(Students playing a baseball in a P.E. class. The pitcher used to be a students this elementary school. Now, he is a high school student and plays baseball. This day, he was helping his old teacher's class.)
I am tired...
The weekend UH course had a lot of fun and learning. Several assignments successfully made their due dates. Our presentations went well.
But, oh boy! how tired I was. Without much rest, Monday morning, I had to go to the elementary school for student teaching. I respect all the teachers who wake up early every morning (my mentor teacher is in her classroom at 6:15 am!)
The next week will be my last week to work with the students.
I will miss them.
Tonight, I was so eager to go to bed early and sleep, but for some reason, I cannot sleep. It sometimes happens that I cannot sleep because I am too tired. I never had the trouble before. Does it mean that I am getting old?? Or it could mean that I am not doing a good job of swtiching on and off from "work mode" to "relax mode."
Oh well. I will try to rest myself.
(Students playing Jenga)
(Japanese: 雨が降ったら室内で遊びます。これはジェンガという積み木のようなおもちゃで、重ねて下から一つずつブロックを取って、上に重ねていきます。このタワーが崩れてしまったらゲームの終わりです。)
(Other students playing Uno)
(Japanese: 他の子たちは私も昔よく遊んだウノをしていました。)
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