
Driving 運転

I have been quite busy for the last two weeks, so I could not update my blog for a while. Well, I am doing fine, though.

I noticed that I spend at least one hour for driving every day.

I drive at least 20 miles (32 km) everyday, and even 40 miles (64 km) three times per week. From where I live (up country) to downtown (Kahului) is about 10 miles one-way. So, going down the hill and coming up is 20 miles totally. When I go to work in Kihei, it takes 20 miles to get there, so it is totally 40 miles of driving.

We drive about 50 miles (80 km) per hour on the highway. It usually takes 20-25 minutes to get to Kahului from where I live and 30-40 minutes to go to Kihei.

Probably, it is not unusual here in the U.S. because many people drive a long distance to get to work. It would be unusual in Japan, though.

I am usually entertained by Maui's scenery and landscape, and I listen to Dave Matthews Band while I drive, so I don't get bored, but it can be tiring sometimes. Also, gas is not cheap, either.

Anyway, I would like to share one of the sceneries that I see everyday. (Haleakala Highway)





運転しているときは、いつもマウイの景色を楽しませてもらって、車の中でDave Matthews BandのCDを聴いているので退屈することはありません。でも、時々やっぱり疲れます。ガソリン代も馬鹿になりませんし。



University of Hawai'i  ハワイ大学

I have good news!!

Now, I am a University of Hawai'i student!

Yes, I was accepted to University of Hawai'i at Manoa, College of Education, "State-wide" Elementary Education Program starting in May 2006!!!

I received a letter from UH on Friday night.

Thank you very much, everyone for your support!

As I mentioned in the past blog, I had an interview with UH faculty members in the end of February, and I was told that they would let me know whether I would be accepted or not around the third week of March. After the first week of April passed without any notice, I was a little bit anxious to hear from them because not being accepted namely meant that I had to leave U.S. Well, now, I am staying here for at least two more years.

This program will give me a four-year degree (Bachelor's degree) in Elementary Education at the end of completion. The program is unique because classes are taught via Internet and partially video conferencing, and I fly to Oahu about twice per semester to meet other classmates and teachers. Since I am not required to show up to a classroom physically, my work and personal commitments will need to accommodate this undertaking.

Also, I am the first international student being accepted to this "State-wide" program, so I am kind of a test case. If I do well in this program, it will open up the door for more international students, so I hope that I will do well :) But, I don't have much pressure. I will just do my best in my own desire of learning knowledge and skills as much as I can.

First instruction will be on Oahu May 19-21. We will learn skills for distance students. I have to book a flight now. (The cost of flight is included in the tuition fee.) Well, I am still a student at age of 23. I thank my parents. I will work hard :)












Alchemy of Breath 呼吸の錬金術

                     <Flowers from Emi's garden>
I started to take my friend, Sarala's Oddisi dance class about three weeks ago. (If you would like to learn more about what Oddisi dance is, please visit her web-site.) It is a beautiful art form, and I admire whenever Sarala demonstrates students a movement. I sigh just because it is so stunning. It is also the most difficult dance style I have ever learned. It is almost learning a totally new language with my body. I think that Oddisi dance takes a different way to communicate with our bodies than Western style of dance forms, such as ballet, jazz dance, hip-hop, and so on. I feel frustration just like when I try to express something in English which is not my native language. However, her class brings me so much joy and helps me to be grounded. She starts her class with meditative movements which prepares me to enter into myself. I gradually become absent from the world where I usually live, yet at the same time, I become very alert. With that state of being, it is easier to follow Sarala's directions. Otherwise, even a moment of distraction throws me off from the class.

Last night, when I was learning a particular pose and movement, I felt extremely uncomfortable. My body was not in a familiar position; I was not in control of my own body. Then, Sarala said, "Breathe." I took a deep breath, and one more. As I breathed, I intentionally exhaled all my negative energy, and powerful energy naturally came in as I inhaled. After a couple of breaths, I began to feel very clearer and simpler. I felt that a new energy was born within me. The energy kept burning by using the uncomfortableness as fuel, and the breathing was the vehicle. Then, somebody quietly yet firmly whispered in my ear, "This is the alchemy, creating gold out of lead." At that moment, a strong, fervent wind plunged through me and ringed clearly like a bell. I have this wind whenever I learn something important in my life, and I love the feeling of how it run through me.... It does not happen as often as I want, though :-) Creating gold out of lead, and creating joy out of suffer...

It was a beautiful lesson that I learned how breathing helps in a difficult situation. I am excited like a child who got a new toy. Now, I have a tool to work with when I have difficult times in my daily life. How exciting is that? Thank you, the universe.

Sarala(サララ)というお友達のダンスクラスに3週間ほど前から行き始めました。(彼女の教えているOddisi (オディッシィ)ダンスについてもう少し知りたい方は彼女のウェブサイトを訪れてみてください。)Oddisiダンスはとても美しい芸術の一つだと思います。サララが生徒に模範の演技を見せてくれる度に、たとえそれがたった3秒でも、私はため息をついてしまいます。美しすぎて。Oddisiダンスは私が今までに学んだダンススタイルの中で一番難しいです。まるで全く新しい言語を学んでいるような気持ちです。Oddisiダンスは西洋の、バレーやジャズダンスや、ヒップホップなどの踊りと違った方法で体とコミュニケーションするからだと思います。まるで英語で何かを一生懸命話そうとするときと同じようなフラストレーション(歯がゆい思い)を感じます。しかし、サララのクラスを受けると、沢山のジョイを感じますし気持ちがとても落ち着きます。クラスは瞑想的な動き(ワームアップ)で始まります。そこで私は私自身の中へ入っていく準備をします。段々と私たちが普段生活する世界から意識が遠のいていきます。しかし、同時に私は普段以上に目の覚めた状態になります。その状態になると、サララのクラスについていくのが少し容易になります。そうでなければ、一瞬の気が散った状態が命取りとなります(大袈裟ですが、つまりクラスに付いていけなくなるということ。でも、サララは鬼のような先生ではありませんので、そこを皆さんご理解くださいな)。




Relaxation リラックスするということ

I found it's difficult to relax. Sadly, I have not yet learned how to truly relax at this point of my life, but I am learning a little by little for sure.


I think that it ties to my self esteem. To be okay with who I am, my mind tells myself to work hard all the time. If I am not doing something, I don't feel fine and start to look for something to do. And, needles to say, it's not healthy for my body, emotion, and spirit. I got stop doing this! Taking care of myself has been my biggest challenge since I was young. After while, part of me gets upset with myself saying, "Hey, I'm here! Take care of me. Why do you always ignore my needs?" I want to be my friend, not an enemy.


Last Sunday evening, I saw the sky turning into pink. It was beautiful, and I let myself just watch it without doing anything. I felt uncomfortable doing so, but I just told myself, "You know, Akari. Life is too short, why don't you live if you cannot appreciate this beauty?" So, I did. I saw the tree swaying subtly.


Recently, I started to read a book called "The Power of Now" written by Eckhart Tolle. I love this book! There are many parts where I would like to quote. For today, I would like to share with you Page 51 stating, "The reason why some people love to engage in dangerous activities, such as mountain climbing, car racing, and so on, although they may not be aware of it, is that it forces them into the Now -- that intensely alive state that is free of time, free of problems, free of thinking, free of the burden of the personality. Slipping away from the present moment even for a second may mean death. Unfortunately, they come to depend on a particular activity to be in that state. But you don't need to climb the north face of the Eiger. You can enter that state now."

最近、エックハート トールさんという人が書いた「ザ パワー オブ ナウ」という本を読んでいます。この本に今は首っ丈です。(でもなかな読む時間が無いんだけど)日本語にも訳されているのかな?その中でも沢山引用したいところがあるのだけど、今日のところは51ページ目をちょっこと皆さんとシェアしたいと思います。「どうして人はしばしば山登りやカーレースなどの危険なことに心を奪われるかというと、(きっと彼らはその理由には気づいていないだろうけども)それらが彼らを否が応でも今という瞬間(とき)に生きることを要求するからだ。あの力強い生きているという感覚。時間や抱え込んだ問題、考え、重荷から解き放たれる感覚。今という瞬間(とき)から一瞬でも気を抜くと、即ち死を意味する世界。残念ながら、彼らはその感覚に訪れるために独特の活動に依存していく。しかし、アイガー(ヨーロッパにある山)の北壁を登らなくてもいいんだ。その感覚にあなたは「今」いくことが出来るんだ。」

I agree with this because when I surf, I am thinking nothing. There is only me and the ocean, and I have to be in the present to survive especially when the waves are big. I think that's why I surf. I like the moment to be nothing but me in the only present, and consequently it releases a lot of stress. Also, this moment due to its extrem simplicity, it leads me to be connected with the source of life again. I love the moment! I think that most of us are depending on those activities in a healthy way, not in an addicted way. I will be surfing even when I become a grandmother. However, the book states that even when I don't surf, I can enter that state right now. How wonderful is that?



Sakura & Jacaranda 桜とジャコランダ

It's April. I am missing Sakura in Japan. One of many things what I love about Japan is the four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season is distinguished from one another in many different ways: colors, smells, temperatures, sounds, tastes, and feelings. When I first came to Maui, I got homesick. I felt like there was a hall in my heart, and wind blows through it.

One day, my friend took me to upcountry of Maui, and I saw purple "sakura!!" Well, they were not quite sakura but were called jacaranda. When I saw jacaranda trees, I immediately thought of sakura, and they made me feel at home here on Maui. Around this season, jacaranda bloom as sakura does. It's the sign of spring's arrival. (This Sakura picture was taken from "Jibun Kokusaika Keikaku." It's Tamami's blog, and I just found her blog about a month ago. Since then, I am visiting her blog almost everyday. Her blog makes me laugh and cheers me up always. There are a lot of beautiful pictures and thoughtful sentences. They are all written in Japanese, though. I recommend you to visit there.)


四 月になりました。日本の桜が恋しい今日この頃です。沢山日本の好きなところはありますが、一つ挙げますと、四季があることです。それぞれの季節が独自の 色、におい、温度、音、味、そして情緒があります。私は初めてマウイに来て住み始めた時、ホームシックになっていました。そんなある日、友達がマウイの アップカウントリー(ハレアカラ山の中腹)の方へ連れて行ってくれて、その時に紫色の桜を見ました!本当のところその花は桜ではなく、ジャコランダという 花でした。私はその花を見た途端に桜を連想しました。そしてジャコランダたちがマウイにいながら故郷日本に居るような気持ちにさせてくれたのでした。
この季節 にジャコランダも桜と同様に花を咲かせます。春の訪れのサインです。