
New Surfboard!!! 新しいサーフボード

This is my new surfboard!!!
This was my birthday gift from Loren.

On my birthday, and he gave me two surfboard wax, saying, "Happy Birthday!" Then, as he was about to leave, he said, "Oh, there is something goes along with them" as if he just remembered about it. Then, he went back to his truck and came back with this board!!

I was super, super happy :D I cried :)
I was just thinking to get a bit longer board (right now, I am riding 5 feet 10 inch Timpone swallow-tailed board). This one is made by Dave Mel, and it is 6 feet long.

My favorite color has been blue since I was like 10 years old, but all of sudden, it shifted to light green (like green tea color) last year. Loren remembered the fact that my favorite color changed, so he went to look for a green leash. I bet it was difficult to find a green one... Thank you, Loren.

I have not used it yet! Maybe tomorrow, I will go surf.
I am so excited to surf with it.








Warm Hearts 暖かい心

Hooray! I made it to 25th year of living on this planet. Yes, my birthday was 10/27, and I became 25 years old. 25!!! I cannot believe it :) I am already 25. Wow... How did it happen?

My friend as well as one of “hanai” moms on Maui, Emi, cooked a dinner for me on Thursday night! (Hanai is a Hawaiian word, and it means to adopt. Just for your information, I am not adopted legally, but in Hawaii, we use this word to describe a close relationship.) I have been working for Emi once a week for the past year and half. She has been a great inspiration to me. She is like a big sister, a mom, a teacher, a student, and sometimes a little sister. It’s so interesting and wonderful to be able to build a friendship with someone who is not about your age (Emi is older than my mom). I am so grateful for our friendship. She has been always there for me when I was going through difficult times. She is the person who introduced me to Byron Katie’s Work. I am so grateful for the Work. It has been a great blessing to know the Work and do the Work.

All the food was so yummy, and I ate all of it. My tummy was so full; it was difficult for me to drive home :)

On Friday, I went to an Italian cafe to treat myself a lunch. I got vegi lasagna and a piece of chocolate cake :) I told a server, “It’s my birthday today, so I am splurging myself with a chocolate cake!” Then, he said, “Happy Birthday to you!” He did not charge me for the chocolate cake but only lasagna. He and another server put a burning candle on top of the cake and brought it to my table. It was very sweat of them to do that. Other customers also said happy birthday to me. It was a nice feeling to allow myself to be celebrated.







Odisi Performance オディッシーパフォーマンス

(Akari driving to the performance place with make up on. Ten of us transfered ourselves looking like this. I bet some people were surprised :)

The performance on Saturday night went beautifully.

Thank you very much againg for thoes of you who came to support our performance. It was a full-house, and some people had to stand to watch the show. I am also appreciative that a Christian church let us perform at their facility although Odissi dance is a totally different culture and also values a different religion. I thought that it was very beautiful. Vishnu and Sarala mesmorized many people with their professional skills and sincere devotion. I very much enjoyed performing on the stage with other beautiful student dancers.

Japanese: ずっとブログに書こう、書こうと思いつつも忙しくて書きそびれていたのですが、実はこの前の土曜日にオッディッシーダンスの発表会があったのです。一年近くサララのもとでこのインドの伝統的な踊りを勉強してきましたが、今回が私にとっては初めての発表会でした。私たち生徒が踊ったのは一つの振り付けだけでしたが、この5分足らずの振り付けだけでも人様にお見せ出来るところまで引き上げていくには、沢山の練習が必要でした。過去一ヵ月半の間は週に二回練習に通い、リハーサルを重ねてきました。

そしてこの前の土曜日の夜、とうとう本番の日がきました。そして、発表会は無事に大成功に終わりました。この場をお借りしまして、改めて足を運んでくださった方々にお礼を申し上げたいです。私たちの発表会を応援してくれてありがとうございました。(この発表会の売り上げはインドのムンバイにあります、SANE GURUJI AROGYA MANDIR (SGAM)という団体に寄付されます。この団体はムンバイのスラム街に暮らす子供たちが学校へ行けるように支援し、また金銭的に貧しい方が適切な医療を受けられるように医療機関を整えています。)



Thought the photo is blurry, I hope you can see how beautiful and intricate this costume is. It's almost as complexed as wearing kimono :) The point that you cannot use a bathroom easily is similar to kimono. Sarala let me borrow this beautiful costume which she wore at age of 16 when she first danced solo in India. I felt a lot of "mana" (a Hawaiian word for supernatural or divine power, or to have authority, privilege or power) in it. I felt that all the devotion Sarala has put into her artistic expression accumulated in it, so I felt protected in this costume. It was my honort to borrow it and dance in it.

Japanese: この写真はぼけてしまいましたが、衣装がこんな風になってるんだよって伝わるといいです。複雑な作りです。着物を着るのと同じくらい大変かも?来てからトイレにそう簡単には行けない点がよく似ています。この衣装はサララがかしてくれました。彼女が16歳のときに、インドで初のソロのダンスを踊ったときに着たものだそうです。この衣装に沢山のマナを感じました。マナとはハワイ語でして、神聖な力という意味を持っています。サララが長年この衣装を纏って踊る度に注がれた祈祷と帰依の心が蓄積されていつような気がしました。なのでこの衣装を身に纏い踊れることは、光栄なことでしたし、守られているような気がして安心して踊れました。

This is how the costume looks like when I stand with my legs wide open and sit. It's like a peacock feather.

Japanese: 足を離して、腰を少し下ろして立ったときに、この部分の衣装が孔雀の羽みたいに開きます。きれいでしょ?

Loren and his Grandma Elsie also came to support the performance. It's so fortunate and appreciative to be able to share something you love with people you love.

Japanese: ローレンもローレンのおばあちゃんを連れて観に来てくれました。友達も沢山きてくれました。大好きな人たちと、私が大好きなものをシェア出来るって何て有難いことでしょう。


Odisi Dance

I want to inform here that I will be performing tonight at Makawao Union Church.

(I meant to post this in early this week, but I didn't have time to do so until now...)

I have been studying a classical Indian dance called Odissi with Sarala Dandeker who is one of my treasury friends as well as a mighty teacher for the past year.

This is my very first time to perform in front of an audience.

Date: Saturday, 10/20
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Makawao Union Church (1445 Baldwin Ave., Makawao, HI 96768) Map here
Tiket: $15 @ door

We have a guest performer, Vishnu Tattva Das who is a professiona, fantastic male Odissi dancer. It's such a treat to have him on Maui this time.

The proceeds will be donated to SANE GURUJI AROGYA MANDIR (SGAM)

SGAM is a social educational and cultural organization striving for the betterment of the underprivileged in the Chunabhatti slum area of Mumbai. Most importantly
SAGM provides a co-ed school catering to about 2500 students from pre-kindergarten to High School as well as a 13 bed hospital providing dental clinic, eye clinic, homeopathy and ayurveda for over 25,000 poor patients each year.

I will look forward to seeing you there :)

For those of you who would like to know more about SGAM, here is information sent by my dance teacher, Sarala.

"SAGM was originally founded in 1952 by Dr.Vasant and Dr. Kashitai Avasare members of the freedom struggle in India and close associates to Sane Guruji. They obtained a 30 year lease on land in the Chunabhatti slum area, registered with the Charity Commissioner Trust (# E982 Mumbai) and built a shed 30x60 feet to begin the first school.

The school began with a basic nursery and primary school, with volunteer doctors aring for the children's health needs and a literacy program for the children's mothers.

In 1970 a secondary school was started and in 1973 the Government donated the land to SAGM. Each year since then, the scope of education broadened and construction began at the site at a rate of 2 to 4 classrooms per year under architect Madhukar Khanolkar. After 25 years a 4 story building was completed. The complex houses 3 schools, a professional training facility, an Arts Wing, a library and a health clinic (originally for treating leprosy in the slums) which provides care for over 25,000 patients each year. Recently the clinic has organized a health check-up camp for people in the surrounding area.

SAGM has 8 full time and 41 part time activists, many of them are volunteers. Many of the teachers at the nursery, primary and secondary schools are graduates from SAGM."


The Day of the Wedding 結婚式当日

Beautiful bride, Chika, and two bridesmaid: Renoa and Akari.


Requested by the photographers, we took a pose of Charlie's Angeles. (My joints are flexible, and when I extend my elbows to straight, they tend to go beyond straight. So, my right elbow looks a bit wired, but please disregard that :)


Renoa is a girl whom Chika met when they were going to Hawaii Pacific University. She is two years younger than us, but she is grounded, smart, and has a goos sense of humor. It's easy to be around her. She is studying at University of Hawaii now. The same necklace we are wearing in the photo were given by Chika and David as gifts for being Bridesmaid. It's a shape of heart. I will remember this wedding whenever I wear this one.

れのあちゃんは、知佳がホノルルのHawaii Pacific Universityに通っていたときに知り合ったお友達。二つ年下なんだけど、とてもしっかりしていて、その上面白くて一緒にいて全然疲れない子。今はUniversity of Hawaiiで勉強しています。二人がおそろいで付けているネックレスは、知佳とデイビッドからのブライズメイドをしてくれてありがとうという御礼のプレゼント。ハートの形をした銀色のかわいらしいネックレスです。これをする度に、この結婚式を思い出すことでしょう。

On the day of the wedding, I went to Atelier Haruka to do make up and hair. I think that I should know how to do make up on my own at my age, but living in Hawaii, I don't have necessity to wear make up on, and I personally do not like wearing it, so I don't have much opportunities to practice. However, for this special occasion, being one of the bridesmaid and attending my best friend's wedding, I thought that I should look decent, so I decided to seek for help from professionals. This hair and make-up salon, Atelier Haruka is a Japanese company (the head office is located in Nagoya) and just opened in Waikiki. It was a very convenient location, only 5-minute walk from the hotel, Hale Kualani where Chika's wedding was held. Mr. Kawabe did the hair, and Ms. Yori did the make up. They were friendly despite of the fact that it was early morning, and they were professional as well. Both did a wonderful job of bringing out beauty that Renoa and I withheld. Don't you think so? Maybe because I don't usually do make up, I had a difficult time looking up the ceiling as Ms. Yori drew eye line, but she persistently encouraged me and tried it. Looking at my face changing in the mirror, it reminded me of feeling when my mom put my hair up and slightly put lip gross on my lips for a festival in Japan when I was small. I thought that adoring our bodies is a necessary process for a ceremony. By doing so, our body, mind, and spirit start to vibrate at a higher level and get ready for a ceremony.

結婚式当日の朝は、前もって予約をしておいたアトリエはるかにてメイクをヘアーをしてもらいました。一応お化粧くらい、この年ですから自分で出来るようにしておいた方がいいと思うのですが、ハワイで住んでいると(日本ではどうか分からないですが)メイクをする必要性が全くないのと、また私がメイクが嫌いなものでしないので、練習する機会が限られます。しかし、この度は親友の結婚式ですし、何しろブライズメイドの一人ですし、ちゃんとしてなくちゃと思い、プロの方にやってもらうことにしました。このアトリエはるかは日本の会社(本社は名古屋です)でして、最近ワイキキにオープンされたようです。結婚式場であるHale Kualaniホテルから徒歩5分程の、便利なロケーションでした。そして、ヘアーをしてくださったKawabeさんと、メイクをしてくださったYoriさんは、二人とも朝早いにも関わらず(7時でした)フレンドリーで尚且つプロフェッショナルな仕事振りでありました。お二人にお任せでやってもらったのですが、れのあちゃんと私、それぞれの持っている良さを引き出してくれるようなヘアーとメイクをしてくれました。普段メイクをしないせいか、Yoriさんにはアイラインを引くときなど目を上に向けられず困らせてしまいましたが、それでも根気よくやってくださいました。メイクで自分の顔が変わっていくのを見るのは、小さい頃にお祭りのために髪の毛を後頭部で団子にして、うっすら口紅を母に塗ってもらったときの気分を思い出させてくれました。特別な日のために自分の容姿を飾るというのは、セレモニーに欠かせないプロセスの一つだと思いました。それによって私たちの、体、気持ち、そしてスピリットがより高い次元で振動し始め、セレモニーへの気が高まります。

A view of my hair from the back...


A beautiful hula dancer added essence of Hawaii into the wedding.


The food was delicious, too, prepared by Hale Kualani. Everyone could put what they wanted to eat on their plates, and for bride, groom, bridesmaid, and groomsman, plates were made by the hotel (since we could not walk around much).


The bride: Chika
The groom: David
The best man: David's friend
Groomsman: David's brother
Bridesmaid: Renoa
Maid of Honor: Akari


Chika was beautiful taking my breath away, and her wedding dress surrounding her beautiful self.

David and Chika's speech for their parents made me cry. It's amazing to think that these two individuals used to be just babies. They did not know each other. And there are many people involved in their lives who poured their unconditional love, and they are the results of the love. And here they are now, going to produce more results of love. That's one of the repeated beauties of us, human beings.


Just Married!




Prep. for the Wedding for Chika 知佳の結婚式の準備

Chika and David's welcome board. Photo was taken by a professional cameraman, but Chika made the board by herself.


This is the welcome dolls. Of course, they were made by Chika. She does anything, huh?

Cookie boxes for people to take home with. Chika found this fancy boxes on ebay and ordered cookies at the local store.


Ribbons tied up.


This is how a completed cookie box looks like. Chika also made this pink label on that Chika and David's names are printed. She designed, printed, and cut it. I think that she should start a business which supports people's weddings. She is considerate and also smart.


This is a gift for people who came from Japan for this wedding. Koa Wood case and Koa wood pens inside. Chika found the fabric, wrapped it around, and made the small brown tag, too. The tag explains what Koa tree is in Japanese.


David cooked yummy dinner for us. According to Chika, he loves to cook, and he often cooks for two of them. How lucky she is!


I could not list all the things that Chika and David did. There are a lot of things that people would not notice, but they put a lot of time and energy into these things. I was impressed how much and how well they have done these preparations on their own.



Chika's Wedding 知佳の結婚式

I am back from my friend, Chika's wedding held in Honolulu.

She was absolutely beautiful, and the wedding was indeed memorable.

I would like to write about it more, but I have been back in my busy life here on Maui, so I will take time to write about it later.






The Feeling あの気持ち

I was caught in beauty of this creature, blossomed around the house. I think it is called Winter Lilly.

I wonder why I cannot always live in the world of feeling which I smell when I am unexpectedly caught in beauty of nature. That's feeling... It resembles one that I feel when I remember something important.

Let me stay there, please.



