This past Sunday was Mother's Day.
I sent a card to my mom and also ordered flowers to be delivered to her from a local flower shop in her town.
When I was younger, I used to buy Carnations on every Mother's Day.
The habit of giving her flowers still exist.
This year, I ordered flowers from a shop called Fleur Ventvert located in Matsuyama-city, Ehime-prefecture, Japan. The store owner is a very charming person who loves flowers. Her name is Ms. Momoko Saeki. Momo means peach in Japanese. What a suitable name for a lady like her. I visited her shop this past winter when I was in Japan. The first time I spoke with her was when my mother got into a car accident last year, and I ordered flowers to cheer her up. That time, Ms. Saeki listened to my request carefully, answered my questions in a very timely manner, and I loved her kind voice. My mother enjoyed flowers arranged by Ms. Saeki. She also has a keen sense of beauty; she is an artist who knows how to bring out beauty of flowers to their best.
My mom used to tell me that no parent is perfect, yet every parent is already perfect in the way they are. This statement contradicted with itself, but I agree with her. There is a fact that we cannot help to make mistakes in our lives. On the other hand, “what is perfect?” Her word helped me, a perfectionist to breathe more easily and told me that I am already ‘perfect’ the way I am. She shared with me mistakes she has made as she raised me and my brother. I do no think that she was a terrible mother at all; in fact, she as a great mother. Yet, there are things that she regrets that she did. Wow, even my mom who raised me healthily and well has tons of regrets? How hard is it to be a mom?
I think that one of the toughest jobs in this world must be being a parent. As Mother's Day was approaching, I thought about it more than usual. They are mothers 24 hours 7 days. No break. Maybe they can take a trip without children, but the fact that they are mothers never changes. I admire every single mother on this planet for that reason. Everybody is doing their best.
I also think of my grandmothers. Without them, my parents would not be here, meaning I wouldn't be here either. The life has been passed on.
Mothers, mothers. They gave birth to us. They are strong. They smell nice. They work hard. They nurture us. They always put their arms out to embrace us no matter what. Mothers, mothers...
The below is a message I wrote to my mom this year.
"I think of you even when it's not Mother's Day, but I especially think of you on this day. I think that I grew up without believing the world is a terrible place because you protected me well like a bird puts all her squabs under her wing. And, the reason I could leave the comfortable place to build my own life was because you put strong wings on my back and told me and said, "You go now." And, as I learn that the world has more scary aspects than I knew, I still cannot stop loving to be alive. It is because you have been teaching me that the universe is a beautiful place no matter what. My home of soul is in God's arms. My heart and body's home is in your arms. Thank you for giving me a place where I can go back."
(Photos: Flowers are from Emi's garden. She gave me these beautiful flowers last week.)
今年は愛媛県の松山市にあるフルール ヴァンヴェールというお花屋さんで注文しました。お店の店長さんである佐伯桃子さんという方はお花を愛するとてもチャーミングな方です。お花屋さんになった桃子さん、なんてぴったりなお名前をお持ちでしょうか。(私達の名前にはこの人生で成し遂げたいと生前に思っていたことのヒントが含まれているそうです。桃子さんの場合はお花に関するお仕事に就くということが天命だったのでしょうね。)この前の冬に日本に帰った際に、桃子さんのお店に顔を出させて頂いたりしてました。一番最初に桃子さんとお話したのは、母が昨年交通事故に遭った際に活気付けられればと思ってお花を注文したときでした。私のリクエストに慎重に耳を傾けてくれ、質問には早急に答えてくれ、特に彼女の親切なお声に励まされたものです。母も彼女の作ったお花のアレンジメントをとても喜んでおりました。彼女はお花たちの美しさを最大に引き出す才能の持ち主(アーティスト)なんだと思います。
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