am relieved, but for some reason, I cannot fully let myself relax.

Maybe because I cannot believe that it’s over.

Maybe because there are a lot to catch up that I was putting aside while school was prioritized.

Maybe because I am hesitant to let myself totally loosened up because it’s been my pattern to get sick whenever I get a break. Like it’s not a good idea to stop running all of sudden, I think that my body and mind need some slowing process to get used to the slower pace.

What I want to do over this winter break are (chances are, the list gets longer later as I get more greedy, though):

  1. Make an appointment for a massage
  2. Simplify my life by organizing the school papers and my place
  3. Get ready for the new year (like buying a new schedule book, adjusting my work hours since I will be student teaching everyday, and so on)
  4. Spend time with my friends
  5. Have friends over for a dinner
  6. Surf...!

I hope to rejuvenate myself, so that I could take a smooth start at the beginning of the new semester and keep going another semester before my graduation!








  1. マッサージを受ける
  2. 生活をシンプルにする(大学のペーパー類の整理や、家の片付けと掃除をすることによって)
  3. 新年に向けての準備(来年のスケジュールブックを買ったり、来年は毎日教育実習に行くので仕事のスケジュールを調整したり)
  4. 友達と時間を過ごす
  5. 友達を夕飯に招待する
  6. サーフィン!



An Angel's Wing 天使の翼

I think this world is indeed beautiful.

At 6 am after the storm passed.

As if it is part of my dream.

Light, cloud, the moon, and the morning grim.

Mighty wind and rain that storm brought.

What produced them created this sky.

The power of love going around this world.

Ah, please let me remember to look into
the deep loving part of every person and every thing
I will encounter in my life.

So that I can keep flying.
So that I can fly to anywhere.

To your place.














Storm Hit Hawaii 嵐ハワイを通過

All the photos are taken by The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER
Copyright © 2007 The Maui News

Stormy weather started last Saturday night continued until today.

Especially Tuesday night and Wednesday were the worst. I kept waking up between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning because of the sound of strong gust and rain outside. I am a deep sleeper, meaning that I usually don’t wake up once I fall in asleep, but this night was different. On Wednesday morning, the winds were physically powerful; I was worried if the house would stay intact. The electricity was cut off for a couple of hours in the Wednesday morning, but it came back after awhile. I saw rain falling side way.

Some area on Maui did not have electricity for almost two days. Everyone was buying batteries and candles. It reminded me of how dependent we are on electricity in our everyday life. Some schools were closed as well. Fortunately, our property stayed in a okay shape after this storm, but there are a lot of work needs to be done before we have another one.

I hope everyone who is under influence of this weather is all right. Please let me know if you need any help.


全ての写真はThe Maui News(マウイ新聞社)に属します。MATTHEW THAYER(マシュー サイヤー)さんが撮られたそうです。






Pre-Graduation Party 卒業前祝いパーティー

This past weekend, I had the final UH (University of Hawaii) weekend seminar. I had it once a month for the past three semesters. I still have one more semester (five more months) before graduation, but there will be no more weekend seminar, except occasional meetings once awhile with Maui students.

The cohort I am in is called UH-Manoa, College of Education, Maui-Hawaii Cohort. Our cohort has 20 students from Maui and 6 students from Hawaii (Big Island). Big Island students flew to Maui each time when we had the weekend seminar. (UH-Manoa pays the air fare and hotel.) All of us have been going through this teacher-to-become journey together. Most of us have own families and work. It’s been a challenging journey for all of us, balancing among all the responsibilities in our lives. But we are almost there! We made this far together, and I am honored to be part of this cohort. Sadly, Maui students won’t see Big Island students until graduation ceremony… So, we had a pre-graduation party this past Sunday night after our weekend seminar!

We rented a beach house, hired a D.J. and brought potluck food. Most of us brought our family members and friends as well, so there were many people. It was nice to meet people who have been supporting my classmates at home. Loren came with me, and there was a hot Jacuzzi by the shore, so a couple of men (husbands and boyfriends of my classmates) got in it. It must have been interesting to listen to these men’s conversation with regard to what they went through as they supported us :) Out of 26 of us, there was only one male student. It’s interesting, but we don’t see many male elementary school teachers here. I think that it’s nice to have more male figures in the elementary school education field, so I was glad that he was part of our cohort.

Ah, I will miss Big Island girls! I will visit you someday for sure.



私が属しているコホート(大学のグループ)はハワイ大学マノア校、教育学科、マウイ・ハワイ コホートと呼ばれています。つまりマウイ島とハワイ島(ビッグアイランドと呼ばれています)の生徒たちが合体したコホートなのです。マウイ島からは20人の学生が、ビッグアイランドからは6人の学生さんが所属しています。ビッグアイランドの生徒さんは週末セミナーがある度にマウイに飛んで来ていました。(飛行機代とホテル代はハワイ大学側が支払ってくれる仕組みになっている。)





What I Teach Children and What I Cannot Do 子供たちに教えることと私が出来ないこと

A girl from my student-teaching class (2nd graders) gave me this apple. It was delicious.

Students like the lunch time.

They all learned how to read time, and some of them mastered it. They look up at the clock above the white board, and I hear them whispering "In 20 minutes, we can eat!" "Oh yeah, I'm hungry..." Some of them still have a difficult time reading time, so they ask me, "Miss Akari, how soon can we eat lunch?" I try to ask them back instead of giving an answer, "Well, the lunch time is 11:30. Where is the long hand now? How far does the long hand need to move to get to 11:30?" They know that there are five minutes between each number, so they start to count by 5s.

I understand their feeling of longing for lunch because my stomach is also groaning when they are hungry.

As soon as the bell rings, students wash their hands and line up to go to a cafeteria. This lining up can be troublesome. Often, some students say, "Miss Akari, so and so cut me!" "Miss Akari, I was here first, but M came and stood in front of me!" Because I want children to acquire skill to express themselves verbally and appropriately, I often encourage them by saying, "Well, why don't you tell M, 'Excuse me, you maybe did not know, but you skipped me?'" "You can tell A just the way you are telling me now." Sometimes, this works, and other times, I get overwhelmed with multiple students expressing complain while I am watching other students washing their hands, and I am passing their lunch cards out. So, I sometimes conclude by saying, "It does not really matter where you line up. There is only a couple of seconds of difference in how fast you will get your lunch. So, let's be kind and give way to each other." And as soon as I start to walk towards the cafeteria, students most of the time stop arguing with one another and automatically get in line. Those who were arguing three minutes ago are getting along well now. (I admire this quality of children that they 'forget' or 'let go' so easily and get along well with others.) I wonder what else I can do to deal with students arguing over their spot in the line. I am working on this dilemma. If anyone knows a good strategy, please share with me.

While I am telling students to be generous to each other, the other day, I caught myself struggling with the same problem. I was at a post office, waiting for my turn to ship out some packages. Then, a man came in, passed me, and walked up to the window that just became available. I witnessed myself feeing upset towards him. I was in hurry, only one window was open, and his business seemed to take a long time, so I involuntarily said, "Ah, excuse me, sir, but I was here first." He said, "Oh, I thought you were not in a line. Well, I have to pack these up again, so why don't you go?"

After that, I felt pretty miserable. I felt woeful, thinking, "In the end, I am doing the same thing as kids are doing." Maybe he was in hurry, too, and maybe the way I was waiting in a line was confusing to him. Letting him go before me would not have changed my life dramatically. I also could have left home 5 minutes earlier to have a margin for time, so that I would not be so stressed out over time.

Of course, I do not mean to teach students, "Let other people skip you or take advantage of you, and you have to forgive them." It is important to stand up for ourselves, but I am not so sure where the clear line between being passive, assertive, and aggressive is.

As I work with children, I more realize that I cannot even do some of the stuff that I expect them to do. I also notice that children are doing some of the stuff so easily that I forgot how to do. I really think that teaching is an intricate occupation because I am constantly visiting the world of children and the world of adults and trying to balance myself.










Avocado アボカド

Fortunately, we have an avocado tree on the property.
And fortunately, I love avocado!
I had never eaten one before I came to Maui, (not that I was aware of). When I first tasted it, I immediately liked it. I love any dish that uses avocado. I also like to simply eat it with Bragg Liquid Aminos.

When the tree first got the fruits about a month ago, I was so excited. I asked Loren impatiently, "Loren, can we pick them now?" He said, "Not yet. You have to wait another month to let them ripe." Since then, I think I was asking him every week, "Are they ready yet?" Each time, he laughs and said, "Not yet, Akari-san."

Finally, they are starting to get ready. I also finally got permission from Loren to take some off. The photo below is my first one. I am so thankful to have fruits growing on our own backyard. It makes me feel like I have a million dollars :)






The Agony of Labor 産みの苦しみ

(Photo: 'Ulupalakua, upcountry of Maui)

Lately, some people I care very much are going through some tough time.
I haven't been able to do much for them, and I don't really know what to do. Although I want to cheer them up, all the words I can think of are superficial, and as soon as I speak them, they taste uncomfortable like eating sushi made without any vinegar.

I worry that if I try too much, it might make them even more uncomfortable. When I am feeling down, sometimes, I want people to leave me alone. But at the same time, I wonder if I leave them alone too much (I don’t know how much is too much), they might start to feel lonesome, and I don't want them to think that I don't care about them. So I try to send a message that I am always here for them. The more I think about these things, the more I feel unsure about what to do.

Meanwhile, I often think, "Oh, this method of self-help might help" or "Oh, this movie might cheer them up." So I suggest these things, but often, it is difficult to motivate people who are feeling blue to do something. It is understandable. When I am feeling blue, I don't really want to do much. Though I understand, I sometimes feel like lecturing people who are feeling down by saying, "The sky is blue, the sun is shining. Let’s go!” Then, I have to remind myself how it feels like to feel down. I have to humble myself. It is difficult for me to balance between giving people just right amount of help and an enough space for themselves.

My teeth itch… (In Japan, we have an expression of “My teeth itch” when you want to do something but cannot do.) My teeth itch more than when my wisdom tooth came out.

I especially feel unsettled when the person who is feeling down is my family members, my partner, or my close friends because I feel like it’s my responsibility to make them feel all right again. Then, I get frustrated with myself for not being much help. In the past, I felt as if I failed to be a good supporter when I could not to anything. I assumed that it was my job to help them find the exit to feel better.

About two days ago, I spoke with my mom over the phone, and I told her about my frustration about not knowing what to do and my fear of “failing” again, and she said, “It is sometimes nice that someone who is not so close to you give advise because we sometimes have a hard time listening to someone very close to us.” (My mother gave me permission to share this conversation on my blog.) "So, you don't necessarily have to say anything." I see. My mom continued, “You know, I did not accept what Oto-san (my dad) had been saying about me for more than 10 years. For some reason, I could not listen to him, but now, I think he was pretty much right” and she laughed. This is true. What my mom, dad, my boyfriend, and friends say to me is sometimes hard to listen to. So, I asked my mom, “But, what is the worth of a supporter if I cannot help when my friends, you, or my boyfriend are having a hard time?” My mom told me, “The role of a supporter is to wait without giving up on them.”

Wow... I see how it is!

It made sense to me. When I am depressed, of course, advice and help from my close friends, boyfriend, and family members are appreciated, but when I am trying to find an exit of a maze by trial and error, I do not want them to forcefully pick me up and put me in the right path even if I am taking a roundabout course. I want them to be waiting at the end of the maze by believing in me. I see! So what I understand is that I do not have to provide a 'perfect' advice or help. Just wait for them to stick their heads out of the water surface. (Of course, we need to keep eyes on them for not drowning, though.) Knowing that helped me to feel a bit better.

Then, I asked my mom one more question, “What should I do if I start to get frustrated with some people and myself because I suggested them possible tools to work with, but they do not even try to use the tools and are still feeling low?” My mom replied, “It’s the agony of giving birth.” She continued, “They are doing their very best to experience of being in labor. That experience is theirs. You cannot take it away. Forcefully administering a labor accelerator or pulling the baby out of mother would danger the undeveloped baby and also might hurt the mother."

I think what she meant is that a 'baby' is wisdom which we gain through some difficult times. As I cannot deliver other people's 'baby' for them even if I want to, this challenging situation is only their 'privilege'. I am not doing a favor if I take them away from them. Byron Katie also says, “Everyone has his or her own timing.” I cannot manipulate the timing. After this conversation with my mom, I thought, “Okay, I will hold my friends' hands while they are in ‘labor.’” I will support them as they push the ‘baby’ out. And I will celebrate when their ‘baby’ finally comes out. I guess we all deliver numbers of babies as we go on with our lives. When I thought of difficult times as my labor, I felt stronger. I felt I could do anything for my baby. Also, not just feeling stronger, but I felt appreciation towards the 'labor' itself.

I joked with my mom by telling her, “You seem to be very wise all of sudden. What happened?” My mom said, “Oh, I had my hair cut today, so my head gets good ventilation now,” and she laughed out loud. I love her that she always remembers how humor lightens us. The phone conversation I had with her showed me her ‘babies’ that she has delivered through her life. Thanks you, mom!

(For a kind anonymous person who left a comment earlier: I am sorry that I deleted the previous posting by accident which automatically deleted your comment accompanying the posting. I appreciated your comment. It taught me something that I had overlooked. Please let me know again if you notice something in the future. With Regards.)


(Photo: I was eating rasberries, and juice from rasberries dropped on tip of my finger. It was so beautiful, so I carefully grabbed a camera (I did not want the drop to fall out) and took this one. The magnificent universe exists in this world of micro.)












Meaning of Blog ブログを書く理由

(Photo: I took this one when we flied to Bis Island. It was interesting to see the clouds lined up along side of the cost line.)

I read this somewhere (I cannot remember where...)

"As people attempt to articulate understandings of their experiences and make them meaningful to others, they reach deeper understandings for themselves."

When I read it, it hit me. I thought that it described the reason why I write blog well. Though I am not really trying to make my blog meaningful for other people, I am definately enjoying to make it at least meaningful for myself.

By writing about part of my life, I can re-visit the experiences, and often times, I am led to see another or other layers of my life, and see my "story."

I enjoy reading my story.


(Photo: I took this one at a Farmer's Market in Hilo.)







Haleakala and Birthday ハレアカラと誕生日

I was born at 3:12 pm on October 27th, 1982.

On 10/26 at 3:12 pm (In Maui time, 10/27 3:12 pm is 10/26 8:12 pm of Japan time) on October 27th, 2007, I wanted to be on top of the Haleakala, my special place. In the past, on this blog, I have mentioned that I used to have an eating disorder during my high school years. When I was 17 years old, I came to Maui for the first time, and I went to the top of Haleakala. At that time, as I looked at the sun setting over the mountains of West Maui, I heard Maui talking to me, “You are beautiful as you are.” That was the moment when my eating disorder ceased in me. I could finally let “it” go although I did not know what “it” was really. I felt that ropes hedging me in disappeared in to the last ray of the setting sun. Ever since then, I am freed from the eating disorder.

Therefore, Haleakala has been a special place for me. Also, Haleakal has other qualities that keep provoking me to visit on special occasions. It must do. Otherwise, I would not bother to go up there where it is extremely cold (at least to me; maybe not so much for people who know what a real winter is like. I am really not good at handling a cold weather.)

When I had my 19th birthday which was about three months after I came to Maui, I went to the top of Haleakala by myself around the sunset time. It was my way of honoring my life given to me. Since that day, six years have passed.

On my 23rd birthday, I also went up again and danced around at the parking lot. Since then, two years have passed.

This year, I wanted to go up there again.

Loren drove me up there with his truck. I felt that my ceremony was already begun as soon as we started to drive up the Haleakala Highway. Green grass lit up with the setting sun looked marvelous. Inside of myself, I searched where I was with all my senses. “She” was there. She was quietly waiting to be born again. I felt her heartbeat and steady breaths.

We reached the summit of the mountain around 6:10 pm, and the sun was about to set. I saw beautiful silhouettes of people. Loren and I sat on rocks and talked about my life; what happened, where it is now, and where it is leading me to.

Around 7:30 pm, we moved to the edge of a crater. Looking down a huge bowl of crater that was ready to engulf me, I felt as if I was a baby that was about to be born, on the edge of a life between where I came from and where I am now. Loren lit a piece of coral and placed sage, sweet grass, and cedar to bless the place and me. Then he took out an already tied up water drum, and we started to sing Native American songs with a rattle. The sun was completely sat. Darkness and cold air quietly sat around us. Then, there it was, the full moon rising from the other side of the crater. Wind blew up from the crater, stroking our cheeks and carrying our prayers up to the sky.

Just ourselves. Just myself. Just prayers. Just nothing but everything was there. Extremely cold air numbed my toes and fingers, but it was good because it helped me to focus on my prayers. I could not afford to think of anything else:) I did not know if my body was shaking because it was so cold or because my body was vibrating to “give birth” to a 25-year-old person named Akari. After several songs, we stopped singing, and the 25-year-old Akari was born at 8:12 pm on Maui.

Then, I wanted to hike up to the top of summit by myself, to present the Universe this beautiful physical body and soul given to me in this life time. To be closer to the Universe, to talk to it, to listen to it, and to thank it for my life, I climbed up to the top. On the top of the summit, I sat on a big, flat rock. I reclined myself and there was the full moon on top of the sky. I took a deep breath in and out. I repeated it to inhale the light of moon. After a couple of times, I felt like the light of full moon filled up inside of me from top of my head to the toes. Life sometimes gets difficult, but I knew that I would be okay no matter what happens in my life because I knew what was on my back :)

As I was coming down to the parking lot where Loren was waiting for me, I stopped at one place and asked the Universe if there was anything I missed tonight. Then, all of sudden, the wind stopped that was blowing for awhile. Then, I felt as if the Universe told me, “Talk to me. Ask me. And I will always answer to you just like I am doing now. If you really listen and seek me, you will find me always everywhere.”



















Blog for My Grandma おばあちゃんのためのブログ本

I printed out my blog from January 2006 to December 2006, and I made a book. I wanted to make this for a long time for my grandmother in Japan. Most of my friends and my parents can see my blog on the Internet, but my grandmother does not have a computer, and she probably has never touched one. She of course does not have an Internet connection at home, and she does not drive, so she cannot go to an Internet cafe even if she knew how to use a computer. (Here are pictures of her town.)

So, I had not been able to share my blog (my diary) with her. So, I decided to print each posting out with a color printer, but I deleted the English part to save paper. I repeated copying and pasting from my blog to Microsfot Word. I was thinking to do this for a while, but I did not have a good color printer (my current printer which I picked up from a pile of trash, thinking that maybe I could fix, prints black and white clearly but not color). Recently, Loren bought a new one, so I borrowed his printer. (I bought ink cartridge for him, though :)

I brought all the printed paper (96 pages total on both sides of paper) to Kinko's, and they did the binding for me. (It was about $5 with a plastic clear cover and a black back cover.) I wanted to send this to her on her birthday which was in September, but I could not make it, so I am really late... I am sorry, Grandma for my belated birthday gift.

I think that she will receive it sometime this week. I wonder what she thinks of it. I think that she will enjoy learning what I am doing and thinking over here. I am happy that I can share my life with her.




