
I am back on Maui マウイに戻ってきました

I am back on Maui.
I returned last Thursday afternoon.

The next day (Friday), the weekend UH (University of Hawaii) session began. I was mentally preparing for it when I was in Japan, so it was not stressful to me mentally, but it was physically hard.

(Oh, by the way, I got a new student visa. It went smoothly. Thanks!)

On Friday, I could not wake up until 1 pm, and then I could not sleep even a minute on Friday night!! Therefore, I was very tired on Saturday all day. I was trying to keep myself awake especially in the afternoon class.

I have traveled the world, and I have not had a hard time to adjust to the local time before. How come it is hard this time? Is it because I am aging? Well, I don't know. Anyhow, the jet lag is fading away.

The above picture is the shape of Maui, and I made it with a lei Loren gave me when he picked me up at the airport.

The picture below is the blue sky above the island of Maui taken on last Saturday.

I had such a wonderful time in Japan, rejuvenated myself. I am back to the life on Maui now. I hope everyone is doing well wherever you are.










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