I took a surf lesson from a Japanese professional surfer, Tetsuo Hosokawa.
There are a couple of reasons why I decided to take a surf lesson.
I have been surfing occasionally, but I have been feeling that I do not have a solid foundation of surfing. I know that one way to get better at it is to keep surfing. However, as a strong house would not be built upon a weak foundation, I believe that solid foundation would be important if I want to get good at it in the future. I wanted somebody to observe me surfing and correct what I am doing wrong, so that it won’t become my bad habit before too late.
Also, I wanted to meet some Japanese surfers whom I can talk about surfing in my own language, Japanese.
I learned about this surf lesson from a blog "Maui Tou Horohoro Kurashi" made by a Japanese photographer, Hiro. I happened to come across with his blog in the past, and I have been visiting his blog once awhile. From his blog, I learned that his wife runs a company called Maui Dayz which helps Japanese tourists to have a great time on Maui.
At the same time, I happened to come upon Tetsuo Hosokawa’s blog. I also have been enjoying his blog for the past couple of months. I did not know that Mr. Hosokawa and Hiro’s wife, Kana are friends until recently. From their sites, I simultaneously learned that Mr. Hosokawa was going to have a surf lesson on Maui, and it got me interested in taking his lesson.
The day we had the surf lesson, there were not much waves, but we finally settled at Launipoko in Lahaina side. Mr. Hosokawa taught me from the basic, and everything he said made sense to me. It was nice to neutralize myself regarding the surf knowledge and experiences I have had and be open minded. (It does not mean that I disregarded them. They were all valuable to me, so I just put them aside to get more information in.)
I was the only student, so I could ask all the questions :) It was very fortunate. I learned good tricks that I did not know before from the lesson, and they will definitely help me to improve my surf skill (if I practice : p).
Kana has been surfing for a long time, too. She will participate in a surf competition held this weekend, so she was getting herself ready for it.
One thing stood out in my mind was that he said that my bellybutton should be on the bellybutton of the surfboard. Every surf board has its bellybutton, according to Mr. Hosokawa. That’s where you hold balance. To me, it was fascinating. To surf a wave, my bellybutton and a surf board’s belly button need to be connected. It is like being connected with a mother through an umbilical cord when we were babies. In order to survive, we had to be. Waves are born from the sun heating the water (ocean) and the air, and the heated water and air generate movements, and the movement hit the land and become waves. All the four elements, fire, water, earth, and air are included in the process of giving birth to waves. And, we, human beings, play on the beautiful products of Mother Nature as we tune into them by being connected through our invisible “umbilical cord.”
How beautiful is that?
細川さんのレッスンを知ったきっかけは、Hiro吉さんという日本人の写真家さんのブログを通してです。彼のブログをたまたま、インターネット上で見つけて時々見させてもらっていたのですが、彼のブログから奥さんのKanaさんが、日本人の観光客の方がマウイで素敵な時間を過ごせるようにお手伝いをしているMaui Dayzという会社をしていることを知りました。
Maui Dayz
細川哲夫のブログ「Suring is Life」
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