I bought a new printer. Yay!
For the past five years of my college life, I always had a printer at home, but I had never bought one for myself. Fortunately, there were always friends who passed down their printers to me. When I was just realizing that a printer could be a very useful tool to have at home in order to expedite my studying, my Japanese friend, K (I saw her in Kyoto last summer) gave me her printer because she was moving away. When the printer started to act strangely, my friend, Carlen (she is in Oahu now) gave me hers because she was also moving away. When I started to feel the need for scanner and copy functions, I found my third printer, Lexmark X83, from a pile of junk :) (I gave Carlen's printer to a friend of mine.) Interestingly, there has been always someone who gave me what I needed.
Finally, the life of Lexmark X83 seemed to come to its end about a month ago. It started to act strangely, and I tried numerous things to fix the problems. I corresponded with Lexmark Customer Service Center for about three weeks, going back and forth, trying different things out. It was frustrating, but the bright side of that was that I learned a lot about computer through this process. I was also hoping that while I was trying to fix the problem, someone with a printer might show up and give it to me (hehehe ;D )
However, no one did, and the Lexmark Service Center stopped responding back to me, so I came to a conclusion to buy a new one. I wanted a multiple functions in a printer, such as scanning and copying, so after I compared some products and researched on the Internet, I chose Canon Pixma MP470. It was about $100 including one black and one color ink cartridge and shipping. I hope to use this printer for a long time.
I think I was the person who gave myself what I needed this time :)
Lately, I have been thinking that I can be the person who provides what I need. Or almost I should be the one. (Of course, it's important to evaluate whether what I need is really needed or not, though.) Not only for material wise, but more so for emotional and spiritual aspects of my life, I think it's important that I provide what I need. I think I can live more freely and with less stress if I can self sufficient my needs. Certainly, I don't mean that it is a bad thing to help each other. We need help from others, so I think what I mean is that it's faster to get what I need if I seek it inside of me rather than outside of me (because it's right there with me right now). And often, what I am looking for is inside of me rather than outside of me, especially for emotional and spiritual needs. For instance, I can be freed from the dilemma between wanting to be appreciated and not being appreciated if I appreciated myself. Well, it's easy to say but not so easy to do :) In the past, there was an important occasion where I wanted a certain person to attend. However, the person could not make it, and I felt sad. My friend then asked me, "What could you get out of it if the person attended?" I answered, "I would have been recognized for my achievement." She responded, "I see, I hear you. Well, maybe the person will be able to attend the next occasion. By the way, did you recognize yourself for your achievement?" This was a big eye-opening question. I even did not recognize myself and was expecting the person to do it for me. I told her, "I did not even think to do it for myself." She said, "Well, you can still do it now." So I did. I told myself, "I am proud of you for what you have done." I felt so freed after that. My heart was lifted up as if some weight that was holding the heart down on the ground disappeared. Since then, whenever I feel, "I want to be treated this way," or "I need someone to do this for me," I ask myself, "Have I done that for myself?" It is surprising to find out that I have not done most of the times. I got to do it for myself first, huh? It's not too late to seek outside of me after I seek it inside of me... And most of the times, I find "it" inside of me anyway.
I was writing about my printer. How did I get here??? Oh well.
For Maui Residents:
You can bring your old computer, printer, and cell phone devices to Container in Pu'unene. People there recycle them. Their phone number is 877-2524. They are open from 9 to 4 pm from Monday to Friday. Let's minimize dumping trash in the landfill!
Yay, it arrived!
(Japanese: やったー。届いたよ!)
My old printer: Lexmark X83. It worked hard for me. Thank you.)
(Japanese: 私の古いプリンター。レックスマーク社のX83というタイプ。頑張って働いてくれました。)
過去5年間の学生生活の中で、最低一つのプリンターが家に常にありましたが、自分で買ったことはありませんでした。有難いことに、いつも誰かしらからプリンターを譲り受けていたのです。丁度学生になったばかりで、「あぁ、学校生活をもっと効率よく過ごすためにはプリンターが家にあったらどんなにいいだろう」と思い始めていた頃、友達のK(この前の夏に日本で会ったK)が引っ越すということで彼女のプリンターをくれました。そのプリンターが残念なことに壊れてしまったときに、今度はカーレンという友達が引っ越すので彼女のプリンターをくれました。それから暫くして、「スキャナーやコピー機能のついたプリンターがあったら仕事が捗る(はかどる)のになぁ・・・(家で仕事をしていたので)」と思い出した頃、あるゴミの山からLexmark X83というスキャナーとコピー機能の付いたプリントを見つけました。(カーレンにもらったプリンターは友達にあげました。)面白いことに、いつも誰かしらが私が必要としているものをくれました。
一ヶ月ほど前に、Lexmark X83がプリントアウトをしなくなり、もしや彼の運命もここまでかと思われました。色々とやってみたのですが、うんともすんとも言わなくなりました。レックスマーク社のお客様サービスセンターともメール上で連絡を取り合い、三週間ほどああでもない、こうでもないとお互いに色々とやったのですが直りませんでした。こうやって直している間に、また誰かプリンターをくれる人が現れたらいいなぁなんて望んでもおりました(ウシシシ。)
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