
Warm Hearts 暖かい心

Hooray! I made it to 25th year of living on this planet. Yes, my birthday was 10/27, and I became 25 years old. 25!!! I cannot believe it :) I am already 25. Wow... How did it happen?

My friend as well as one of “hanai” moms on Maui, Emi, cooked a dinner for me on Thursday night! (Hanai is a Hawaiian word, and it means to adopt. Just for your information, I am not adopted legally, but in Hawaii, we use this word to describe a close relationship.) I have been working for Emi once a week for the past year and half. She has been a great inspiration to me. She is like a big sister, a mom, a teacher, a student, and sometimes a little sister. It’s so interesting and wonderful to be able to build a friendship with someone who is not about your age (Emi is older than my mom). I am so grateful for our friendship. She has been always there for me when I was going through difficult times. She is the person who introduced me to Byron Katie’s Work. I am so grateful for the Work. It has been a great blessing to know the Work and do the Work.

All the food was so yummy, and I ate all of it. My tummy was so full; it was difficult for me to drive home :)

On Friday, I went to an Italian cafe to treat myself a lunch. I got vegi lasagna and a piece of chocolate cake :) I told a server, “It’s my birthday today, so I am splurging myself with a chocolate cake!” Then, he said, “Happy Birthday to you!” He did not charge me for the chocolate cake but only lasagna. He and another server put a burning candle on top of the cake and brought it to my table. It was very sweat of them to do that. Other customers also said happy birthday to me. It was a nice feeling to allow myself to be celebrated.







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Akari Ueoka said...

