
Staph Infection スタッフ インフェクション

I have not uploaded my blog for about four days (not too bad).
The reasons are:
1) University of Hawai'i Fall semester started this past Monday --> I came back to my homework (student) life.
2) I got staphe infection.

This past Saturday, Loren and I went to kitesurf. One time, wind picked me up, and I lost control over the kite. I was dragged on the beach, and I broke the skin on top of my right foot. It bled a quit bit, but I did not want to give up, so I was trying again and again after it happened. I did not pay much attention to it, but I put Neosporine (ointment) on the way home. I took a shower, and washed the scar with hydrogen peroxide. (I should not have done it. If you want to use it, it is suggested to dilute with water. I did not know that...) Then, I went to bed.

The next day, the scar was still bleeding and was wet. It looked pretty disgusting. I thought that it would heal soon and put Neosporine a couple of times a day.

Monday, it was still wet and started to ache. I could not walk normally. My friend told me to see a doctor. I made an appointment for Tuesday. (There was no opening for Monday.) On Monday night, my right foot was swollen. We called a friend who works at an emergency room. (It's so nice to have various friends with various occupations, you know.) He told me to put leg up as I sleep. Do not wet the scar. Cover the scar with gauze.

On Tuesday, a doctor told me that I had a steph infection. She prescribed me with antibiotic medicine which I take orally. I take it three times a day. I do not like taking pills, but I had no choice. I did not want it to get any worse than it was.

Today, I feel better, and the pain is lessening. The scar finally started to make scab over it. Right foot is still swollen, though. I hope that it will get better soon. This is my first experience of having a staph infection... I was unwary about it. Well, I learned in a painful way.

(I took a picture of my scar, but I decided to not put it here since it is unsightly.)





火曜日、お医者さん曰く、傷口は「スタッフ インフェクション」(スタッフを辞書で引いてみるとブドウ球菌って書いてあるんですけど、本当でしょうか。インフェクションは伝染とか、感染とかいう意味で、まぁ日本語で説明すると、傷口に何らかのばい菌が入って、元気にもりもりやっているらしい)になっていると。お医者さんから抗菌剤を一日に三度飲むように処方されました。薬(特に市販の)を体の中に入れたくない普段の私も、この度はどうやら大変なことになっているらしいし、これ以上悪化されたらいやと思い、しぶしぶ、しかしきっかり飲んでおります。



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