
Akari's First Experience of Blog! 安佳里の初めてのブログ 




時 間のある時に、出来るだけ更新していけたらと思います。(日本語を暫く書いていないので、表現や言葉使いが変なことがあるかと思いますが、どうかご了承 ください。そして、下に見えますように英語でも書いていますが、英語もパーフェクトではありませんので、ご了承ください。二つの言葉の狭間に佇んでしまう ことが多々あります・・・。もう少し英語が上達すれば、この症状も落ち着くと思うのですが。)



[写真:Iao Valley(イアオ バリー・渓谷)の内側からカフルイ(マウイの中心)を見渡した眺めです。]


This is my very first time to have my own blog! I am a little bit anxious about publishing my words on a public place, called on-line, but I am also excited at the future possibilities that this blog will bring to me. It's like sending my small child for grocery shopping on his own for his first time. (I don't have my child yet, so I don't know if this is ture or not, but I guess I will feel like this.) (I think that it's not common to send a small child, like five or six years old, for grocery shopping here in America because I don't see small children at grocery stores by themselves. It is common in Japan; it's like a rite of passage. I remember that I could not help to follow my brother when my mother sent him for his first time. I was so proud of him when he got home with vegetables that my mom asked him to get. I hope he did not notice me...)

The reason I created this blog was because I wanted to keep in touch with my family in Japan and my friends all over the world. I wish I could write to them every month to let them know what I am up to, but unfortunately, it is not possible. So, I hope that this will be the way to keep in touch with everyone.

I would like to update my blog as often as I can. (My English is not super great yet, so please bear with my "Akari-tive" English :)

Well, please support my new journey!

Thank you!

[Photo: This is a view from inside of Iao Valley to Kahului, the center of Maui.]


Anonymous said...

Great job Akari!! Thank you for doing this- I can't wait to read more in the future. It's a good way to keep on what you're doing- I guess that's how we have to do it now in this day and age! Well Matt and I (Carlen) say konichiwa!

Anonymous said...

Dear Akari,

I love your Akariesque english. I am excited for your blog! Everyone can learn so much from you.



Anonymous said...

My Dearest Akari,

It's so nice to know that you're doing well! Seeing you working so hard to make your dream come true always gives me a lot of energy. I'm so happy to have such a wonderful friend like you, Akari!

Lots of Love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Akari. If you feel like a little kid going to the store for mom for the first time, so do I. This is actually the first blog that I've ever looked at. I'll check back to see what you are up to from time to time.

Thank you for your great performance at our Martin Luther King Dinner Dance on Friday night. Everyone was so impressed and we are so inspired by one who truly gives 100% and then some more!

