
Becoming a Teacher 先生になっていく

This semester, I am doing my student teaching at a different elementary school from where I used to do in the previous semester.

Last semester, I worked with 1st graders, and this semester, I am working with 5th graders. Big difference can be observed! 1st graders were learning how to spell words. They often asked me, "Miss Akari, how do you spell orange?" Now, 5th graders are reading long novels, writing long sentences, and using higher critical thinking skills to solve problems! Wow, children do grow.

I knew myself liking to work with younger students, so I was a bit nervous when I was placed in a higher grade classroom. But, what I am finding out is that I actually enjoy working with 5th graders! There are different points of attraction. 1st graders are simply cute, and I am happy to help them develop the first foundation as a life-long learner. For 5th graders, I can enjoy challenging them, and they are still cute, too :)

This week, I taught a math lesson. They are learning about data organization, so I reviewed about the circle graph and percentage with them. I am enjoying working with them and my mentor teacher. I guess I am becoming a teacher one step at a time.







Save Animals with Chocolates チョコレートで動物たちを助けよう

Valentine's Day is coming soon.

We have Valentine's Day in Japan, and our custom is that a girl gives chocolates to a boy she likes. In America, boys also give chocolates to girls. I like that.

I remember giving one to a boy from the same class when I was about a second grader. I went to a store to look for one with my mother, and my father gave me a ride to his house. It is now a cute memory. In my intermediate school years, I liked this boy who played soccer. It was my first-puppy-love. I went to Shinjyuku (big city in Tokyo) with my friend to look for a chocolate and a card for him. My friend asked him to come to a classroom after school. My heart was pumping as if I could hear the sound, and I opened the classroom door. There he was. Only thing I could say was "This is for you..." and I gave him the chocolate. BUT, the wrapping came off as I handed it to him. It was so embarrassing, and I did not know what to do. In the end, my love did not bear fruit; he dated with one of my friends. I had the first broken heart :-)

Well, I remember these days with tender feeling towards myself. I was young, and I was doing my very best. The memory is cute, and everything I experienced even pain was precious.

This year, I bought chocolates for my father, mother, brother, and my brother's girlfriend, and of course for Loren. (In Japan, we sometimes give chocolates to family members just to show family love.) I sent them chocolates last week with a card, and they received them.

The chocolates I bought are called Endangered Species Chocolate. This company makes yummy chocolates and uses the profit to save animals that are faced with the danger of extinction. Their cocoa is 100% ethically traded. They buy cocoa from small family-owned properties, helping sustain the habitats and communities they are in. They also make organic chocolate bars.

If you are looking for chocolates for Valentine's Day or just to eat, please try one made by Endangered Species Chocolate. You will be happy with chocolate, and you can save precious animals and people on this planet.








私が買ったチョコレートは「Endangered Species Chocolate」という会社の物で、この会社はおいしいチョコレートを作るだけでなく、その売り上げを絶滅の危機に瀕した動物たちを救うための活動に使っています。また原料となるココアは100%道徳的に(フェアに)取引してものを使っています。彼らはココアを生産して家計を立てている小さな民営の家族たちから買い取るようにしていて、その農家の人たちが住んでいる地域の活力維持を補助しています。また、この会社はオーガニックのチョコレートも作っています。



Tenzin Again! またテンジンだ!

Exactly one year ago (2/2/2006), I wrote about my friend, Tenzin on this blog. She is now in Santa Cruz, studying to be a nurse. We met at MCC (Maui Community College) and became friends. For more information on our friendship, please visit this page :-)

Just like last year, she e-mailed me out of blue, "Hi Akari, I am on Maui!"
She was visiting Maui and her brother.

Last Friday night (2/2/2007), she invited me to dinner. It was really nice to see her again. She was the same girl I knew who is funny, charming, and kind. I spent a good time with her and her friends. Although I cannot see her often, I am appreciative that I have a friend like her to care about me :-)

In April, His Holiness The Dalai Lama will visit Maui. He will give a free speech to the public on Maui at Maui Art Cultural Center (MACC) on April 24th. I am so appreciative to this once-a-life time blessing to meet such a beautiful soul.

When I was a President of MCC Peace Club, I organized a movie night at MCC for the students and the public. The movie was called "Cry of Snow Lion."
Tibet has a sad history, but what I admire the most about this country is that they never plan to revenge on China for taking their country away and has been showing the world how to solve problems in a peaceful way. I think that Dalai Lama has been one of the greatest leaders in the history to lead his people like that through both spiritual and political worlds.

Tenzin's brother and his friends will offer a dance before Dalai Lama's speech. I am looking forward to that day.

(Photo taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tenzin_Gyatzo_foto_2.jpg)





4月には僧形の王ダライラマがマウイを訪れます。彼は4月24日にマウイ アート カルチュアル センターにて無料で講義を一般の方に向けてされる予定です。この一緒に一度あるかないかの貴重な機会を心からありがたく想って過ごしています。

私がマウイコミュニティカレッジのピースクラブの部長をしていた頃、キャンパスで「Tibet : Cry of the Snow Lion チベット:クライ・オブ・ザ・スノーライオン」という映画を上映する企画を立てて実行したことがあります。チベットは悲しい背景のある国です。しかし、私がこの国を最も敬服する点は、領土、信仰の自由、言葉、文化、全てを奪っていった中国に対し復讐をしてやろうという考えが無く、世界にどうやって問題を平和的に解決するかを身をもって示してくれている国である点です。そんな中、ダライラマは彼の人々をそのように平和的に導き、精神世界と政治的な世界の両方で活躍されていることから、今まで歴史上に存在した立派なリーダーたちの一人だと思うのです。



Mighty Power of Nature 自然の壮大な力

(The sign indicates you can only turn left, but the palm tree could not help to go right because of the Kona Storms.)
(Japanese: 左にしか曲がってはいけませんって交通標識が示してるのに、椰子の木さん、コナストームのおかげで右に曲がっちゃいました。)

This week, Maui had a lot of wind and rain.
Kona Storms brought them.
I have been on Maui for five years, but this year was my first time to feel them so strongly. The wind blew everything. The rain washed away everything. One night, I was seriously concerned wheatear the house I live in was safe because it was built over a cliff.

For those of you who do not know what Kona Storms are: I don't really know how to explain, so I searched information from the Internet. According to this web-site (http://wrc.iewatershed.com/index.php?pagename=news_031231), "they are the result of upper level low-pressure systems that become 'cut-off' from the main flow of middle-latitude westerly wind belt. Once cut-off, these lows meander (sometimes moving toward the east and sometimes retrograding to the west). Until another upper level low-pressure system or trough approaches, the cut-off moves little. Hence, its clouds and rains can affect part or all of the island chain for days. Equally important is that the low "disrupts" or disturbs the normal northeasterly trade winds."

I see.

On Wednesday (1/31)'s Maui News, it was reported that Maui recorded the highest gusts in the state on Tuesday. A blow of 58 mph was recorded at the Haleakala National Park ranger station at 7,000 feet elevation at 3 p.m.

Indeed. Nature has shown us how mighty they are.

A tattered warning flag flaps in the strong winds at Kamaole Beach Park I Tuesday afternoon in Kihei (taken from http://www.mauinews.com/story.aspx?id=27241)
(Japanese: 火曜日のキヘイのカマオレビーチパーク1にて、ぼろぼろになった警告用の旗が強い風の中ではためいていた。写真はhttp://www.mauinews.com/story.aspx?id=27241から抜粋。)




コナストームとは何かと言いますと、私も上手く説明出来ませんので、ちょっとインターネット上で調べてみました。このウェブサイト(http://wrc.iewatershed.com/index.php?pagename=news_031231) にによりますと(私のつたない英語訳ですが・・・)コナストームは地球の真ん中くらいの緯度を西へ向いて吹く風の主流から切り離されて出来た低気圧の上部を指すようです。そして、この低気圧域は一旦切り離されるますと、時には東へ向けて、また時には逆行して西へ向けてあてもなくさまようそうです。他の同じようにして出来た低気圧域、もしくは気圧の谷が近づくまで切り離されてしまった低気圧域はあまり動かないそうです。なので、この低気圧がハワイ諸島の頭の上を停留している間は雲が出来て雨が降るというわけだそうです。なるほどね。

