Wow, it's already the end of August!
(Japanese: もう八月も終わりだね。びっくり。)
What I have been doing for the past twenty days:
(Japanese: ここ最近(過去20日ほど)何をしていたかと言いますと・・・)
Student Teaching - officially started on 8/20. This year, I am placed at a local public school, at a 2nd grade classroom. The school started 8/1, so I went to school on 7/31 to help my mentor teacher getting ready for the first day of school. I decorated the bulletin board above. I also cleaned the classroom, put names of students on their desks, and so on. Students are all adorable. I will spend the whole school year with them, so I will witness their growth in a year. Although my student teaching did not officially start until 8/20, I went to the classroom twice per day between 8/1 and 8/20 to get to know the children. The small flower below was given to me by a girl on the first day of school.
I made this monthly calendar. Numbers are attached to the purple board by Velcro, so children can change the placement of numbers every month.
(Japanese: このカレンダーを作りました。日にちはマジックテープで紫色の台紙にくっついているので、月毎に子供たちが並び替えられるようになっています。)
And, and...
I finally met a lady "F" from Japan. She loves Maui, and she is interested in massage therapy. She e-mailed me in last December after she found my blog. Since then, we have been e-mailing each other. In July, she made her dream come true with her consistent effort, and here she is on Maui! As soon as she got on Maui, she called me, and we met in person for the first time. She had a wonderful smile. I felt that my heart was already loosened up by her smile. It must be a great experience to receive her massage because she will "massage" your heart before your body gets raveled out. She will be a great massage therapist. I started this blog to inform my parents and family what I am doing, but I am so grateful to meet new friends through this blog. F is a lady who is like this ginger flower, pure and beautiful.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found the Harry Potter's newest book at a local supermarket. I thought about buying it but didn't because I would probably don't have time to read it (I am reading enough textbooks now), and my friends' kids bought it, so I could borrow it from them when they are done.
(Japanese: スーパーで見つけた、ハリーポッターの最新版を見つけ買おうかなと思いつつ(そんなにハリーポッターの大ファンというわけではないけど、最初から映画を見ていたので続きがちょっと気になる)、ただでさえ教科書を読むのでヒーヒー言っている私が読む時間を取れるだろうかと思ったのと、友達の子供たちがもう既に買っているので、読み終わった頃に借りようと思って買いませんでした。)
For the Hurricane Flossie, Loren and I tied up the property. Fortunately, it did not cause any damage.
(Japanese: ハリケーンのために身の回りの準備をしたり。幸いなことに危害はありませんでした。)
I put a bookshelf kit together. Since I moved here in March, I could not open the 3 boxes of my books because I did not have a bookshelf to put them away. I was missing my favorite books, and Loren bought this bookshelf kit for me since I like to put things together. I gladly put them together.
(Japanese: 本棚を組み立てたり。3月に引越してきてから、一度も本が入っている段ボール箱を開けることが出来ず、大好きな本たちがどこにあるか分からずに寂しかったのだが、かと言って本を収納する本棚が無く、どうしますかなと思っていたら、ローレンがこの本棚キットを買ってきてくれた。組み立てるのが好きな私は喜んで組み立てました。)
Mesmerized by a rainbow
(Japanese: 虹に見とれてみたり。)
I went to a friend's wedding ceremony.
I went to the UH weekend session (8/24, 25, and 26). We went to Iao Valley to collect leaves for the science and art classes.
(Japanese: 大学の週末授業に行ってたり(8/24,25,26)。上の写真は子供たちにどうやってサイエンス(科学、理科)を教えるかという授業で、クラス全員でイアオ渓谷に課外授業で行って葉っぱを集めてきた。)
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