
Meaning of Blog ブログを書く理由

(Photo: I took this one when we flied to Bis Island. It was interesting to see the clouds lined up along side of the cost line.)

I read this somewhere (I cannot remember where...)

"As people attempt to articulate understandings of their experiences and make them meaningful to others, they reach deeper understandings for themselves."

When I read it, it hit me. I thought that it described the reason why I write blog well. Though I am not really trying to make my blog meaningful for other people, I am definately enjoying to make it at least meaningful for myself.

By writing about part of my life, I can re-visit the experiences, and often times, I am led to see another or other layers of my life, and see my "story."

I enjoy reading my story.


(Photo: I took this one at a Farmer's Market in Hilo.)






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