(Japanese) 過去二週間にしていたこと:
1. Moving (Loren and Grandma's move and my move overlapped, so it was hectic.)
(Japanese) 引越し(ローレンとおばあちゃんと私の引越しが同じ時期に重なったので余計にいそがしかった)
2. Cleaning (cleaning the new place and the old place)
(Japanese) 掃除(新しい家と前の家の掃除)
3. Student Teaching (as usual; two days per week)(Photo: students researching on the Internet)
(Japanese) 教育実習(いつも通り週に二日、計14時間。写真は生徒たちがコンピューターを使って調べものをしているところ)
4. Work (as usual; 14 hours per week)
(Japanese) 仕事(いつも通り週に14時間)
5. Dealing with the Mid-term week of college (a lot of reports & one presentation were due)
(Japanese) 大学の中間試験(沢山のレポートと1つのプレゼンテーションが先週締め切りでした)
6. Weekend college classes (I had a class on Fri, Sat, and Sun.)
(Japanese) 月に一度の週末授業が重なりました(金、土、日と授業)
7. Learning a new Izanai Yosakoi dance in four days (my dance teachers were visiting Maui from Japan, and I learned a new choreography in order to perform at Honolulu Festival and the Uanoa Festival on Maui.)
(Japanese) 新しいいざないよさこいの振り付けを習ってました(日本から先生が来ていて教えてくれました。4日しかなかったので一生懸命覚えました)
8. Flying over to Honolulu to perform the Izanai Yosakoi dance at Honolulu Festival
(Japanese) 日曜日の授業が終わってからホノルルに飛んでホノルルフェスティバルで踊ってきました(今回初めてgo!という新しい航空会社を使いました。アロハ航空やハワイアン航空より機体が小さいけど、全然揺れませんでした。天候が良かったのかな。値段も他の航空会社より安いです。
9. Danced at two shopping malls on Maui
(Japanese) マウイの二つのショッピングモールでも踊りました
10. Performing at the Uanoa Festival on Maui this past Sunday
(Japanese) この前の日曜日にはマウイで行われたUanoaフェスティバルで踊りました
Additionally, my car was not doing well, so I had no transportation for three days. I had a mechanic come over and fix it yesterday, so it runs now! But it cost me $300. My new place's toilet is not working promptly, and the water heater is not working at all, so I have been taking a shower at Loren's house which I do not mind at all. (My funny father said, "It must be nice to take a cold shower in Hawaii. You don't need hot shower, do you?" Well, dad, it is chilly to take a cold shower even on Maui, especially this rainy season.)
I have not set up a gas stove to cook warm meal yet, either. I have to get on it as soon as I find time.
(Japanese) それに付け加え、私の車の調子が悪くなって運転できない状態でした。昨日メカニックの人が来てくれて直してくれたので今はもう運転できるようになりましたが、$300かかりました・・・。新しい家のトイレが正常に動いていなかったり、シャワーの水を温めるヒーターが壊れていたり。(シャワーはローレンの家で使わせてもらっているので問題なしですが。)私の父は「ハワイだから水でもいいんじゃなあい?」ですって。いえ、お父さん、ハワイでも水のシャワーは寒いです。特に今の雨のよく降る季節は。台所にまだコンロもないので料理も出来ない状態です。今週中にセットアップしますが。
Loren has been having such a challenging time right now, so things have been dramatically intense. Yet, he has been putting his chin up and forging his way.
It was hard at one time, living in a chaotic place with boxes unpacked, cannot find certain things and going through this storm of happenings.
But, this past couple of weeks has been giving me a good opportunity to learn how to be strong and hold inner peace even when there is a storm outside. I was telling myself, “Akari, you got be stronger. What would you do if you ever go to a war-torn country in the future? You might not have anything that would comfort you, you might not settle down for months, in fact, you may travel and sleep on a different bed every night. You may never eat Japanese food there, and you may not able to take a hot shower for several days. Look at you. How blessed you are with warm cloths, nice bed, strong roof over your head, clean water to drink.” When I thought like this, I felt motivated. I felt my strength was awakening once again.
In the end, the world is a reflection of us.
This week is a spring break! I am going to settle down.
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