
Thank You Very Much ありがとうございました

Today is December 30th, 2007 on Maui.
Today is December 31st, 2007 in Japan.

The year of 2007 is about to end.
I won’t have an access to the Internet for the next couple of days (I am going to camping), so before the year changes, I would like to thank everyone whom I encountered through various ways this year. All my relations have founded who I am today. So thank you very much for being who you are.

I pray that each and every one of your new year will be filled with full of laughs, smiles, giggles, and good tears. Even when you go through rough times, I pray that something will always remind you how beautiful you are and how delicious our lives can be.

Please remember that I am here for you always.

With much love and respect,

Akari Ueoka








上岡 安佳里

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