
Wisconsin Trip (6) ウイスコンシントリップ (6) 7/3 - 7/4

I noticed that I probably do not have enough time to write about our Wisconsin trip day by day in details, so I am going to post a photo with a short comment from the rest of the days.


Monday, 7/3  7月3日月曜日
Loren and I drove to Northern part of Wisconsin. Hid father has a lake house there. I felt like I saw the "American Summer" there.


Tuesday, 7/4  7月4日火曜日

Today, Loren took me to Madison where he went to University of Wisconsin. It was a cute city with a lot of students. Loren said that probably most of the people I saw there were students or faculty members and staff who work on campus. Since I never really lived in a college town, it was nice to imagine myself being a student as I walked down the University street. (By the way, Madison is the capital city of State of Wisconsin. I thought that Milwaukee was the capital. )

今日は、ローレンがマディソンというかわいい街へ連れて行ってくれました。そこは、彼が学生の頃住んでいたところ。そこでウイスコンシン大学へ行ったそうです。街を歩いているほとんどの人が、学生か教授か、大学で働いている人だよと教えてくれました。私はキャンパスタウンに住んだことが無いので、こんな大きな街で大学生をするってどんな気分かしらと思って、学生の振りをして、大学通りという名の道を歩いてみたりしてました。(ちなみに、このマディソンがウイスコンシン週の首都です。私はてっきりミルワーキーが首都だと思ってました。)Wisconsin is famous for milk and cheese, so here is a cow.


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