
Wisconsin Trip (9) ウイスコンシントリップ (9) 7/7

We woke up early at 6:00 am and left for Loren's father's house. He let us drive one of his cars while we were there, so we went there to return it. Also, he took us to the airport. It was sadder than I thought to say good bye to everyone. Aidan was up and was in his cute pajama. He gave me a big hug. I wish I would see Loren's family soon again.


I think I have to show you how wonderful job Loren and Tony (Loren's brother-in-law) has done to the bathroom. They removed the wall paper, the floor, an old sink and toilet. Loren put the tiles on. I even don't know each step they have taken. Looks pretty good, huh? (Too bad, I forgot to take pictures before, though.)



Wisconsin Trip (8) ウイスコンシントリップ (8) 7/6

Thursday 7/6  7月6日木曜日

Today was the last day of this trip. In the morning, Loren helped Aidan to paint a lantern. I also helped him, too. He did a fantastic job. It was painted for his grandmother who is bravely fighting with a sever cancer. The fire represents her life. Later, we had a ceremony fore her with all the family members, and it was sacred.


Tonight, we went to the Summer Fest again. Tonight was for String Cheese Incident. Bob Weir & RatDog was playing before String Cheese Incident. It's been nice to be exposed to different kinds of music since I met Loren. I never really thought about how music can be influential and inspirational in our lives.
The picture is dancing Loren. He was happy :)

今晩、サマーフェストにまた行ってきました。今晩はストリング チーズ インシデントというバンドを観に/聴きに。Bob Weir & RatDogがストリング チーズ インシデントの前に演奏していました。ローレンに会ってから、色々な音楽に触れることが出来、ありがたい。音楽が私たちの毎日の生活にどれだけ影響して、どれかけ活気を与えてくれるものか考えたことが無かったなぁ。


Wisconsin Trip (7) ウイスコンシントリップ (7) 7/5

Wednesday 7/5  7月5日水曜日

Today, we went to Chicago, one of the big, big cities in the U.S. Loren worked on the bathroom in the early morning, and we left around 11:00 am. I did not know that Milwaukee was so close to Chicago. It was only about an hour and half drive. We went to the Sears Tower and saw the view in 360 degrees. We also went to the Art Institute of Chicago. Shen we bought the admission tickets, we found out that there was only an hour left before it closed, so we kind of rushed through the museum. We wished we had more time... Next time.

[Photo 1: A view from the Sears Tower; where we were was 1,353 feet (412 meters)above the ground.]
[Photo 2: A big TV screen at a water fountain at a park. The picture on the screen changes. Kids seemed to love it.]



[写真2:これは、ある公園の噴水に設置されている大きなテレビ。画面が変わるのですが、これはある女性が口から水を噴き出している様子。子どもたちはワイワイと遊んでました。 ]


This is Stefan 彼がステファンです

Although I mentioned about Stefan (a bass player of DMB) in the past posts, and I even created a post for Victor Wotten, I have not done anything for Stefan to be spotlighted on my blog. Also, in case anyone is wondering how Stefan looks like, here is a photo of him playing bass at a show. (The photo is from Google Image Search.) He joined in Dave Matthews Band at age of 16!! Wow, he must be a talented kid back then.

過去のポストでDave Matthews Bandのメンバーであるステファンのことについて取り上げましたが、ビデオクリップには彼は登場してないし、私は私でビクターさんのことは取り上げたけど、ステファンのことは何にも触れて無かったので、ステファンに公平じゃないかなと思って。それからどんな人なのか見たいという方のために、彼の写真をここに。彼は何と16歳の時にDave Matthews Bandに参入!!若くして音楽の才能に秀でていたのでしょうね。

Wisconsin Trip (6) ウイスコンシントリップ (6) 7/3 - 7/4

I noticed that I probably do not have enough time to write about our Wisconsin trip day by day in details, so I am going to post a photo with a short comment from the rest of the days.


Monday, 7/3  7月3日月曜日
Loren and I drove to Northern part of Wisconsin. Hid father has a lake house there. I felt like I saw the "American Summer" there.


Tuesday, 7/4  7月4日火曜日

Today, Loren took me to Madison where he went to University of Wisconsin. It was a cute city with a lot of students. Loren said that probably most of the people I saw there were students or faculty members and staff who work on campus. Since I never really lived in a college town, it was nice to imagine myself being a student as I walked down the University street. (By the way, Madison is the capital city of State of Wisconsin. I thought that Milwaukee was the capital. )

今日は、ローレンがマディソンというかわいい街へ連れて行ってくれました。そこは、彼が学生の頃住んでいたところ。そこでウイスコンシン大学へ行ったそうです。街を歩いているほとんどの人が、学生か教授か、大学で働いている人だよと教えてくれました。私はキャンパスタウンに住んだことが無いので、こんな大きな街で大学生をするってどんな気分かしらと思って、学生の振りをして、大学通りという名の道を歩いてみたりしてました。(ちなみに、このマディソンがウイスコンシン週の首都です。私はてっきりミルワーキーが首都だと思ってました。)Wisconsin is famous for milk and cheese, so here is a cow.



Victor Wooten ビクター ウッテン

I just want to mention that on the previous post, I introduced one of Dave Matthews Band's songs. I mentioned Stefan Lessard who plays the bass, but he is actually not in the movie clip. The bass player in this particular movie clip is Victor Wooten. Just so you know.
一言申し上げておきたいことが。前回のポストでDave Matthews Bandの数ある曲の中から一つを紹介しました。そして、
ステファン レッサードがベースを演奏していると言いましたが、彼は実際にはこのモービークリップの中には登場していません。この時だけ、ビクター ウッテンさんがベースを演奏しております。彼はDMBのお友達でゲスト出演だと思われます。いつもはステファン レッサードがベースプレイヤーです。誤解を招く前に一言言っておこうと思って。


Dave Matthews Band 's Movie ムービークリップ

Dave Matthews Band - #41

You should check out Dave Matthews Band's music if you never listened to him.

The singer/guitarist is Dave Matthews.

The drummer is Carter Beauford.

The saxophonist LeRoi Moore.

Stefan Lessard plays the bass.

The violinist is Boyd Tinsley.

Every single of these artists are so talented, and it is so amazing to hear them playing at once. It is like witnessing a crystal to be made.



Dave Matthews Bandの曲で、曲名が「41」と言います。


シンガー兼ギタリスト:デイブ マシュウ

ドラマー:カーター ビューフォード

サクソフォン奏者:レロイ モアー

ベース:ステファン レッサード

バイオリニスト:ボイド ティンズリー


Wisconsin Trip (5) ウイスコンシントリップ (5) 7/2

Sunday, 7/2/06

This morning, what did I do? I did homework!!!
Yes, homework. Ahhhh.......
I am actually doing pretty good to stay top on everything, so it's okay, but I wish I could spend more time with Loren's sister and her babies.

Beofer we left for the 2nd night of Dave Matthews Band show, I had about an hour to play with Aidan, Loren's nephew. He is now three years old and is so adoreble.

I love his smile. It is big and unconditionally embraces everybody around him.
We played with Engine Thomas. He is a smart boy; he knows exactly how the railroad is supposed to be made. He taught me many things like how each train can be connected with anotther one because there is magnet.

Then, it was his time to go take a nap. He did not want to. His mom gave him 5 minues to round up the play time, so we played 5 more minutes. I don't remember if I took a nap when I was small. Probably I did because all kids need one. Mom, did I?

We left for the Alpine Valley Music Theater, and the second night was also awesome!!



第二夜のDave Matthews Bandのコンサートに出かける前に、一時間ほどローレンの甥っ子にあたるエイデェンと機関車トーマスで遊ぶ時間がありました。彼は今三歳で、とても愛くるしいです。特に彼の笑顔が好き。周りにいつ人を、無条件に包み込むような笑顔なんです。





Wisconsin Trip (4) ウイスコンシントリップ (4) 7/1

Saturday, 7/1/06

Loren found a project to do. He started to remodel a bathroom at Loren's sister's house. Tony, Loren's brother-in-law and Loren went to Home Depot and got some materials. It is a quite big project. Loren is hoping to finish by the time we go back to Maui.

Today was the first night of Dave Matthews Band's concert!!!!
We were looking forward to this day for a long time.

We left about 4 pm and drove to a town called East Troy. It was about an hour drive from Milwaukee. On the way, we found a cafe called "Kona Cafe" and bought some sandwiches. The names of different kinds of sandwiches were Hawaiian names. The owner must like Hawaii, I guess.
At that time, I had a mean headache and nausea.

We arrived at the Alpine Valley Amphitheatre around 5pm. We parked our car, and I slept in the backseat for a while. Loren walked around and found a pain killer for me. I usually do not like to take pills, but I took it because there was not enough time to deal with my headache. Then, I started to feel better.

We had to deal with some problems with Grandma and caregivers at home right before we entered the entrance to the theater... We did our best to take care of the situation, and we decided to enjoy the show as much as we could.

And, the show was soooooo awesome!
We were so happy. Thank you, DMB!!

[Photo 1: Alpine Valley Music Theatre's sign]

[Phoyo 2: Parking lot, people walking around]

[Photo 3: Some DMB fan's license plate. Gone to DMB]


ローレンは旅先でも新しいプロジェクトを見つけました。ローレンの妹さんの旦那さんと彼らの家の一つのバスルーム(トレイ)を改造し始めました。Home Depot(日本で言うブリコ)に行って、色々な材料を買出していました。トレイの改造って、結構大きなプロジェクトだと思うのですが。ローレンは帰るまでに終わらせることを望んでいます。

さて、今日は私たちが長い間待ち焦がれていた、Dave Matthews Bandのコンサート第一夜でした。

午後4時ごろに家を出て、East Troyという町へ行きました。ミルワーキー市(ローレンの家族が住んでいる市)から1時間ほどのドライブでした。途中で「コナ・カフェ」という喫茶店を見つけ、サンドウィッチを買いました。全てのメニューがハワイの地名などだったので、店主はハワイ好きとみました。丁度この頃、意地悪な頭痛と吐き気に悩まされ始めました。

アルパイン バリー ミュージック シアターに午後5時ごろに着きました。車を駐車してから、私は後部座席で少し寝ました。ローレンが歩き回って、痛み止めを探してくれました。市販の薬を飲むのは嫌いだけど、今日のところは頭痛とやり取りしている時間が無いので飲みました。それから、少しずつ気分がよくなりました。



[写真1:アルパイン バリー ミュージック シアターの看板]
[写真3:あるDMBファンのナンバープレート。「Gone to DMB」(DMBに首っ丈みたいな意味)


Wisconsin Trip (3) ウイスコンシントリップ (3) 6/30

Friday, 6/30/06

I literally did homework all day long!!! There was a complicated assignment from ETEC 442 class, so I was working on it. It’s such a bad timing to have three classes overlapping with one another when I was having a trip!! Oh well, it just happened the way, and I had to deal with it.

In the evening, we all went to a fashionable restaurant called Roots. There, we saw Loren’s mom and her partner and had dinner all together. I ordered summer rolls. They were surprisingly warm (I never had warm summer rolls) and were yummy.

I learned how hard it is to go out with a small baby by watching Loren’s sister and her small baby. You have to eat, but the baby has to eat, too. It was nice to see Loren’s mom again. (I met her on Maui in May.)

On the way to the restaurant, I saw a big building with a sign of beer, and Loren told me that Wisconsin is famous for beer. The building was an old beer factory.








Wisconsin Trip (2) ウイスコンシントリップ (2) 6/29

Thursday, 6/29

Loren and I stayed at Loren's sister's house. We woke up at 10:30 am...

On Thursday morning, Loren's sister, her husband, her two children, and we went to Dr. Lapow's house. Dr. Lapow has a pool, and we were going to hang out around the pool since it was a beautiful day with sunshine, BUT I had to do homework. I had a lot of homework, so I studied the whole morning and could not play in the pool with everybody.... It was sad, but I am a student now, so I have to do what I have to do.

On that evening, Loren and I went to Summer Fest 2006. Milwaukee has this summer festival annualy, and it goes on for about ten days. We went there to listen to Tom Petty & Heartbrakers. It was my first time to listen to Tom Petty's music, and I liked his songs. There were a lot of people!

[Photo 1] Summer Fest's gate
[Photo 2] Many people at Marcus Amphitheatre




この日の夕方、ローレンと私は以前から計画していた、サマーフェスタに行ってきました。ミルワーキー市は、毎年夏にこのフェスティバルを催しているそうで、音楽のお祭りで沢山の音楽グループが演奏しています。10日ほどに渡るお祭りです。私たちはTom Pettyを聴きにSummer Festに行ったわけです。初めて聴きましたが好きになりました。沢山の人が来ていました。

[写真1] サマーフェスタの入り口の門
[ 写真2] マーカス野外劇場に来ていた沢山の人

Wisconsin Trip (1) ウイスコンシントリップ (1) 6/28

I just came home last night (7/7) from Wisconsin.
It was a 10-day trip and was wonderful in many ways.
Since I was busy during the trip, I could not post any new diary, so I am going to post pictures and short comments for each day of the trip.

Wednesday 6/28
Loren and I arrived at Milwaukee airport around 3 pm, and Loren's father, Dr. Lapow and Loren's half-brother, Justin, picked us up. It was a long trip with three transitions.

Dr. Lapow and Mrs. Lapow took us to a restaurant called Japanica for dinner. I had California rolls and miso soup and enjoyed them.

[Photo] A chef is cooking for us, and we are sitting around the chef.



