
Just after Sickness 病み上がりました(そんな日本語は無いって?)

Chinese medicine I was taking.
My friend, Charlie knows about Chinese Medicine well, and she called a Chinese Medicine doctor on Maui for me to find out what could help me to get well. The doctor recommended me to make tea out of this package and drink three times a day. It did not taste enjoyably, but I am sure that a good medicine tastes bitter.

Japanese: これは私が飲んでいた漢方薬。

The doctor also told me to drink plenty cranberry juice. This one is strictly made out of 100% cranberry. I thought that it would taste kind of sweet because cranberries are fruits, but my assumption was totally wrong. It was so sour; I had to water down the juice. Well, I finished the whole glass.

Japanese: クランベリージュースも飲むようにとのこと。これは100%クランベリーの果汁で作られていて、7ドル(800円くらい)もします。そして果物だから甘いかと思えば、そんな期待は軽く裏切られるほどの酸っぱさでした。水で割って割ってやっと飲めるくらい。がんばって飲みきりましたよ。

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