Patica パティッツァ
(Grandma's cute, antique grinder. We used this to grind walnuts.)
(Japanese: おばあちゃんの かわいい これまたアンティークな、くるみを挽く道具。)
I had a wonderful Christmas.
We woke up early (6:15 am) on Christmas to do a web-cam chat with Loren's sister and her family in Wisconsin (5 hours ahead of Hawaii). Grandma Elsie, Loren, and I enjoyed watching Loren's niece and nephew opening their gifts. The nephew is 4 and half years old, and the niece just turned two years old. They are so cute! I appreciate that technology has developed, so that Grandma Elsie could see kids opening the gifts as a live show despite of the distance.
After that, Grandma Elsie, Loren, and I started to make Patica. It's a Slovenian bakery. (Grandma Elise is 100% Slovenian. Her parents came to the U.S. when they were young, and Grandma Elsie was born in Ohio. She can speak Slovenian and English. It's interesting that I went to the Balkan right before I met her (and Loren), so I knew some words to say in her language. She teaches me some more words. I enjoy listening to her stories. She is a good story teller.) Grandma Elsie learned how to make Patica from her mother. This year, Loren decided to learn it from her.
(Japanese) 素敵なクリスマスを過ごすことが出来ました。
(Grinned walnuts. They are so fine like shredded pencils.)
(Japanese: 挽かれたくるみ。鉛筆を削ったみたいに細かくなりました。)
Let's melt butter first.
(Japanese: まずはバターをとかしましょう。)
Then, we scale everything accurately...
(Japanese: それから色々なものをちゃんと計って・・・)
Mix, kneed, squeeze, and work on it! (Loren and Grandma working collaboratively here.)
(Japanese: 混ぜて、捏ねて、絞って、さぁ混ぜますわよ!(おばあちゃん、ボールを支えて、孫とのチームプレーが見事です。)
After yeast is mixed in, the dough became like this.
(Japanese: 酵母を混ぜた後しばらくおいておいたら、こんな感じになりました。)
When we were letting the yeast to work, we took a short nap :)
Let's roll it. We used a dining table.
(Japanese: さぁ、伸ばしましょう。ダイニングテーブルを使いました。)
After we put honey paste and spread soaked golden raisins all over, Loren rolled it.
(Japanese: ハチミツで作ったペーストを全体に塗って、ラム酒に漬けておいたゴールデンレーズンを全体にばらしてから、ローレンが巻き巻きし始めました。)
They are now in the oven. I hope they will be baked nicely...
(Japanese: 巻き巻きされたものを切って、耐熱皿に入れて、いざオーブンに。さぁ、おいしく焼けてくれるといいな。)
This is our first trial of Patica. Loren said that it did not turn out as nice as he expected. Later, one of Grandma's relatives called her and told her that she also made Patica. But she said she could not make one like Grandma Elsie's mom. Taste can be remembered over generations but can be hard to be passed down.
(Japanese: さぁ、これがローレンと私の最初のパティッツァ。ローレン曰く、おばあちゃんが昔作ってくれていたパティッツァとは比べ物にならないらしい。まぁ最初だからね。いきなり上手に出来ちゃう方が稀よね。後でおばあちゃんの親戚の方がおばあちゃんにクリスマスのお祝いの電話をくれたのだけど、その方もお家でパテッツァを作ったそう。でも「やっぱり、おばあちゃんの味にはならないわ。」と言っていました。家庭の味は世代を超えて思い出になっていくけれど、その味を再現するのはなかなか難しいことのようです。)
This is a "fake" turkey although it has a wing. It is called Tofurkey made out of soy and seitan (wheat protein). I was curious to taste it, so I bought it. I marinated it in soy sauce with brown sugar, onion and garlic for about two hours and baked it in an oven for 15 minutes. It tasted yummy, and Loren said it has the similar texture to real turkey.
(Japanese: これは七面鳥の形をしている大豆から作られた七面鳥もどき。つまり鳥じゃない。でも鳥みたいな味と口当たりがしました。クリスマスだしちょっとどんな味がするのかしらと興味心から買ってみたのです。醤油に黒砂糖とみじん切りにしたにんにくと玉葱を入れ少し煮て、それにこのトーファーキー(豆腐とターキー(七面鳥のこと)を混ぜてこのような名前になったらしい)を二時間ほど漬けて下味をつけました。それをオーブンで15分ほど焼いて食べました。この写真はオーブンに入れる前のもの。)
A simple Christmas dinner on Grandma's favorite plate (given to her from her father).
(Japanese: クリスマスの夕飯です。簡単に済ませましたが。サフランライス(黄色いご飯)、グリーンビーンズ、トーファーキーとスタッフィングです。)おばあちゃんのお気に入りのお皿に盛り付けられました。おばあちゃんのお父さんからもらったお皿らしい。)
Grandma Elsie was all excited about making Patica with us. She seemed to be happy and very alive. She was teaching and supervising us (at one point, I was sitting down to grind walnuts, and she told me, "Stand up!" :D ) Usually, we take care of her, but today, I felt like she was taking care of us by teaching us something we did not know at all. Seeing her so strong and dependable made me almost cry. I think that it was a beautiful and valuable experience for me and Loren that we could become grand"children" again in front of her. Grandma, I hope you will stay healthy and live happily.
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