
Kimono 着物

When I came back to Maui from Japan, I wore kimono.
Of course, I was not sure about wearing it in the plane from Japan to Honolulu for six hours, so I did not. I put it on at Honolulu airport and sat in a plane from Honolulu to Maui for a half hour. It was easy.

When I wore the kimono in Japan, I had some deep connection with it. I do not exactly know how to describe it. It reminded me of who I am. It gave me comfort as if it told me that I have a solid cultural foundation in me where I can come back whenever I want. How beautiful it is to be proud of my own culture and find my identity in it.

After I left Japan five years ago, I became more "Japanese." I do not necessarily think that I am one Japanese in Japan, but here, I am daily reminded that I am one. When I fill in an application to school, scholarships, driver's license, there is a column that asks what ethnicity I am. I write "Japanese." When I speak English, people ask me where I came from (because of my accent), and I say, "Japan."

People are also interested in Japanese culture here - outside of Japan, and they ask me what it is like to be Japanese, what kind of food we eat, how we speak, and so on.

Therefore, I was given a great opportunity to think what "Japanese" is about. Then, I realized what a beautiful culture we have. I appreciated Japanese culture as I grew up in Japan, but I now appreciate it even more. Kimono was one of them. It is so astonishingly beautiful to me. Every kimono has the same shape, so how to express own personality through the same shape? The colors, prints, and textures. They add such a big difference, yet they are so subtle. That's the beauty of Japan! The subtleness adds such a vivid point - elegant simplicity = plain living and high thinking.

As I left Japan, I was excited to be back on Maui, my second home; however, at the same time, I was getting a bit of homesick already.
So, wearing kimono around me and landing on Maui was my ceremony. A way of reminding myself the connection with my 'aina (means "land" in Hawaiian; in this case, it means Japan) and to express who I am.




5年前に日本からこちら(ハワイ、アメリカ)に来てからもっと「日本人」になったような気がします。日本に居るときには私が一人の日本人だとは改めて思うことはあまりありません。でも、ここでは毎日のように私が日本人であることを知ります。学校への願書、奨学金への申込書、運転免許証の申込書、そういった書類に自分がどこの民族に所属するか記入する欄があるのです。「Japanese」と書き込みます。英語を話しているときも、こちらの人々は「どこから来たのか?」と私に聞きます(私の英語のアクセントのため)そして「from Japan」と答えます。




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