Beautiful bride, Chika, and two bridesmaid: Renoa and Akari.
Requested by the photographers, we took a pose of Charlie's Angeles. (My joints are flexible, and when I extend my elbows to straight, they tend to go beyond straight. So, my right elbow looks a bit wired, but please disregard that :)
Renoa is a girl whom Chika met when they were going to Hawaii Pacific University. She is two years younger than us, but she is grounded, smart, and has a goos sense of humor. It's easy to be around her. She is studying at University of Hawaii now. The same necklace we are wearing in the photo were given by Chika and David as gifts for being Bridesmaid. It's a shape of heart. I will remember this wedding whenever I wear this one.
れのあちゃんは、知佳がホノルルのHawaii Pacific Universityに通っていたときに知り合ったお友達。二つ年下なんだけど、とてもしっかりしていて、その上面白くて一緒にいて全然疲れない子。今はUniversity of Hawaiiで勉強しています。二人がおそろいで付けているネックレスは、知佳とデイビッドからのブライズメイドをしてくれてありがとうという御礼のプレゼント。ハートの形をした銀色のかわいらしいネックレスです。これをする度に、この結婚式を思い出すことでしょう。
On the day of the wedding, I went to Atelier Haruka to do make up and hair. I think that I should know how to do make up on my own at my age, but living in Hawaii, I don't have necessity to wear make up on, and I personally do not like wearing it, so I don't have much opportunities to practice. However, for this special occasion, being one of the bridesmaid and attending my best friend's wedding, I thought that I should look decent, so I decided to seek for help from professionals. This hair and make-up salon, Atelier Haruka is a Japanese company (the head office is located in Nagoya) and just opened in Waikiki. It was a very convenient location, only 5-minute walk from the hotel, Hale Kualani where Chika's wedding was held. Mr. Kawabe did the hair, and Ms. Yori did the make up. They were friendly despite of the fact that it was early morning, and they were professional as well. Both did a wonderful job of bringing out beauty that Renoa and I withheld. Don't you think so? Maybe because I don't usually do make up, I had a difficult time looking up the ceiling as Ms. Yori drew eye line, but she persistently encouraged me and tried it. Looking at my face changing in the mirror, it reminded me of feeling when my mom put my hair up and slightly put lip gross on my lips for a festival in Japan when I was small. I thought that adoring our bodies is a necessary process for a ceremony. By doing so, our body, mind, and spirit start to vibrate at a higher level and get ready for a ceremony.
結婚式当日の朝は、前もって予約をしておいたアトリエはるかにてメイクをヘアーをしてもらいました。一応お化粧くらい、この年ですから自分で出来るようにしておいた方がいいと思うのですが、ハワイで住んでいると(日本ではどうか分からないですが)メイクをする必要性が全くないのと、また私がメイクが嫌いなものでしないので、練習する機会が限られます。しかし、この度は親友の結婚式ですし、何しろブライズメイドの一人ですし、ちゃんとしてなくちゃと思い、プロの方にやってもらうことにしました。このアトリエはるかは日本の会社(本社は名古屋です)でして、最近ワイキキにオープンされたようです。結婚式場であるHale Kualaniホテルから徒歩5分程の、便利なロケーションでした。そして、ヘアーをしてくださったKawabeさんと、メイクをしてくださったYoriさんは、二人とも朝早いにも関わらず(7時でした)フレンドリーで尚且つプロフェッショナルな仕事振りでありました。お二人にお任せでやってもらったのですが、れのあちゃんと私、それぞれの持っている良さを引き出してくれるようなヘアーとメイクをしてくれました。普段メイクをしないせいか、Yoriさんにはアイラインを引くときなど目を上に向けられず困らせてしまいましたが、それでも根気よくやってくださいました。メイクで自分の顔が変わっていくのを見るのは、小さい頃にお祭りのために髪の毛を後頭部で団子にして、うっすら口紅を母に塗ってもらったときの気分を思い出させてくれました。特別な日のために自分の容姿を飾るというのは、セレモニーに欠かせないプロセスの一つだと思いました。それによって私たちの、体、気持ち、そしてスピリットがより高い次元で振動し始め、セレモニーへの気が高まります。
A view of my hair from the back...
A beautiful hula dancer added essence of Hawaii into the wedding.
The food was delicious, too, prepared by Hale Kualani. Everyone could put what they wanted to eat on their plates, and for bride, groom, bridesmaid, and groomsman, plates were made by the hotel (since we could not walk around much).
The bride: Chika
The groom: David
The best man: David's friend
Groomsman: David's brother
Bridesmaid: Renoa
Maid of Honor: Akari
Chika was beautiful taking my breath away, and her wedding dress surrounding her beautiful self.
David and Chika's speech for their parents made me cry. It's amazing to think that these two individuals used to be just babies. They did not know each other. And there are many people involved in their lives who poured their unconditional love, and they are the results of the love. And here they are now, going to produce more results of love. That's one of the repeated beauties of us, human beings.
Just Married!
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