
We shall not be blinded 盲目にならないように

A year after the 9-11, I was in N.Y.C. with Suga's dancers. We participated in the International Festival.

As I heard that Suga was taking dancers to N.Y.C. to dance on 9-11, I told her, "Sign me up!" right away. I knew I had to go.

I did not know why, but I cried as I danced down Madison Avenue. I could barely see the blue sky between tall buildings when I looked up, but there were many people's smiles on the windows of these tall buildings. Everyone looked happy. I could not comprehend logically, but I realized that no matter what, despite of all the fact of terrible things we are doing to the earth, we were still beautiful.

Yes, we were still beautiful, and I learned that it was impossible to take our beauty away. In other words, it was impossible to let someone or something takes away out beauty because that's who we are.

I visited the Ground Zero, and I was overwhelmed with all the emotional charge felt by people there. Still, many people were missing.

On the way back to the hotel I was staying at, I wrote a prayer at a corner of a block where many people wrote their messages. Mine was "God, please give me awareness of the world around me and not let me take part in any way that could hurt the world, people, or this earth."

There has been a theory that the 9-11 was planned or/and implemented by the U.S. government itself. One of my American friends was already saying right after the 9-11, "Somthing is wrong with it. I don't understand several points about the 9-11." I do not know what is true at this point, and I do not intend to discuss aobut it today, but I want to mention it, so that we all can be a bit aware of the world around us. I believe that it is always important to seek the truths. Also, by considering from different angles, our experiences can be deepened. In the end, the bottom line is that there were people who thought about doing it and decided to take actions on the idea. That's enough for me. It gives me enough information to think how we are doing from a perspective of globe. In other words, I think of "conscious health" of our brothers, sisters, and myself on this planet.

I cannot help to send love to those who are not blood-related but soul-related who could not help to do it.




あの9-11から一年後、私はニューヨクシティにいた。須賀よさこい連の踊り子たちと。インターナショナル フェスティバルというお祭りに参加してよさこいを踊るため。











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