
Going along with the Speed of Life 時の流れに身を任せて

Mt. Haleakala looking beautiful with the clear blue sky. It makes me feel briskly.(Japanese: 快晴の空に映えるハレアカラ山。すがすがしい気持ちにさせてくれます。)

It's been super busy for the past two weeks.
No time to update my blog at all.
And I caught a cold... I am sicky today. My kidneys slightly hurt, too. I wonder why.
But I am doing all right over all.
Just want to let you know that I am alive and am enjoying life!
I'm not stressed out, but I should pay more attention on my health.

Such a blue ocean!! Look at how blue it is!
(Japanese: なんて青い海かしら!この青さを見てちょ。)


Children running around during a P.E. class.
(Japanese: 体育の授業で走り回る子供たち。一緒に走っている背の高い人が体育の先生。)



It's Almost the End of August! 八月がもう少しで終わっちゃうね!

Wow, it's already the end of August!
(Japanese: もう八月も終わりだね。びっくり。)

What I have been doing for the past twenty days:
(Japanese: ここ最近(過去20日ほど)何をしていたかと言いますと・・・)

Student Teaching - officially started on 8/20. This year, I am placed at a local public school, at a 2nd grade classroom. The school started 8/1, so I went to school on 7/31 to help my mentor teacher getting ready for the first day of school. I decorated the bulletin board above. I also cleaned the classroom, put names of students on their desks, and so on. Students are all adorable. I will spend the whole school year with them, so I will witness their growth in a year. Although my student teaching did not officially start until 8/20, I went to the classroom twice per day between 8/1 and 8/20 to get to know the children. The small flower below was given to me by a girl on the first day of school.


I made this monthly calendar. Numbers are attached to the purple board by Velcro, so children can change the placement of numbers every month.
(Japanese: このカレンダーを作りました。日にちはマジックテープで紫色の台紙にくっついているので、月毎に子供たちが並び替えられるようになっています。)

And, and...

I finally met a lady "F" from Japan. She loves Maui, and she is interested in massage therapy. She e-mailed me in last December after she found my blog. Since then, we have been e-mailing each other. In July, she made her dream come true with her consistent effort, and here she is on Maui! As soon as she got on Maui, she called me, and we met in person for the first time. She had a wonderful smile. I felt that my heart was already loosened up by her smile. It must be a great experience to receive her massage because she will "massage" your heart before your body gets raveled out. She will be a great massage therapist. I started this blog to inform my parents and family what I am doing, but I am so grateful to meet new friends through this blog. F is a lady who is like this ginger flower, pure and beautiful.



I found the Harry Potter's newest book at a local supermarket. I thought about buying it but didn't because I would probably don't have time to read it (I am reading enough textbooks now), and my friends' kids bought it, so I could borrow it from them when they are done.

(Japanese: スーパーで見つけた、ハリーポッターの最新版を見つけ買おうかなと思いつつ(そんなにハリーポッターの大ファンというわけではないけど、最初から映画を見ていたので続きがちょっと気になる)、ただでさえ教科書を読むのでヒーヒー言っている私が読む時間を取れるだろうかと思ったのと、友達の子供たちがもう既に買っているので、読み終わった頃に借りようと思って買いませんでした。)

For the Hurricane Flossie, Loren and I tied up the property. Fortunately, it did not cause any damage.
(Japanese: ハリケーンのために身の回りの準備をしたり。幸いなことに危害はありませんでした。)

I put a bookshelf kit together. Since I moved here in March, I could not open the 3 boxes of my books because I did not have a bookshelf to put them away. I was missing my favorite books, and Loren bought this bookshelf kit for me since I like to put things together. I gladly put them together.
(Japanese: 本棚を組み立てたり。3月に引越してきてから、一度も本が入っている段ボール箱を開けることが出来ず、大好きな本たちがどこにあるか分からずに寂しかったのだが、かと言って本を収納する本棚が無く、どうしますかなと思っていたら、ローレンがこの本棚キットを買ってきてくれた。組み立てるのが好きな私は喜んで組み立てました。)

Mesmerized by a rainbow
(Japanese: 虹に見とれてみたり。)

I went to a friend's wedding ceremony.


I went to the UH weekend session (8/24, 25, and 26). We went to Iao Valley to collect leaves for the science and art classes.
(Japanese: 大学の週末授業に行ってたり(8/24,25,26)。上の写真は子供たちにどうやってサイエンス(科学、理科)を教えるかという授業で、クラス全員でイアオ渓谷に課外授業で行って葉っぱを集めてきた。)


Mercedes Recovered ベンツくん回復なり

Broken fuse
(Japanese: 折れちゃったヒューズ)

My Mercedes is running again!

The problem was the glow plug relay fuse link. The fuse blew out as you can see in the picture above.

Rich guessed that it was the problem, and he was right! I ordered the fuse at Aloha Otto in Kahului, and the next day, the part came in. I picked it up yesterday, and it was only $3.95. I thought, "Ho, a car does not start just because of this small thing!"

The ordered fuse (It came to Maui from Honolulu
the next day after I placed an order)
(Japanese: 注文した部品(注文した翌日に届いて、本当にありがたかった)

I could not wait to go home and replace it. After I replaced it, I tried to start the car, but disappointing my hope, it still did not want to start. I was like, "What else could I do?" Then, I thought that the battery was probably needed to be jumpstarted. I don't know why I thought so. I just did.

I drove up Maui Hero Project’s van up next to my car and did the jumpstart.

Hooray! My car started. I pushed the accelerator a couple of times to get it going, and drove around neighbors to charge up the battery.

I happily shouted to Loren across the yard, "The car runs!!!" He took his arms up like a champion to recognize my effort and achievement.

I am super delighted... The only thing left is the window :)

New fuse set in
(Japanese: 新しいヒューズを入れたところ)


Where the fuse is located... In this black box
(Japanese: ヒューズが収まっている黒い箱。前方にあります。)








A closer look of the black box.


Mercedes Having a Difficult Time 2 ベンツくん不調なり その弐

For the problem of car not starting, another mechanic Rich suggested me to replace the fuel filters of both large and small ones.

Yesterday, I borrowed Loren’s truck and went to NAPA to get these fuel filters. They were cheap, just $14 total.

Then, I researched on the Internet how to replace them, but I could not find much information, so I just told myself to go ahead and figure it out.

It was actually a very easy process. I just unscrewed a couple of screws and took out the old ones and put new ones. That was it.

Then, I pumped the fuel injector several times to put fuel in the small fuel filter. (Before you do this, it is better to open the mouth of gas tank where you put fuel in at a gas station in order to let the pressure go.)

However, there was no luck. The car still did not start.

Rich guessed that something might have been wrong with electrical part in a “black box” which I do not know what it is yet. I took pictures of the box and sent an e-mail to Rich. He has been really helpful by answering all my questions over the phone and e-mail.

I am still working on this problem.

Although I have been having these car problems, I am not discouraged. In fact, I am sort of enjoying this opportunity to learn more about my car. Although it was pretty simple process to change the fuel filters, I was proud of myself yesterday for figuring it out on my own. “I did it!!” that’s what I shouted when I did it. It’s fun to learn something I did not know before.

Living on Maui, having not so reliable cars, I have learned many tricks about cars. I appreciate that.












Mercedes Having a Difficult Time 1 ベンツくん不調なり その壱

I am having a couple of problems with my car at this moment.
The problems happened in the following order:

1) Driver's side's widow did not want to go up. (It's a power window even though it was made in 1984!)

2) It got really hot. (At one point, it got beyond 120 Celsius (248 Fahrenheit.))

3) The engine did not start.

It has been interesting that when I was about to fix the first problem (the window), my car got over heated. When I finally fixed the second problem and was about to bring the car to Aloha Auto Glass to fix the window, the third problem came up...

Well, my car seems to need a lot of attention right now.

I am trying to fix these problems as cheaply as possible, so I am trying to fix on my own if possible.

For the window, I am going to rely on Aloha Auto Glass in Kahului.

For the overheating problem, I did what my mechanic suggested me to do which was to clean the radiator. The radiator was rusted. So, I put “Radiator Cleaner” in the radiator reservoir and let my car run for about 30 minutes. Then, I took out the water by unscrewing the tube, and then I put a garden hose in the tube to flash the remained water out. Murky red water came out. I repeated this about ten times.

I also repeated this whole procedure about four times, meaning that I used four Radiator Cleaners.

By the end of it, the water finally became transparency with no color. Then, I put a coolant especially made for diesel cars. This coolant already contains anti-rust formula in it.








面白いのが、一つ目の問題をもう少しで解決するという時に、オーバーヒートしてしまったので車を修理してくれる「アロハ オート グラス」という所に持っていけなくなりました。そして、オーバーヒートが直ったので、よし再度窓を修理しに持っていくかというときに、今度はエンジンがかからなくなってしまいました。



窓についてはお手上げなので、アロハ オート グラスさんに任せます。(今は黒いゴミ袋用の袋が窓に張られています。雨が入らないようにね。)

オーバーヒートについては、ローレンの友達であり、信頼のおけるメカニックである人が提案した、ラジエーターを掃除するということをしました。ラジエーターの中が錆びていたようです。上に貼った写真の黄色い容器の「ラジエーター クリーナー」という液を、ラジエーターの容器に入れ、そのまま車を30分ほどアイドリングさせました。そして、車が冷めてからラジエーターのチューブを外して、中の液体を出しました。そのチューブにガーデニング用のホースを差し込んで、水を入れ、中に残っている水や錆びをフラッシュアウトさせました。(噴出させました。)濁った、赤い水が出てきました。10回ほど繰り返しました。

そしてこの過程を4回ほど繰り返しました。つまり、ラジエーター クリーナーを4本使いました。




Pink Tree ピンクの木

Today was Saturday.

I decided to organize my school papers, my drawer, and my room.

Loren was working on developing a curriculum for his new school position.
By the way, Loren has received the grant!! He is super happy that he can finally do what he has wanted to do, but at the same time, it is making his life super busy!

He has been working from 6 am until 8 or 9 pm. I worry about his health, but there is not much he can eliminate from his list of things to do, so he is just charging right now. I don't get to see him much, but I am happy for him that his dream is coming true, so I want to support.

In the afternoon, there was a phone call from him. "Can you come out to the yard?" I thought that he needed some help in the yard, like loading some stuff onto his truck. But what I saw as soon as I walked to the yard was him on the ground. He was lying on his back under a pink tree. I immediately knew what he was doing. He was watching the pink flowers falling on him from the bottom.

"I saw these flowers. Thought beautiful, and I wanted to share with you," he said. I did the same thing what he was doing, and I saw pink flowers falling on me.

Just for a couple of minutes, we were there, just looking at the flowers, clouds, and sky, witnessing the moment of flowers letting themselves go.

I felt that I was surely in time, but I also felt that I was beyond time.

Then, we went back to our own work…




ローレンは最近雇われた中学校での仕事のために(マウイ ヒーロー プロジェクトも続けますが)カリキュラム作りをしました。ところで、ローレンは以前お話していたグラント(補助金)をもらいましたよ!彼は長年に夢見ていたことが現実になっていることをとても嬉ばしく思っています。同時にそれが彼の生活をより一層忙しいものにしています。








An Umbilical Cord and Surfing 臍の緒とサーフィン

I took a surf lesson from a Japanese professional surfer, Tetsuo Hosokawa.

There are a couple of reasons why I decided to take a surf lesson.

I have been surfing occasionally, but I have been feeling that I do not have a solid foundation of surfing. I know that one way to get better at it is to keep surfing. However, as a strong house would not be built upon a weak foundation, I believe that solid foundation would be important if I want to get good at it in the future. I wanted somebody to observe me surfing and correct what I am doing wrong, so that it won’t become my bad habit before too late.

Also, I wanted to meet some Japanese surfers whom I can talk about surfing in my own language, Japanese.

I learned about this surf lesson from a blog "Maui Tou Horohoro Kurashi" made by a Japanese photographer, Hiro. I happened to come across with his blog in the past, and I have been visiting his blog once awhile. From his blog, I learned that his wife runs a company called Maui Dayz which helps Japanese tourists to have a great time on Maui.

At the same time, I happened to come upon Tetsuo Hosokawa’s blog. I also have been enjoying his blog for the past couple of months. I did not know that Mr. Hosokawa and Hiro’s wife, Kana are friends until recently. From their sites, I simultaneously learned that Mr. Hosokawa was going to have a surf lesson on Maui, and it got me interested in taking his lesson.

The day we had the surf lesson, there were not much waves, but we finally settled at Launipoko in Lahaina side. Mr. Hosokawa taught me from the basic, and everything he said made sense to me. It was nice to neutralize myself regarding the surf knowledge and experiences I have had and be open minded. (It does not mean that I disregarded them. They were all valuable to me, so I just put them aside to get more information in.)

I was the only student, so I could ask all the questions :) It was very fortunate. I learned good tricks that I did not know before from the lesson, and they will definitely help me to improve my surf skill (if I practice : p).

Kana has been surfing for a long time, too. She will participate in a surf competition held this weekend, so she was getting herself ready for it.

One thing stood out in my mind was that he said that my bellybutton should be on the bellybutton of the surfboard. Every surf board has its bellybutton, according to Mr. Hosokawa. That’s where you hold balance. To me, it was fascinating. To surf a wave, my bellybutton and a surf board’s belly button need to be connected. It is like being connected with a mother through an umbilical cord when we were babies. In order to survive, we had to be. Waves are born from the sun heating the water (ocean) and the air, and the heated water and air generate movements, and the movement hit the land and become waves. All the four elements, fire, water, earth, and air are included in the process of giving birth to waves. And, we, human beings, play on the beautiful products of Mother Nature as we tune into them by being connected through our invisible “umbilical cord.”

How beautiful is that?






細川さんのレッスンを知ったきっかけは、Hiro吉さんという日本人の写真家さんのブログを通してです。彼のブログをたまたま、インターネット上で見つけて時々見させてもらっていたのですが、彼のブログから奥さんのKanaさんが、日本人の観光客の方がマウイで素敵な時間を過ごせるようにお手伝いをしているMaui Dayzという会社をしていることを知りました。








Maui Dayz


細川哲夫のブログ「Suring is Life」


Mails 郵便物

I had another difficult time to fix the jet lag...
I used to be able to fix it right away, but it's getting harder for the past year.
Why? Is it because I am aging?

Also, I found out in Japan that I had a low blood pressure. I measured my blood pressure every morning in Japan, and the average was like 87/57. This made sense. I have been having a difficult time waking up early in the morning. I used to be a morning person, but now, I am more like a night person. I want to be a morning person again.

Anyhow, I tried really hard to adjust to Maui life again, and the first thing I did was to check mails.... This many!!




とにかく、マウイの生活に戻るようにがんばって調整しました。そして、一番初めにしたことは、郵便物をチェック... ありゃ、こんなに!


Honolulu to Maui ホノルルからマウイへ

As you can tell from this picture, I am back in Hawai`i.
(I came back on July 27th.)

(Japanese: 写真を見てお分かりになりますように、私ハワイに戻っております。7月27日に戻ってきました。)

I saw my friend, Carlen in Honolulu. She picked me up at the airport, and we hung out for a couple of hours. It's always nice to see her. She is like a shining mermaid in the ocean!

(Japanese:ホノルルに着いてからすぐにマウイに戻らずに、カーレンというお友達と会いました。彼女が空港まで迎えに来てくれて、少しの間だけだったけど一緒にお茶をしたりしたよ。カーレンは私の大好きな友達の一人。海の中で輝いている人魚みたいな子。 )

After Carlen went to work, I saw Chika, my Japanese friend who lives in Honolulu.
This is a place where her wedding reception will be held. Chika and I have known each other since were 10th grade. We belonged to the same rhythmic gymnastic club and spent a lot of time together. She followed me to Hawai`i because she missed me (no, I'm kidding). She is going to get married in October!! I am so happy for her. I will be one of the bridesmaid.

(Japanese: カーレンと会った後は、私の高校からの親友のチカと会いました。彼女は今度10月に結婚するのです。この写真は彼女の結婚披露宴会場。当日の為に見ておきたかったので。同じ新体操部だったから、沢山の時間を一緒に過ごしました。私がハワイに来てからは、寂しかったのか私を追って彼女もハワイに。って言うのは冗談だけど:D 私は彼女の結婚式の当日、ブライズメイドというお手伝いの一人になるのでがんばります!)

After the short visits with Carlen and Chika, I left Honolulu for Maui!
(Japanese: 短い友達との再会も終わり、マウイへ帰るときがきました!)

View of Honolulu from the air plaine.

Diamond Head was also in the sight.

Bye bye, Honolulu.


More Photos of Japan 日本で撮った写真たち

I would like to share some photos that I took in Japan.
(Japanese: 日本で撮った写真のいくつかをシェアしたいと思います。)
You can enlarge them by clicking. 
(Japanese: 写真をクリックすると大きくなります。)

I had a cup of Maccha tea (powdered green tea)... The dark green part looked like a chunky version of a croissant moon. Cute!
(Japanese: 抹茶を飲みました。濃い緑色の部分が分厚い三日月みたいでしょう?かわいいね。)

I found a pillow made out of bamboo. I think that it will keep your head cool especially in a hot season like now. When I found it, I wanted to try it, but I could not just lie on the floor (I will be in people's way). I asked my mom to hold it in the air for me with her both hands, horizontal to the floor, and I warped my upper body towards back as much as I could. Then, I put the back of my head on the pillow. It felt pretty good. I think that a pillow store should provide a space where customers can lie down to try pillows. (If you are working at a pillow store, please suggest this idea. I mean, seriously, you know ;D )

(Japanese: 竹で出来た枕です。暑い夏に頭を涼しく保ちながら眠れるかも。


I bought this second hand kimono and obi at a small kimono store in Matsuyama-city. Can you guess how much they were? They were 500 yen ($4) each!! I found good ones. I cannot wait to wear them.

(Japanese: 松山市内にある小さな呉服屋さんで、この古着の着物と帯を見つけました。おいくらだったと思います?それぞれ500円でした!!良い買い物をしたわい。着るのが楽しみです。マウイには残念ながら持って帰りませんでした。荷物がいっぱいだったので。)

Japanese Tsuyu (rainy season) sky.. It looks heavily gray, but there are the shining sun and the blue sky above the cloud. It means that even if something bad happens to us, if we look into the depth of the incidents, there is always light waiting for us.)

(Japanese: 日本の梅雨空。どんよりグレーの雲の上にはいつもお日様と青い空が広がっているんだけどね。だから人生で何か大変なことがあっても、その奥を見つめていけば、いつも光が広がっているよね。)

After the typhoon #4, staffs at this car shop are cleaning their cars. What I often thought in Japan this time was that Japanese people work diligently. It does not mean that people of other countries do not work diligently, but I think that Japanese people have a different attitude towards their responsibility at work. In a good way, Japanese people are reliable, and in another way, they are too serious...? It's interesting to observe traits of nations.

(Japanese: 台風4号の後に車を拭いている、車屋さんのおじさんたち。今回日本でよく思ったことの一つが「日本人は勤勉に入念に働くなぁ」ということ。他の国の人が勤勉に働かないと言いたいわけではなく、何が違うのか上手く表現出来ないのだけども、日本人は仕事の責任に対して、他の国の人とは違う態度を持って接していると思う。良い意味で、日本人は信頼が置ける。「やっておいてね。」と言えば本当にやってくれるような。でも、ある意味で真面目過ぎる面もあるのかな?だから過労死とかあるのかな?色々な国の人たちの仕事に対する態度を観察するのはその国の特徴が垣間見られて興味深い。)

I took a day trip to Kochi-city where I was born and raised. My mom and I left Matsuyama-city where my parents live now at 11 am, so we only had several hours to see all the friends and relatives. We ran around to see them, and by the time we got home in Matsuyama, it was 12 am. The next time, I want to stay at least one night. It feels good to visit Kochi because that' where I was born and raised. The picture is children practicing Yosakoi dance at Suga Jazz Dance Studio in Kochi. I quickly stopped by, and I was surprised to see some children whom I used to teach when I was a high school student. They grew so much! When did all these years go by? They remembered me which was nice.

(Japanese: 高知に日帰りをしました。予定よりも大分遅れて朝11時に松山を出てしまったので、急いで会いたい人たちに会えるだけ会い回りました。松山に帰ったのは夜の12時でした。今度は一泊でも出来たらいいな。やっぱり私の生まれ育った町だから、行くとほっとするしね。写真は高知市にあるスガジャズダンススタジオに一瞬だけでしたが顔を見せたときに撮った、子供たちのよさこいの練習風景。みんな基礎からがんばってやっています。私が高校生のときに教えさせてもらっていた子が今では6年生になってて(小さかったのに!)すっごいビックリしました。そんなに時がいつの間に経ったんだろう?覚えてくれていて嬉しかった。みんな逞しく育っていっています。)

My father's work place. I gave him a ride a couple of times like when it was raining hard. For the first time, I visited his office. I never knew that my father was a manager. He does not talk about work much at home. His desk was facing everyone else (his staff members) which was located by the window, under the map. That's why he is always busy and stressed about taking care of the work and people. Thank you so much, dad for your hard work. Because of you, I can go to college and eat food.

(Japanese: 父の仕事場。すごい雨の日とかに何度か会社まで送り迎えしました。初めて仕事場を覗いてみました。父が部長だったなんて知りませんでした。父の机は窓際の地図の下。他のスタッフの人たちを向いて置かれてるわけであります。家では仕事のことはあまり話さない父。道理でいつも忙しく、仕事の責任などでストレスアウトしてるわけであります。一生懸命働いてくれてありがとうございます。おかげさまで大学にも行け、私たち家族はご飯を食べられます。

A schedule board at dad's office. Everyone looks busy.
My dad has to stay over nights when a typhoon comes to make sure that all the machines work all right.

(Japanese: スタッフたちのスケジュール表。皆さん、忙しそうですねぇ。台風が来たら、父は機械のお守りをするために泊り込みすることも多々あります。)

My brother, Michimasa, is leaving for Osaka for just few weeks. At least, he can walk... That's good. The silver baggage that he is pulling is an item that I exchanged with my ANA mileage. I am glad that my mileage is being used for something useful.

(Japanese: 大阪に二週間ほどだけ行く弟充昌。歩けるだけでも、有難いね。でも早く腰が完治するといいね。彼が引いている銀色の荷物ケースは、私がANA航空のマイレージを使って交換した品物。何か家族にとって役立つ物に変えれて良かったよ。)

Sunset viewed from on a bridge over Shigenobu River in Matsuyama. Thank you, the sun for shining today. See you tomorrow!
