
Sunset 夕暮れ時

I think my favorite time of a day is during the sunset because everything looks beautiful in the golden sun light. The sun brings the most beautiful color out of each leaf on trees and grass on the ground. I wonder what I would see if I could see me soaking myself in the sunset.

Colors change every second, and the world tells me, “Just be here now."

There is nothing else I could do even if I try. I am captured. Just be here, witnessing the sunset magic....

(As I guessed (or I could say as I crystallized my belief) I caught a cold, had a slight fever, coughs, runny nose, and everything for a week. It's not fun! but I assume that my body is doing what it needs to do to get healed, so I guess I should not be so frustrated with myself and be gentle to myself. I also heard that catching a cold once awhile is a healthy thing; that's how our bodies do a cleaning inside... I guess that could be true.)





(案の定(と言うか、自分の心配していたことを現実にしてしまって)風邪をひいております。微熱も出まして、鼻水、咳、悪寒、風邪の症状全てを一応マスターしまして、ここ一週間ほどしんどーい状態であります。せっかく冬休みになったのに、全然楽しくないわ!でもそうは言っても仕方ないですし、体さんは体さんで一生懸命良くなろうとしてくれていますから、ここは自分に腹を立てずによしよしとしてあげようと思います。あと、風邪は時々ひくのは実は健康にいいのだと聞いたことがあります。風邪をひくことによって体が調整を取っているのだとか・・・。そんな気もする。以下を参照:「整体法―風邪をひけ!熱をだせ!」by 井本 邦昭)

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