
iPod Nano アイポッド ナノ

I did not think that I would have an iPod just because 1) I did not have money to buy one and 2) I could not think of time to use it. (Only time I listen to music is usually when I am driving my car, with the car audio system.)

BUT, I got one!!!
Loren gave it to me. When he signed up for a new bank, the bank gave one iPod to each new customer. He already had an iPod, so he asked me if I would want one. I said, "If there is nobody else you know who would be benefited by this more than I will, I will take it for sure!!" I was thinking of a couple of boys who used to be in his program. Loren said that they already have one.

Wow, I finally have an iPod! Although I was very happy when Loren gave it to me, I could not open it for awhile (like a month!) First reason was due to my personality. I am kind of a person who is really careful to open a gift and want to think how and when to use it before I open it. Second reason was due to my schedule. Simply, I did not have time to download the software to my computer and transfer music to the iPod.

I finally did it last week. iPod Nano is so tiny and skinny. I hope I won't loose it :) It is so nice to have music in life! Music can color the ordinary view more vividly.





イエーイ!私もiPodだよーん。しかしですね、こんなに嬉しかったにも関わらず、ローレンにもらってからしばらく開けてませんでした。(一ヶ月くらい!)理由は・・・。その一. 私はプレゼントをもらうとまずどんな風にいつ使うか考えて、それから時間をかけて開けてるという性質(たち)のため。その二. iPodに曲を入れるためには私のコンピューターにソフトウェアをダウンロードして、それから曲をiPodに移さなくちゃいけないんですけど、それをする時間が無かった。

先週、やっと出来ました。iPodにも色々種類があるそうなのですが、私のはiPod Nanoといいます。とても小さくて薄いです。無くさないように気をつけようっと。生活に音楽があるっていいですよね。普段の何気ない眺めも、音楽によって色づけられます。


Cramps 激痛

Today, I had the worst cramps. It started around noon and escarlated gradually. I was supposed to be at the elementary school for my student teaching until 2:30 pm, but my mentor teacher saw me struggling to deal with the pain and suggested me to ho home at 2 pm. (Students were already gone.) My mentor teacher gave me a pain killer. I took it. I walked to the parking lot, and I could not drive. That's how intense the pain was. I lay down on the back seat of my car. I didn't know how long I had to lie down there. After I drowsed out for awhile, the pill seemed to have kicked in. I started to feel better. I looked at my cell phone to see what time it was. It was already 4:00 pm!! I was there for two hours. There were no car left but mine at the parking lot. I slowely drove home.

I had no problem with cramps until I became 22 years old. I do not know what would work for me. I do not like to take unnatural pills. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks.

[Photo: My car's sunroof. I like to open it, recline my car seat, and watch the sky.]






Field Trip 遠足

Copyright © Jocelyn Carlin 2003

Friday, we had a field trip to Maui Art Cultraul Center (MACC) to see a show from Solomon Islands. I did not know where Solomon Islands were. According to Wikipedia, "The Solomon Islands is a nation in Melanesia east of Papua New Guinea, consisting of nearly one thousand islands."

I very much enjoyed their music and dance!! All the dancers looked young, about 15 to 18 years old. There were more boys than girls. They danced as they played interesting instrument which looked like a flute made out of bamboo. They had anklets made out of shells, so they made joyous sounds each time they stepped on the floor. Their music was soft yet fluidity and gave me a feeling of festivity.

I hope that the kids we took enjoyed seeing different cultures. I hope to encourage children to learn to appreciate different cultures and values because there are a lot to learn from each other.

After the show, we had a lunch at a park. After the lunch, children played at the play ground as you can see in the picture above.


金曜日は遠足の日でした。Maui Art Cultraul Center(MACC)にソロモン諸島から来たショーを観に行きました。私は遠足の日までソロモン諸島が何処にあるのか知りませんでした。Wikipediaによりますと、「ソロモン諸島(ソロモンしょとう)は、南太平洋のメラネシアにある島々(島嶼群)であり、また、その島々を国土とする島国である。オーストラリアの北東、パプアニューギニアの東に位置する。」




Wrapping Up Year 2006 2006年を締めくくる

The year 2006 is almost over. 2007 is coming.

I need to wrap "2006" up in the next month.

Today, I mainly stayed home. Only time I went out was when I went to a grocery shopping, a bank, and a post office. Today was the first day for a new caregiver, so I gave her an orientation. I hope that it will work out for her and us.

I did a lot of homework, and I researched about an air ticket to go back to Japan. It is expensive! It's almost $940.00!! Ahhh... I also have been researching how to "re-apply" for a student visa. It requires a lot of paper work... There are many things to do.

Well, I better go to bed, so this is it for tonight... One step at a time.

Good night, everyone.

[Photo: There was an Ikebana (flower arrangement) class when I was going to the massage school. I think that seeing beauty in nature and bringing it out is the same as seeing beauty in people and bring it out as a massage therapist. It will be great to be such a massage therapist. I arranged this one. I really liked the balance of it. I hope to maintain this balance in my life.]










Lessons 学び

[A child painting hearts in an activity.]
[(In Japanese) あるアクティビティでハートを描き並べている子]

Today was my day to go to the elementary school. I packed up the left over from last night as my lunch for today. (Loren cooked last night. Thank you, Loren.)

Mondays seem to be a little harder for children to focus because they need time to recover from weekends. Their teacher tells them to go to bed by 8 pm. I wonder what time I went to bed when I was a first grader. I think it was between 8 and 9 pm. Some students look tired after lunch. (So was I.) I admire my mentor teacher's skill to keep their attention on her throughout a day.

After the school, I went to Ho'okipa Beach to surf. I had not surfed for a long time, and my body and spirit wanted to be in the ocean! As soon as I paddled out, I caught two waves, but soon after that, a big set came in. I was paddling out, and I saw a lady in front of me with her long board. I tried to not go behind her, but there was not enough time to go around. I duck dived. Then, her board hit my right lower back (around the kidney area). It hurt so much! I could not breath for a second, but another set was coming in, so I put myself on my board and paddled out. It was a good lesson to remind myself to not go behind anyone and also to remind myself to not let my board go!

Tonight, I took a hut bath with Epson Salt to relax my muscles. I am in pain right now. I hope that it will get better soon because I cannot lift my leg up right now... :(

Any sport has its own risk, and I take the risk to enjoy it. Of course, I will be always do my best to keep myself safe, though.


[Ho'okipa Beach; this photo was taken in April, 2006]
[(In JApanese) 今年の4月に撮ったホオキパビーチ]







Teacher Candidate 先生の卵

(Students are singing an oli and a school song first thing in the morning. An oli is a chant; students ask for permission to come in to school and learn. Teachers oli back to the students, giving them permission to come in. I think that it's beautiful.

Japanese - 生徒と先生はオリと校歌を朝一番に歌います。オリはチャントで、チャントとは詠唱のことです。生徒は学校に来て学ぶことを許可(承認)してもらうよう謡います。先生は生徒のオリに応えるべく、教室へ入ることを認可するために謡います。とても美しい朝の行事だと思います。)

I have been doing student teaching at a public school on Maui since September. This is required by University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Education to be a certified teacher.

All students are placed in a classroom at a public school and observe, learn, and practice to be a teacher. For this semester, the next semester and one after the next semester, we go to the classroom only twice per week from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. For the last semester, we are going to be in a classroom five days a week from 7:20 am to 4:30 pm!! (It's like a full-time job but not being paid.)

The grade I was placed in is first. They are about 5 and 6 years old. (Most of them are 6 years old.) They are very cute and sweet. I go there Mondays and Thursdays.

I enjoy working with them and my mentor teacher. She used to teach a Hawaiian Immersion program, so she can speak both Hawaiian and English! The school I am placed in has the Hawaiian Immersion program, so half of the classes are taught only in Hawaiian language. In the program, everything (such as math, science, social studies) are taught in Hawaiian language. I personally think that it is very cool because those young generations are inheriting the old, beautiful culture. However, I heard that it is hard for the children because most of their families cannot help their homework because they do not speak Hawaiian. The students start to learn the formal English grammar in the fifth grade, and they have to quickly catch up with others who have been studying in English environment since the first grade.

By the way, the classroom I was placed in is called a regular classroom, meaning that instruction is in English. I would not be able to learn Hawaiian while I am learning English and about elementary education :)





その子たちの担任の先生が、私のメンター(先輩とか助言者っていう意味)で私の指導をしてくれます。子どもたちとメンター先生と一緒に働くのは良い経験になっています。彼女は以前、ハワイアン イマージョン プログラムで働いていたのでハワイ語と英語が話せます。私が配置された小学校はマウイの中でハワイアン イマージョン プログラムが導入されている小学校で、それぞれの学年の半分がハワイ語で勉強をしています。イマージョンの意味は学習中の言語を使って生活しながらその言語を習得する教育方法です。そのプログラムに入っている子どもたちは、算数も社会も、理科も全てハワイ語で勉強するわけです。家や学校の外では英語を話しています。中には両親がハワイ語を話す家庭もあるそうですが、多くはありません。私個人的には、ハワイアンという古き美しい文化がちゃんと若い世代たちに伝わっていっているのを見て素晴らしいと思います。(子どもたちは大変そうですが。家族がハワイ語を読み書き出来ないので宿題を手伝えない場合が多いらしいです。小学5年生になったときに英語でも授業を取り始めます。そのときに英語の文法とかを習います。普段英語を話していても、書くとなると別の話らしく、そこで一年生から英語を勉強してきている子との差を埋めるのが大変らしいです。)


Hats by Emi 帽子byエミ

I have been helping a lady who is an wonderful artist, and she is a milliner (one that makes, trims, designs, or sells hats). Her name is Emi.

Now, what I am doing for her is basically helping her to market her hats.

First, I was introduced to her through my friend. She needed some hands to pack her belongings as she was going to move. It was going to be a temporal thing. However, things happened, and the packing process was canceled. Then, she asked me if I would help her to make a web-site in order to sell her hats on-line. She had two spine surgeries and is still recovering from them; therefore, she cannot work a lot. Being able to sell her hats on-line was a good idea and was important, so that she can work from home while she is healing her severe back pain.

It's been a great honor for me to work with her and see her developing her business again while she is going through so many challenges in her life at this moment. She is strong, and her will to make her life beautiful just like her hats inspires me. She still follows her passion, and she shows me how we can be okay no matter what happen in our lives.

We have sent out postcards and e-mails to her customers (more than 400!!) in Honolulu and in the mainland. We also put her hat on e-bay. We received several responses. One lady ordered a hat for her tea party!

Please visit her web-site. It is http://www.hatsbyemionmaui.com/. (It was made with help from a company called Homestead.) I think that we did a good job of making it looks neat and professional. When you visit the web-site, you might notice that the hat models are my friend Sarala and me... Sarala was supposed to be the model, but there was some difficulty with her baby while we were taking photos, so I became a model as a pinch hitter although I said "no, noway." Well, we are going to take better shots soon... :)

Her hats were also taken up on the magazine, "Maui No Ka Oi" on the Holiday Wrap-Up section.

I hope that Emi will receive many requests from customers all over the world. Please help us to spread the word out! Mahalo! (Thank you).





今までに400通以上のポストカードをエミの昔のお客様に送りました。それからE-mailも。何人かの方からは返事も来て、ある人はエミの帽子を注文してくれました。お茶会(Tea Party)に被っていくそうです。e-bayにも彼女の帽子がオークションに出ています。


最近では"Maui No Ka Oi" という雑誌のクリスマスギフトの特集で Holiday Wrap-Up sectionエミの帽子が取り上げられました!
