
Children and Arts 子どもと芸術

Students at the field experience classroom have been exposed to some visual arts activities. I would like to share some of their work.
(Japanese: 教育実習先の生徒達はここのところ、色々なビジュアル(視覚的な)アートを創作する機会に恵まれておりました。彼らの努力の成果をお披露目なり。)

Students made these cute ceramic mobile sculpture. They will be completed after they hang them with a string. There are many shapes: hearts, fish, stars, and more.
(Japanese: これらのかわいい陶器のモビールを作りました。紐でつなぎ合わせれば出来上がりです。色々な形がありますね。ハート型、魚の形、星、他にも色々。)

They also made these mosaic by tearing magazines and putting a piece of paper one at a time. This activity tells me what kind of characteristics each student has. Some take it very seriously and do a meticulous job whereas others simply do not care details. There is not good or bad about that. I just think that it's interesting to see each child's trait. It's imporatnt to have some flexibility as well as a detail-oriented mind.

(Japanese: これらのモザイクの風景画も作りました。雑誌の好みのカラーのページを細かく手でちぎって、一つ一つ貼り付けていきます。根気のいる作業です。生徒一人一人の性格が見られる作業です。ある子たちはとっても丁寧。(丁寧すぎるくらい。)なので時間がかかります。中には適当にちぎって適当に貼っていく子たちもいます。悪い良いではなく、ただその子の特徴が見られて面白いなぁと思います。ある程度の適当さも必要。ある程度の几帳面さも必要ね。)

I think children are all artists. And even all grown-ups are actually very special artists. We need to restore "the felling" of child which we abondoned and exchanged for responsibility and priviledge of becoming adults, thinking that we were no longer allowed to have "the feeling". In actuality, it is quite possible to have "the feeling" and responsibility at the same time. Let us awake the artists within us. Can you imagine what the world would look like when we build it with the heart of child and responsibility of adults? I bet it's pretty cool.

(Japanese: 子どもは皆、芸術家だと思います。そして大人になった私達でさえも実はステキなステキなアーティストです。ただ大人になっていく過程で、責任や大人としての権利と引き換えに「もう持っていたらダメなんだ」と勘違いして置いてきてしまった「あの気持ち」を取り戻さなくちゃ。本当は責任感と「あの気持ち」は両立出来るもの。私達の中にいる芸術家を眠りから起こしましょう。子どもの心と大人の責任で作り上げた世界はどんな風なものか想像できる?きっと面白くて、ステキで、かっこいいと私は思うんだ。)


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Akari Ueoka said...
